Gruvia Week Day 6 ~ Light ~

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Gruvia Week Day 6 ~ Light ~

Juvia was in a gloomy mood making it rain pretty hard outside. She didn't know why she was feeling all gloomy, but she guessed it was just one of those days. She was walking along side a river. She saw Lucy's house and paused a moment, but kept on walking. She was going to go talk to Lucy, but she saw she had her own problems to deal with... Natsu and Happy, so she continued her pointless walk with no destination in mind. Juvia eventually stopped by a river and sat on the stone twirling her fingers around in the chilly water. She sighed as the rain continued to pour down. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up.

"G-Gray?" Juvia stuttered out staring at the ice mage.

"Hey Juvia. Is something wrong?" Gray asked the water mage.

"I'm just in a gloomy mood, that's all." She answered looking back down.

"Oh, so that explains why it's raining so hard, huh?" Gray said with a chuckle.

"What are you doing here?" Juvia asked swirling her fingers in the water again.

"I came to find you." He said with a blush creeping on his face as he sat down beside 

"Why?" She asked still not able to shake off this gloomy feeling.

"Well, when it started raining, Erza wanted to make sure everyone was safe. She had Elfman, Gageel, Natsu, and I check up on certain people to make sure they were home safe and sound." Gray explained.

"Did my gloomy mood really cause such a bad storm? It just feels like it's sprinkling to me." Juvia said with a sigh.

"Well, you are the rain woman after all. The rain doesn't affect you, so you probably wouldn't notice how hard the rain is actually coming down." Gray said said pushing his soaking wet hair out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worry. I didn't know I would cause such a bad storm." Juvia started to tear up.

"It's alright, Juvia! Please don't cry!" Gray said putting an around her. Not even her darling Gray could lift her mood. 

"I can't help it! I don't know why I feel this way!" Suddenly the rain started to become unbearable for Gray. 

"Ice make shield!" Gray shouted which caused a thick layer of ice to cover him and Juvia from the rain.

"G-Gray?" Juvia stuttered, but Gray shushed her.

"Shh. It's okay, Juvia!" Gray cradled her in his arms. 

As she calmed down, Juvia felt so much better all of sudden. Her gloomy mood dissapeared as well as the rain. Gray's ice shield was also gone now. Gray helped her up and they smiled at each other. 

"I guess I just needed a shoulder to cry on." Juvia said with a laugh.

"Good thing I was here then, huh?" Gray said with a smile.

"It's always a good thing when you're with me, Gray!" Juvia blushed when she said this.

"Whatever you say, Juvia!" Gray shook his head at her, but a blush found it's way on his face as well.

Juvia and Gray went to the guild to find everyone there for once. Even Natsu and Lucy were there now. Gray and Juvia joined them and Juvia explained it was her mood that caused the rain. And that Gray was the one who made it all better. 

"Aww! You guys would be adorable together, you know?" Mirajane said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. 

"What?!" Gray shouted in shock at his friends suggestion.

"Gray doesn't feel that way about me, guys. I'm just happy we're friends!" Juvia said with a small smile.

Suddenly, Gray grabbed Juvia and planted a kiss right on her soft pink lips. Juvia was shocked by Gray's action, but she, reluctantly, kissed back. Every girl awwed while the guys whistled. While they were kissing, the sun came out and light flooded into the guild. Gray and Juvia's bodies were being illuminated by the golden light and the scene just looked so beautiful! They finally pulled apart to breathe and were staring at each other with big smiles on their faces! 

"GRUVIA!!" Mirajane shouted.

"GRUVIA!!!!!!" Everyone shouted this time while the couple laughed at them.

A/N- There's only one day left of Gruvia Week!! I'm happy and upset at the same time! Haha! Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed this interesting, but cute Gruvia oneshot! I've just been rewatching some random Fairy Tail episodes! My Spring Break is over now, but hopefully my I won't upload it too late! I was kinda busy, but mostly lazy, so that's why I updated so late! Sorry! That's all for now! Remember to stay amazing and spread your love for Fairy Tail/Anime!!!!!! I love you all!! Byyeee!! <3

Question: Who is your favorite ship in Fairy Tail? Mine is NaLu because Natus and Lucy are just too adorable! I love them so much!! <3 <3 But, of course, I love all the others as well!! <3

-MAJ xx

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