Elfgreen ~ This is so embarrassing ~

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"This is so embarrasing!" Evergreen whisper-shouted.

Elfman and Evergreen were with the rest of their guild mates at Magnolia Park. They decided to have a victory picnic. They just defeated Blue Pegasus in a friendly battle of magic. Anyways, Elfman had picked, what he called, "manly flowers" for Evergreen and gave them to her in front of everybody, but Evergreen got flustered and ran off. She thought everybody was staring at them, when in actuality, nobody was paying attention to them at all. Elfman ran after her because he thought it was the manly thing to do.

What is it with Elfman and manly things... Seriously?!

Anyway, when Elfman had finally caught up with her, she quickly turned a sharp corner and he lost her, again. When Elfman turned the corner, he found Evergreen stuck in between two boulders. He quickly ran up to her and she looked at him with a deep red face.

"This is so embarrassing!" Now we're in the present time!

"Evergreen! Are you okay?" Elfman said when he got to her.

"I'm stuck between two giant rocks that are squishing me! Do I look fine?!" She shouted in his face.

"Here, let me get you out of there." Elfman pushed the rocks apart and away from Evergreen.

"Thanks, Elfman." Ever looked down at her feet.

"Evergreen?" He said.

"What is it?" Ever looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" Elfman said gently.

"You already asked that, but yeah, I'm fine." Evergreen said just as gently.

"Alright. I need to ask you something else." Elfman stated.

"Yeah, what?" Ever asked.

"Why do you get so embarrassed that people might see us together? Would it be such a bad thing?" He asked her seriously.

"I don't know. I just don't want to get my heart broken, that's all." She said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I may be good at breaking things, but I would never break your heart or anyone else's. I promise." Elfman pulled Evergreen into a hug.

"Oh, Elfman!" Evergreen cried into his chest.

"Please don't cry, Evergreen!" Elfman said while trying to soothe her.

"I'm s-sorry!" She said between sobs.

Evergreen had finally calmed down and wiped away her tears. She thought she looked like a mess, but Elfman told her she looked perfect just the way she is. Evergreen blushed and then, surprisingly, jumped into his arms. Suddenly, she kissed him, which shocked Elfman so much he forgot to kiss back. Evergreen hit him on the back of the head, which made him snap out of his shocked state and finally kiss back. The kiss they shared was, obviously, very special to both of them. Evergreen had finally accepted Elfman into her life and that he wouldn't break her heart.

"I love you, Elfman!" Evergreen shouted as loud as she could.

"I love you, too, Ever!" Elfman said just as loud.

Suddenly, they heard cheers.

"Congrats, you two!" They both heard Mirajane's voice in their heads... Warren's telepathy.

"Thanks, Mira!" Elfman said and they both made their way back to the picnic.

Their guild mates ran up to them and congratulated them. Elfman and Evergreen are finally together! Everyone was afraid Evergreen would always be to embarrassed to ever admit she loved Elfman, but she finally did! Long live Elfgreen!!

A/N- I think Elfman and Evergreen are so cute! They need to get together already! Anyways, I had fun writing this oneshot for them, so I hope you all enjoyed reading it! Remember to spread the love and stay positive! I believe that is all I have to say for now! Love you guys!
Byyeee!! <3

Question- What is your favorite animal? I like cats the best because they are just so darn cute and adorable. Sadly, I don't have one. And I've decided that if I get a orange male cat, I'm going to name it Natsu!! I'm so weird, but whatever! XD

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