NaLu ~ Happy Birthday, Lucy!! ~

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Lucy's P.O.V

I was running through town like my life depended on it. Where to hide? Where to hide?! I could feel the heat on my skin, so I ran as fast as my legs would let me. I suddenly saw an opening between two buildings, so I dashed over to it. I saw a barrel and jumped into it, quickly. I was all out of breath, so it was hard to control it, but I tried my best to keep quiet. 

I eventually calmed down and caught my breath. I, involuntarily, exhaled really loud, then sucked in a sharp breath once I realized how loud it was. Footsteps were coming this way. I could hear the thumps getting closer and closer until light flooded into the pitch black barrel I was hiding in. I squinted my eyes until they adjusted. All I could see was fire around me, but it slowly started to get smaller. 

"Lucy!! I found you!!" Natsu shouted in my face when the fire vanished and he was leaning in toward the barrel.

"I guess that means I'm it, again." I sighed as I had a really hard time running after and finding Natsu.

"Actually, I'm bored of this game. Let's go somewhere!" Natsu said, enthusiastically.

"Okay. Where do you want to go?" I asked him.

"Um, how about... Oh! Magnolia Park!!" Natsu's eyes lit up when he said this.

"Why Magnolia Park?" I asked, curiously.

"I heard there's something special going on there! Let's go!" Natsu grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me along before I could protest.

We eventually made it to Magnolia Park and I had a red mark around my wrist when Natsu let go of his tight grip on it. The pain was quickly forgotten when I saw what was going on. A birthday party had been set up for... me?! Oh! I can't believe I forgot my own birthday!! 

"Happy Birthday, Lucy!!" Everyone shouted while Natsu tugged me toward our guild mates. 

"You all did this for me?" I started to tear up at how thoughtful my friends are.

"It was all Natsu's idea, actually!" Levy said running up to me.

"Really?" I was shocked at this as I turned to look at Natsu.

"Yeah." Natsu admitted with lightly tinted red cheeks.

"Oh, Natsu! Thank you!" I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Lucy! You're hugging me too tightly!" Natsu squeaked out.

"I know!" I squeezed him once more then let go, but as soon as I did, I wanted to hug him more.

"They must be in loooove!!" Happy stated flying above us, so we couldn't hurt him for saying that.

"Come on, Lu-chan! Let's go enjoy some of the food." Levy said as she eyed the giant cake.

"Alright!" I said as I licked my lips.

Levy and I dug into some of the food. It reminded me of when I first met Natsu and Happy. Food was flying everywhere once the food I payed for them to eat got to the table as it was now. After we were all done eating and pulling Erza away from the cake, everyone revealed they had gotten me birthday presents! Is it strange that I was really excited to open presents? Probably not! If it is, oh well!

"Thank you so much, Levy!!" I hugged her after receiving a book I wanted by one of my favorite authors.

"You're welcome, Lu-chan!" Levy squeezed me back.

* * * * * *

After opening everyone else's gifts, I finally got to Natsu's. I was very nervous, yet excited to see what Natsu thought to give me. After all, he was the one who came up with the idea for my party, so hopefully his gift won't be too bad, either! I grabbed his nicely wrapped present, which was surprising, but he mouthed the name, "Lisanna". Of course, he would need help with the simplest of tasks.

Anyways, I swiftly unwrapped the bow and started to tear the paper away. I opened the box that was hidden by the paper to reveal a fiery orange colored contraption. I gave Natsu a questionable look and he pointed at a button for me to push, so I pushed it. What happened next was unbelievable!

The contraption split into four parts, which opened up and a pole came shooting out of it. A note was attached to it, which unrolled when the pole stopped. It read, "Happy Birthday! I love you, Lucy!" with some material surrounding it. Suddenly, Natsu breathed some fire over to it causing the material to light up and reveal that it shaped a fiery heart around it. I gasped at it and started to cry. Natsu ran up to me and put his arms around my waist. 

"Why are you crying, Lucy? Did you not like the present?" Natsu asked while eyeing the contraption.

"No, of course not! I loved it! It's just that it's the best birthday present ever! It'd made me really happy to get it from you! Thank you!"

I explained while I wiped away my tears. 

"Oh! Well, you're welcome, Lucy!" Natsu said loosening his grip around me.

I twirled around, pulled him by the collar and planted a kiss right on his startled soft pink lips. Even though he was shocked by my actions, he kissed back. Our kiss was the best kiss I've ever expierenced. I've wanted to kiss Natsu for so long, it started to hurt. Now that it's finally happening, I felt so happy and relieved. 

"I love you, Natsu!" I whispered when we pulled apart.

"I love you, too, Luce!" Natsu whispered back with his signature smile.

Natsu is the one that lights up my world and he told me I'm the key to his heart. Get it? Because he uses fire magic and I use celestial keys for my magic. Yeah, okay! Anyways, being in a relationship with Natsu didn't really change much. We were still best friends. The only thing that changed with our relationship was that a lot more cuddling and kisses went on between us. BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!

A/N- I honestly think this NaLu oneshot is really cute! I usually don't like to say how I feel about my own stuff/writings, but I really enjoyed writing it and just think it's really cute! I wanted to show some of their childish sides in this but, of course, some fluff, too!! I love writing about childish things and fluff, so this is one of my favorites! Anyways, that's all I have for now! Love you all! Remember to spread the love and be confident! BYYEEE!! <3

-MAJ xx

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