Chapter 88: Revisited: How He Asks You Out

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Day 6 of 12

Info: Y/HC: Your house's common room: Gryffindor tower; Ravenclaw tower; Slytherin dungeons; Hufflepuff basement

Harry was ready to ask you out. He really liked you, and he just had to know if you felt the same way about him. That's why he went to Ron for advice. Harry found Ron in the Gryffindor common room and promptly sat down in a chair next to him. 

"Ron. I need to ask Y/n out, but like how do I do it?" Harry asked. 

"Mate, I have no idea," Ron sighed. 

Hermione sat down on the couch next to Ron. "How about you just say, 'Y/n, will you go on a date with me?' It's not that hard." 

"Like you would have any idea! What if she rejects me?" Harry worried. 

"Calm down. You can't control her response. You just have to be ready for that yes and that no because it could be either," Hermione reasoned. 

"Alright. I guess there's no other way to do it. I'll ask her after DADA."

With that, Harry went through the day, waiting rather impatiently for DADA. After going through a terrible potions class, Harry was glad to escape to DADA. He sat right next to you like he always did.  Lupin made the classroom a lot less formal as it had previously been. Thus, you two quietly talked throughout the entire class, cracking jokes while learning. It was a great class. It left Harry with a bit that courage that he needed. 

"Harry, come on! We have to get to Astronomy," You stated as you hurried with Harry to the Astronomy tower. 

"I'm coming!" Harry said falling into step beside you. 

You stopped in your tracks. "Bloody hell! I forgot my quill!"

Harry hands you your quill. "I picked it up for you."

"Thanks Harry! You're the best!"

"No problem!" Harry paused for a moment. " Hey, Y/n, will you go on a date with me?" 

"How does next Hogsmeade trip sound?" You smiled. 

It was the first weekend of October, and the whole school was bubbling with excitement for the weekend and their first trips to Hogsmeade. Ron had intended to ask you to go on a date with him that weekend, but every time he tried to ask you out, he wasn't able to. One time, Harry and Hermione joined you at dinner before he could ask you. Another time, you had to get to class. Yet another time, his tongue got the better of him and he couldn't talk about anything beside his fear of spiders. Anyway, it was Friday night. Harry and Ron were sitting in the empty Gryffindor common room, and Ron was starting to loose hope. 

"Harry, what am I going to do? I still haven't asked Y/n out and tomorrow we're all going to Hogsmeade!" Rom lamented. 

Harry sighed. "You're asking the wrong person. I can't even ask Cho out."

Just then, Harry and Ron heard some rustling and shuffling.

"You've just got to man up."

"Or are you scared we'll transform her into a spider."

Ron groaned. "Where did you two come from?"

Fred smirked. "You'll never know." 

George laughed. "Take advice from us: You've just got to get her alone. Compliment her or just say something nice to her. For Godric's sake don't talk about spiders!"

Ron winced. "How did you know--"

George smirked. "We have our ways."

"Then all you do is ask her mate!" Fred added. 

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