~ Robotics Competition ~ Part 2

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Sweat was running down Levy's forehead. She was so close to victory, but this guy was good. His robot was fast and strong. Not to mention, time was running out on the match. This guy, Mel, was going for another attack on Levy's robot. Fortunately, she made her robot nimble, so it jumped right over Mel's robot before it hit. This match was very exciting. There were different tasks the robots had to perform before getting to fight each other. Some of the tasks earlier in the day were throwing wiffle balls which represent fuel into a simulated boiler for an airship to take off as well as climb a rope. Whoever got the airship to take off first wins (2017 - Steamworks). The second task was to pick up cubes and throw them onto scales to tip them in their favor. Also, cubes could be pushed into holes for power ups, but only when 3 are collected (2018 - Power Up). Levy knew they were using past years games, except for the last one which is the one she was currently competing in. They called it 'Battle Bots'. It's pretty much self-explanatory, but it's basically where people will face off against another and try to destroy the other's robot by any means except distracting the other player.

Levy's Robot - Shiny, white; Basically looks like the fairy in the beginning of Fairy Tail's opening theme song, Snow Fairy.

Mel's Robot - At first looks like a giant metal beast, but later turns into a small iron robot with more physical movements - Kind of like a small Voltron, but not exactly.

"This match is so intense!" A random fanboy yelled from the crowd.

"Yeah, that guy has been the champion for the past 2 years, but this girl is holding up so well!" Another guy said.

"I still think Mel's going to win."

"No, the girl, Levy's got it in the bag."

People continued to debate who was going to win, but the competitors ignored it. Levy's robot was mostly dodging her opponent's attacks, but she wasn't landing many hits on Mel's. He was the champion after all. However, Levy was doing extremely well for her first real robotics competition. She saw an opening and smacked the lights out of Mel's robot.

"Crap." Mel mumbled under his breath and Levy smirked.

"Come on, girl, we can do this." She whispered to her robot.

Her robot's sleek, sheen body started to change a bit in form. The wings got replaced with jets, claws were revealed from the nails, and the mouth opened for sharp teeth to appear. Levy looked at Mel to see his annoyed face turn into shock. Levy's smirk grew and she started destroying Mel's robot. Suddenly, his face turned calm and he pressed a button. His robot started to shed it's dark metal exterior to show a steel iron robot within. It was no longer a big, bulky bot, but a small and shiny robot. They were both filled with surprises and the crowd went wild as well as the other competitors who lost earlier to Levy and Mel.

Mel and Levy were now neck and neck in battle. They fought with everything they had. Levy clawed at Mel as he tripped her. There was just no winning here. Levy activated the jets and rammed full speed into Mel. His robot fell over, but quickly got back up. His robot pounced onto Levy's and the battle continued. A minute later, Levy's robot hooked onto Mel's with her sharp teeth sunk into his side. Her robot hung on as Mel frantically tried to get her off. His robot started to crack.

"Oh shi-" Mel's curse was cut off by a buzzer.

Time was up. Levy and Mel looked at each other. Levy sighed and Mel looked defeated. However, neither one was defeated nor did either win. It was a tie. No one expected a tie, but they accepted it. In fact, Levy was very happy and proud of herself. She didn't expect to get this far. Not to mention, to the finals against the champion, Mel. She kind of looked up to him as an inspiration to continue her passion for this sort of stuff. They made their over to one another and shook hands.

"Good game, rookie. You surprised me and everyone here. You did exceptionally well." Mel said to Levy with a smile.

"Thanks. You did just as well, of course. I look forward to competing with you again someday." Levy replied with her own smile.

"I would gladly compete against you any time, and day. And just saying, it doesn't have to be with robots." Mel held his hand to reveal static between his fingers.

"You're a wizard, too? I had no idea." Levy's said in shock.

"Yeah. I just don't like sharing that with everyone, but I was impressed by you. I want to see how you would do in a fight without your robot."

"Oh, yeah. Definitely, that would be fun!"

"Good. Now, let's go get our trophies and smile for the cameras."


The two walked up to where the announcers were waiting patiently for the two and some others who won in different games. The two had the best smiles and the crowd loved them both. Levy and Mel held up their giant trophies and both did the fairy tail hand sign. Levy quickly ran over to where gramps was sitting cheering with everyone else who came. All of her friends were there and they shared a group hug around her. Gramps and the others congratulated her, even if she didn't win. She was a winner of hearts, though. Gajeel picked her up and spun her. They shared a deep kiss and smiled. Today was such a magical day for Levy, even though magic wasn't involved. Soon enough, it was time to leave the stadium. A fireworks show was about to start outside. Mel joined Levy and her group of friends to watch the beautiful light show above them. What an amazing adventure this was that will hopefully continue and blossom into victories!

The End!

A/N - Thank you for reading this one-shot. I love it because robotics and Fairy Tail together is amazing to me. I love both so much! I hope you liked it. Thanks, again!

Love you all! Spread positivity and don't forget to be yourself! Bye!!

- MAJ xx

P.S - What is something you are passionate about? Whether it be an ability, activity, or show! I would love to know!

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