Jerza Week Day 1 ~ Roses/Strawberries ~

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Ding Dong! Erza's doorbell went off. She hurried to her door to find a boquet of roses laying infront of her door. She peeked her head outside of her door, but didn't see or hear anybody in the hall. She went back inside her place with the roses. She noticed it had a note attached to it.

It read:

Dear Erza,

These red roses reminded me of your hair and I thought you would like them. At least, I hope you'll like them because I really like you! I hope you know how much you mean to me, Erza! Happy Anniversary, my scarlet-haired love!


Jellal xx

Erza started to tear up a little while reading this. She also was a little embarrassed because she had forgotten it was their anniversary. She quickly dashed into her room to get dressed into some nicer clothes. She ran out of her place in the girl's dorm area at the guild to find Jellal. Luckily, she had bought Jellal an anniversary present months before, so she wouldn't forget. Oh, the irony! She placed the gift inside her jean jacket's pocket and made it to the guild lobby area. She saw Jellal walk out of the guild and started to run after him, but Mira stopped her before she could.

"Erza! I need your help with something, please!" Mira pleaded.

"Will it be quick?" Erza asked, impatiently.

"I think so! I need help unpacking those!" Mira pointed at a large load of new dishes, since the other ones got destroyed by the guild members.

Erza sighed, but agreed to help, anyways. She would just have to find Jellal later. After an hour of unpacking and putting everything away, Erza sat down next to Lucy. She felt exhausted, but was determined to find Jellal. She got back up and started for the exit.

"Wait up, Erza!" Lucy ran up to her.

"What is it now?" Erza sighed, but looked at her expectantly.

"Um, if you're going to go look for Jellal, I suggest Magnolia park! Good luck!" Lucy said quickly then ran off towards Natsu.

"Okay?" Erza furrowed her brow, but took Lucy's advice and started to run to Magnolia park.

Erza ran the whole way there, but stopped, abruptly when she saw the scenery. All the sakura trees were blooming and candles were set up everywhere lighting up the whole park. Then, she smelled them... STRAWBERRIES!!!!!! Erza ran where her nose led her. When she got to where the strawberries were, her mouth watered at the sight. Strawberries were piled high along with a chocolate fountain next to it. What she was delighted by the most, though, was a certain blue-haired guy was laying down on a blanket next to it all staring at the stars. He didn't notice her presence, so she snuck up on him. She jumped on top of him and he jolted in response along with an oomph sound.

"Happy Anniversary, Jellal!" Erza giggled at her boyfriend she's been dating for 3 years.

"Erza!!" Jellal laughed while trying to get her off of him.

"What is all this?" Erza said sitting next to Jellal.

"Well, it's for our special 3 year anniversary, of course!" He said, nervously.

"Special, huh? Well, if you say so! Now, let's dig into these strawberries!!" Erza said with sparkling eyes as she looked at the strawberries.

"Let's!" Jellal agreed.

After eating different strawberry products and stargazing, Erza found herself alone. She quickly sat up and looked around. Jellal was no where in sight! She stood up to start looking for him, but saw movement out of the corner of her eyes. Jellal was walking toward her. He looked up at her and smiled. He walked up to her and cleared his throat.

"Erza, I'm truly, deeply, madly in love with you. I want to go through more ups and downs with each other. I want to spend my life with you, Erza. I love you so much!", Jellal got down on one knee and stuck out a case with a beautiful big diamond ring in it out to her,"Erza, will you marry me?"

"Of course, I will, Jellal!!" Erza said with tears streaming down her face.

They hugged each other and Jellal wiped away Erza's tears. They stared into each other's eyes then locked lips. They kissed until they needed more air. Erza was so unbelievably happy, she just couldn't stop hugging Jellal. He ended up having to carry her home. He stayed over that night. Since they've been dating for so long, Master allowed Jellal to do this whenever he wanted as long as Erza was okay with it, which she was.

They slept as an engaged couple for the first time and it was wonderful. Jellal and Erza were both happy and couldn't wait to see what their future holds for them both.

A/N - It's the start of Jerza Week!! YAY!! Sorry, I didn't upload anything last week, but, at least, you'll be getting a Jerza one everyday for a whole week!! So, I'm going to have each one-shot I write lead up to their wedding! And if you don't know what Jerza Week means, it's basically writing a one-shot everyday for a week with specific topics. The topics ended up working pretty well for leading into their wedding day! I think that's all for now! Remember to spread the Jerza love and stay positive! I love you all! See ya tomorrow! Byyeee!

- MAJ xx

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