NaLu Week Day 3 ~ Admiration ~

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Team Natsu was spending the night at the guild hall for a sleepover. Well, not just for the sake of a sleepover. Makarov told them the guild became haunted at night, which caught Natsu's interest immediately. He wanted to stay the night and see what would happen. Gray and Erza were on board, but Lucy and Wendy needed to be more convinced. Erza convinced them when she said they had to... That's Erza for ya!

*Evening at the Guild*

"Do we really have to stay the night?" Lucy complained for the hundredth time.

"Of course! Don't you want to see the ghosts that haunt the place?" Natsu said with an evil look.

"No way! Why would I?" Lucy said with scared, wide eyes.

"Well, we said we would do, so we are!" Erza's voice said.

"Fine. But, where are we going to sleep?" Lucy asked.

"Sleep? We're not going to sleep if we want to see the ghosts!" Natsu said seriously.

"You can do that. I don't want to!" Lucy said just as seriously.

"Oh, come on, Lucy! Don't be such a downer!" Natsu said while looking around.

"The sun's almost gone now." Wendy piped in.

Everyone set up their sleeping bags in the part where they usually eat and hang out. Lucy and Wendy set their's next to each other underneath a table. Natsu, Gray, and Erza put theirs out in the open, but far away from each other. Happy and Carla were there, too, and set up their own little beds on top of the table where Lucy and Wendy were going to sleep.

"Okay. Now, we wait." Erza said.

"What should do in the mean time?" Gray asked.

"Um, we could play a game." Wendy said.

"What kind of game?" Happy asked while munching on a fish.

"I brought cards." Erza said setting them down on a table.

"How about Mao?" Natsu suggested and everyone agreed.

They played the game for a little over an hour. It was almost 10pm. They played one more round and then it was 11pm. Natsu won the first round and Erza won the second. Lucy wanted to go to sleep, but nobody else did. Not even Wendy wanted to. They stayed up and talked. Lucy layed on her sleeping bag and took out a piece of paper and a pen/quill. She decided to write about her day and what she was doing right now to her mom and dad. She wrote how crazy her friends were for this, but that she didn't mind it as of right now. That would change soon.

** 1 hour later **

As soon as the clock struck midnight, there was a loud screech coming from upstairs. Everyone jumped, even Natsu and Erza. Lucy put away the things she was using to write to her parents. (A/N- For Kirsten bc she doesn't watch Fairy Tail, but it is a spoiler if you haven't gotten past the Tenrou arc- Both of Lucy's parents are dead, just so you know! She writes to her mom a lot, so she probably writes to both of them now. Not sure if they stated that in the anime or not.) Everyone went silent and listened to see if they would hear the sound again. Soon enough, another screech came and it was louder and scarier. Well, scarier to Lucy and Wendy.

"Maybe it's a ghost! Let's go!" Natsu said.

"Wait. Mirajane gave me this contraption that captures moving pictures. I believe she called it a camera. Reedus made it." Erza stated pulling it out.

"Why?" Gray asked as everyone eyed the camera.

"Makarov wanted to see if we could catch a ghost on it. I press this button here and it records what we see. It, even, has a night vision button, which is perfect for right now." Erza said excitedly and started for the stairs.

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