~ Rowen ~

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Wendy was on her way to guild because a meeting was happening today. As she turned a corner, she ran smack dab in someone. They both fell to the ground. As Wendy rubbed her arm, she heard someone speak.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wendy looked up to see a boy that seemed to be around her age.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Wendy said as she took the hand he had extended toward her.
"I'm really sorry. I didn't see you which seems kinda hard, since you're so stunning." The boy said as he shifted his glasses on his face.
"What? I'm, uh, not that. I'm sorry, but I have to get going." Wendy awkwardly said and ran away.
"Huh... Try to talk to someone they said... It'll be fine they said." The boy threw his hands in the air and walked away.

Wendy felt bad about the situation, but felt a little panicked about it. She finally made it to the guild hall as the meeting was about to start. She saw her friends and went over by them.

"Wendy! What took you so long, child?" Carla said as she ran to her.
"I'm sorry, Carla! I ran into some boy on the way here."
"... A boy..." Carla said coldly and her claws came out.
"It's okay, Carla. I didn't really talk to him, even if he did sort of hit on me..." Wendy trailed off.
"WHAT?!" Carla screamed and started to rapidly fly out of Fairy Tail to scratch the boys eyes out, but Wendy grabbed her tail.
"Carla, Wendy, what's going on? Why did you scream?" Lucy asked walking over.
"A boy flirted with my Wendy! Can you believe it?!" Carla seemed to be in hysteria by this point.
"Well, that's not really a surprise. She's adorable and has the best personality!" Lucy replied and Wendy blushed.
"Hey guys, the meeting's about to start. Come on!" Natsu said with Romeo by his side.

Romeo was looking right at Wendy, but looked away when she looked at him. She raised an eyebrow, but didn't have time to think about it as Makarov started the meeting. It didn't last that long, only about an hour. Master wanted to make sure everyone had a partner for the upcoming obstacle course tournament. Wendy was planning to have Carla as her partner, but learned exceeds weren't allowed.

You could team up with wizards from different guilds and a lot of people did that. Wendy didn't know what to do. Everyone in her guild seemed to have a partner already. She decided to ask the master for help. Makarov thought hard of different partners that would be beneficial to her and them.

"Oh, I know someone. He's pretty new, but has a lot of talent. His name is Mikey." Makarov explained who he was and what he looked like.
"I see. I think I know who that is. I met a boy earlier today that matches that description."
"Excellent! Well, I believe he was looking for a partner, too. You guys are similar, so I think you'll hit it off. He's part of the Lamia Scale guild. Check there if you want to find him."
"Okay, thanks, Master! I'll be off then!" Wendy said already walking away towards the exit and waving goodbye. Little did she know a pair of eyes were watching her leave. Those eyes belonging to someone who wanted to be her partner, but was afraid of rejection.

Wendy continued on her way, humming 'Snow Fairy'. She finally made it to Lamia Scale. When she entered, she immediately spotted some familiar faces. There was Lyon, Jura, Toby, Yuka, and... Huh, someone's mis-.

"WENDY!!" Chelia shouted as she jumped on Wendy.
"Hey Chelia!" Wendy greeted the young god slayer.
"Is something wrong? You usually fight back." Chelia observed as she helped Wendy up.
"Well, I'm looking for someone. He's a member of this guild. I don't know his name, though."
"I bet it's Mikey. Yo Lyon! Where's Mikey?" Chelia smirked.
"How would I know? I'm not his babysitter." Lyon yelled and stormed off.
"That was odd." Wendy commented.
"You're looking for me..." Wendy and Chelia both looked to where the voice came from. Wendy recognized his face right away.
"Yeah, Wendy was. Well, I better go see what's wrong with Lyon. See ya later, Wendy!" Chelia gave her hand a squeeze and ran off in the direction of Lyon.
"Wendy, was it?" Mikey said with a small smile.
"Yeah, and you're Mikey." They both shook hands.
"That's me..." He trailed off. Boy, was this awkward.
"Listen, about this morning, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn't mean to." Mikey apologized.
"Oh no, don't be sorry! I should be the one apologizing for just running off like that. I just never recieve compliments like that and I panicked. I'm sorry." They both gave a smile.
"So, why were you looking for me?"
"You know about the tournament coming up, right?"
"Well, I was talking to my master because I still need a partner. He suggested you if you didn't have a partner yet, that is..." Wendy looked at him with hopeful eyes.
"Oh. Uh, wow. I'm surprised your master knows who I am. Anyways, yeah, I'll be your partner if you want me to be."
"Yeah! We're partners!" They hung out for the rest of the day.

It was getting late, so Wendy finally said goodbye to her new friend. He was really nice and cool. She entered the Fairy Tail guild to see Romeo causing a commotion. He was yelling at his dad and master. People around him were trying to calm him down.

"What's going on?" Wendy asked Lisanna.
"Romeo's partner ditched him for some girl in Mermaid Heel.
"Oh no. That's so stupid." Wendy said as she looked over at Romeo.
"God! What am I supposed to do now! This was my first time being a part of this tournament and I was really excited! And it's impossible to find another partner at this point!" Romeo said in frustration and stormed off.
"I feel bad for him... He really wanted to be a part of this. I would be his partner if I didn't already have one." Wendy said.

Wendy decided to go talk to Romeo to see if he was okay. She followed his scent thanks to her great sense of smell. She found him sitting alone, all huddled up and holding his knees to his chest, against a tree in the forest nearby. Ba-Dump! Went Wendy's heart. Romeo looked adorable like this when he's not trying to act all tough.

"Romeo?" Wendy called out to him and he stiffened immediately.
"Wendy?" Romeo said when he looked up.
"Yeah, it's me. I just came to see if you were okay." Wendy said, sitting next to him.
"I'm just frustrated."
"I know, I heard what happened."
"Yeah, I was really looking forward to it since I'm finally old enough to compete." Romeo explained and Wendy place her hand on his.
"I'm sure there's someone who also needs a partner. I'll help you!" Wendy said and gave his hand a squeeze.
"You'd do that for me?" Romeo looked at her in disbelief.
"Of course! We're friends and part of the same guild!"Wendy got up and pulled Romeo up with her.

It was super late, but Wendy was determined. They ran through town asking in different guilds. They couldn't find anyone. Romeo was ready to call it a night, but they had one more guild to check, but Wendy didn't want to go there... Mermaid Heel. It was filled with beautiful girls and she didn't like the thought of Romeo's partner being that. Wendy thought about it and decided to go, anyways. It was for Romeo! He needed a partner!

"Come on, Romeo." They entered the guild.
"Hi Wendy and Romeo!" They turned to see Millianna waving.
"Hi Milly!" Wendy greeted her and Romeo nodded.
"What are you guys doing out so late?"
"We're looking for a partner for Romeo."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry about Lizzy stealing your partner away." Romeo looked away with a frown.
"So, do you know of anyone else who needs a partner?" Milly thought and then it seemed like a light bulb went off.
"Yeah, I do!", Wendy's heart dropped,"Her name's Sucy! She's new, but has lots of potential!"
"Where is she?" Romeo asked with interest which Wendy did not like.
"Um... Yeah, she's over there." Milly pointed to a very beautiful young girl who was the same age as them talking to Leslie.
"Wow." Romeo and Wendy both said.

They walked over and Romeo introduced himself and Wendy. They started to talk and became partners within five minutes! Wendy doesn't even know how that happened, she was so engrossed by the girl's perfection and her own envy, she didn't pay attention to what was going on in front of her. Wendy couldn't take it anymore, so she just walked out without a word. Romeo noticed right away, but the girl wanted to talk a little more, so he let her go.

The next day Wendy hung out with Mikey and told him everything about what happened last night. He sympathized with her. He's never liked anyone before, but could understand. He didn't like Wendy in that way or anyone else he's ever met. The reason he called Wendy stunning was because one of his guild mates told him that's a surefire way to make a new friend.

"Wendy, maybe you should just tell Romeo how you feel and you could be his partner." Mikey said.
"But what about you? We're partners!" Wendy looked shocked.
"Well, I didn't really care if I was a part of this tournament or not. I don't mind, seriously." Mikey assured her and Wendy hugged him tight.
"You're amazing, Mikey! I'll talk to you later! Bye!" Wendy ran off towards her guild.

She saw Romeo enter Fairy Tail with Sucy. Wendy stopped in her tracks and felt distraught. She wasn't sure if she could face them or not. She finally mustered up enough courage and went inside. She wasn't noticed, so she quickly sat a table that was kind of hidden behind a pillar. She saw Romeo introducing Sucy and Wendy felt like she was about to lose it. Her face was red and tears were forming. She knew this was ridiculous, but she didn't know what to do. She was so frustrated.

"Wendy? Are you okay?" She heard Romeo's voice question her with concern.
"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine! Perfectly fine." Wendy lied trying to hold back the tears.
"Really because I don't think you are. What's wrong, Wendy?" Romeo asked sitting next to her.
"It's nothing. It's stupid. Don't worry about it." Wendy said and tears started to spill and Romeo pulled her into a hug.
"Wendy, it's okay." Romeo rubbed her back as he held her.

Lots of the others, including Sucy, noticed what was going on. Some were smiling or awwing. Sucy eyes widened, but smiled. She walked over to them and sat down. Romeo and Wendy looked at her.

"Hi. You're Wendy, right?" Sucy said and Wendy just nodded while trying to stifle a sniffle.
"Listen. I think I understand what's happening. I think you two should be partners."
"But what about you?" Wendy squeaked out.
"It's fine. I didn't really care if I was a part of this tournament or not."
"Yes, you do... I know someone who would be the perfect partner!" Wendy smiled suddenly.

Sucy and Mikey hit off right away! Mikey could finally empathize with what Wendy was feeling earlier. He liked this girl and Sucy like him, too!

"Thank you, Wendy!" Mikey said giving her a hug and Sucy waved as they left.
"So, partner, how about lunch?" Romeo asked Wendy with a smile.
"Sure, partner!" Wendy grabbed his hand, but they didn't move.

They were both thinking the same thing. Wendy was just the first to make a move. She turned towards Romeo, let go of his hand, and grabbed him by the collar. She pulled him forward into their first kiss together. Just one of many more to come, but they would never forget their first. This special moment would forever stay in their memories.

A/N - Hi everyone! Hope you are having a wonderful day/night! This one-shot was requested from  Miyoku_Himitori! I hope you like it! And it was more of Wendy getting jealous than Romeo, but nonetheless, it was lots of fun to write! It did take longer than expected, but it's here now! I'm still taking requests, so request away my people! I guess that's all for now! Spread the love and remember to be positive! Byyeee!!

- MAJ xx

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