Fairy Tail ~ Miraxus ~

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"Okay, I'm off duty now." Mira said cheerfully to Makarov as she put the last pot away.

"Alright. Oh, I almost forgot. Laxus wanted to see you after your shift. He said he'd meet you outside the guild." Makarov explained.

"Okay, thanks. See you!" Mira said and left the guild.

Mira looked around outside, but didn't see Laxus at all. Was gramps making fun of her because he knew she liked his grandson. That old geezer was going to get it if he really was just joking around. This made Mira upset and she started to run home. She ended up taking a wrong turn as her eyes were blurry with tears and wasn't really paying attention to where she was going. She looked up to find herself in a park. No one else was there, so she sat on one of the benches there. She tried to calm herself down.

"I'm so pathetic." Mira said out loud.

"No you're not." Mira heard a low voice say.

"Laxus?" Mira said looking up quickly.

"Yeah, it's me." He sat down next to her.

"Why are you here?"

"I was trying to find you. I was running a little late to meet you outside the guild. When you weren't there, I tracked your scent." Laxus answered with embarrasment.

"Dragon sense, gotta love it, huh. Sorry about not waiting. I thought gramps was just fooling around."

"Why would you think that?"

"Well, um, I don't know..." Mira trailed up with a red face.

"You like me, don't you." Laxus said it as more of a statement than a question.

"Maybe. You're going to laugh at me now, aren't you?" Mira said just above a whisper.

"Mirajane, I would never do that!" Laxus said in a very serious tone.

"Why, I'm lame for thinking I'd even have a chance-" Mira got cut off by Laxus locking lips with her.

Mira began to cry as this was the moment she had been dreaming of for a very long time. Even when she acted like a jerk, she had a thing for him. Ever since she changed into this better version of herself, she became more aware of her feelings for this particular dragon slayer. She never in a millenium that this would ever happen. She was worried she would never get over him if he found someone else. Just the thought of him with someone else hurt Mira so bad she couldn't bear it. She didn't have to worry about any of that now, though, as she was kissing the guy of her dreams. It felt as if they've been kissing for hours, but when they finally pulled apart for air, it had only been a few minutes.

"Mira, I love you. I really do." Laxus said with a blush of his own.

"I love you, too, Laxus! This is the best day of my life!" Mira said standing up in victory, but just then it started to storm.

"Well, let's get you inside so you don't catch a cold." Laxus wrapped her in his giant jacket and they ran to Laxus' house which was quite close to where they were.

They entered his house and he made them both hot coco. Mira thanked him and he gave her clothes to change into as they got soaked from the heavy rain. He lit the fireplace in his home and they cuddled on the couch. Mira couldn't believe any of this was happening, but she wouldn't have it any other way. They were both extremely happy about how the day ended up. It stormed the whole night, so Mira stayed over with Laxus. It seemed a bit awkward at first, but they stayed with each other in the same bed. Obviously, nothing went on between them besides cuddling and maybe a few kisses here and there, but it was too early for anythng else.

~ A few years later ~

Mira and Laxus got married with a very lovely ceremony. Erza was there wedding planner... Mostly because she wouldn't take no as an answer. It turned out to be amazing as she promised, though! They had two energy-filled kids, a boy and a girl. Named them Karaka (boy) and Moriko (girl). They lived a wonderful life together filled with adventures and never-endng love.

A/N - I know this is short and kind of fast moving, but I really wanted to get a one-shot out today. I wrote in within 2 hours, so yeah. Sorry, but I hope you all enjoy it, anyways! Anyways, that's all I have to say for now! Love you all! Remember to stay positive and spread happiness! Byyeee!!

- MAJ xx

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