NaLu Week Day 1 ~ Longing ~

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Lucy was so excited. She was finally going on a date! That should show Aquarius that she could get a date on her own. Lucy kept smiling to herself that she didn't notice how weird she looked just sitting there with a big grin. Someone did notice, however, and took full advantage of it.

"Uh-oh! I think Lucy is in looovve!!" Happy said with a cheeky smirk.

"Maybe..." Was all Lucy said, which left Happy shocked and confused.

"WHAT?!?" Happy shouted, which caught everyone's attention.

"What's the matter, buddy?" Natsu asked coming over.

"Lucy said that she might be in love!!" Happy said with wide eyes.

"Really? That's surprising." Natsu said.

"NATSU!! Don't you understand how bad this is?!" Mira cut in rushing over.

"Wha-?" Was all Natsu could manage to say before Mira took over.

"Natsu, you and Lucy were made for eachother! If she's in love with someone else, my- I mean your- universe will be destroyed. I'm the best matchmaker around, so

I say that you and Lucy are best for eachother!!' Mira finished her rant.

"Okay? Well, I don't think it really matters, does it? I mean, as long as Lucy is happy, it's fine, right?" Natsu said with a shrug.

"NO! Lucy will only be happy with you!" Mira said while shaking Natsu's shoulders to get the idea through his thick skull.

"Whatever you say, Mira! How about we just wait and see what happens after her date."


"Yeah, she's going on a date with some guy she met the other day."

"Wait, so you knew she was going a date this whole time?"

"Yeah, she told me right away and wouldn't stop talking about how excited she was."

"Oh... well, fine, then! We'll wait! When's the date?"

"Tomorrow night, I believe."


Lucy was at home waiting for tomorrow to come! She has been longing to go a date forever and she was finally going on one! She had everything picked out already.

She knew what dress she was going to wear, what style of hair, and even what make-up to wear. The guy was going to pick the place, though. She was so happy, she could hardly contain it!


It was finally the next day and Lucy was the most excited she's ever been. She was going on her first real date with a guy who actually might like her. Lucy took a shower, brushed her teeth and hair, and then headed to the guild.

"Hey, look. It's Lucy." Mira said from behind the counter.

"Yeah, I know." Erza said with a duh voice.

"Did you know that she's going on date tonight?"

"Lucy? Our LUCY?!" Erza said with a shocked expression.

"Yeah. Apparently it's some guy from a famous guild. Don't know which one, though."

"How about you ask her, then?"

"I don't know. I don't want to be rude or nosey."

"Mira, you're always nosey. Just ask her!"

"Fine. You didn't have to be so mean about it."

"Sorry. I'll buy you ice cream later, then, okay?"

"Yay! Okay!"

"Hey Lucy!" Mira said walking up to her.

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