Chapter 26: Diary II

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Diary II
Subject: A New Hell on Earth
     Dear Diary,
           I'm scared. I feel like my world is collapsing around me. Voldemort is coming back and we all know it. On the bright side, Bill and Fleur are getting married. It's the only thing that's keeping up my spirits besides my wonderful boyfriend, Harry. He's my only happiness but, I feel that he's being torn from me. The ceremony was beautiful. Fleur's dress was gorgeous. Bill looked so handsome. But, the best part was when Harry asked me to dance. All the couples were gathering on the dance floor with arms linked and bodies slowly swaying. Harry spun me close and wrapped his arms around my waist. His smile, which I hadn't seen for the longest time, shone brightly. It was truly magical. But, the moment ended, not because of the song, but of a ball of light proclaiming that the ministry had fallen. The light went right between us and separated us. Now, I stood with Hermione. Suddenly fire becomes the only light along with the firing of spells. Black sand full of Death Eaters comes tumbling to the ground. I feel Hermione grab me, along with Ron and Harry, and apparate out of all the chaos. Soon we are walking down the streets of London. Hermione pulls us into a shop just before we are attacked by two wizards. We defeat them, wipe their memories, and flee. Hermione, being the genius that she is, pack fresh sets of clothes along with everything we need to hide away. Almost immediately we are in a tent in the middle of nowhere. Harry holds me close with Ron comforting Hermione. I snuggle closer to him and realize what we're in for.
Hello again! There's not much to say except that I can't take it anymore. Ever since Harry, Hermione, and Ron left, my world has been more upside down. I miss all of them but, especially Ron. It's so hard being without him. His smile could brighten anyone's day. His jokes are perfect. And to just be around him is all I want. But, that's not the only thing is upside down life. My parents are forcing me to go to Hogwarts under Snape. I can't stand it, but they won't budge. I know what I'll do. I'll be a Weasley (even though I'm not one, yet). I'll resist. I'll play pranks. I'll carry on Fred and George's legacy and be even more troublesome. So what if I get detention and have to write with my own blood or clean the whole castle. Nothing will stop me. I'll restart Dumbledore's Army. As a proud Gryffindor, I swear to help bring down Voldemort.
      Welcome, to the stage in my life where everything goes wrong. Fred and George have started their joke shop but, it isn't all fun and games any more. I love helping out there but, the issue is that I have to go back to Hogwarts. I did my best to try to convince my parents to let me go somewhere else or to not go at all but, they wouldn't budge at all. Now I'm stuck in hell with tons of Slytherins. Snape, the snake, is our headmaster and there's nothing pleasant about that. Sure, we are all fed and "safe" but nothing compares to what Hogwarts was like. I found out the Neville and few others were meeting in the Room of Requirement after curfew. I sneaked away and am now a participating member. I love it. If only Fred could see me now. I miss him terribly. I wish he were here. It would be amazing playing pranks and almost getting into trouble. But, life didn't work out like that. You know what? I'm done! I'm going to stand up for what I believe in. They don't call us Gryffindors brave for nothing.
       Hello there. So far in this upside down world, my life isn't to crazy. I currently work as co-manger with Fred and George at the joke shop. It's amazing seeing all these kids smile when the world is crazy outside. But, inside the joke shop life's okay. I mean after a long hard day's work, George and I either conk out or we stay up late talking about anything and everything. But, I'm still sacred. We are adults in the eyes of everyone else but, sometimes we just want and act like kids. I truly love George and I know that he truly loves me. But, sooner than later I know that we are going to fight for ourselves and our loved ones. I'm so worried that I'll lose George. I can't stand it. I wish that Harry would kill Voldemort so, that all of this pain would be over.
Dear diary,
Hogwarts has become my new hell. I used to love this place of learning and sanctuary but, this place holds no meaning for me. With the pleasant run ins with Malfoy and the separation of Neville, I'm the close to pulling out my hair. Because us Gryffindor are known to be brave and be able to take a lot, we are constantly spread out and are mixed in with different houses as are everyone else. But, it's more forceful. In a single class there's like two Gryffindors and a ton Slytherins with a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Almost all the firsts years were sorted into Slytherin. Silence is the noise. Only in the common rooms is there a little freedom. Neville and I always wait for the other to finish class because the schedule is wacky. I have a class at six am and I go til four in the afternoon sometimes. On other days, I wake up at six, learn til noon, have a two hour break, and learn til seven or til dinner time. Neville's is just as crazy if not worse. Some days he has to wake up at five to get to class by five thirty. And then he goes til seven just like me. We only see each other at meals, where we eat in silence. But, our love is strong and it's the only thing keeping me sane. Well, I got to go lights out by midnight. Write to you soon. Oh, before I go, I hope that this craziness will end soon.
        I wish life wasn't so hard. I feel that my world is closing in on me. Sometimes I wish I could run away from it all. Draco has become even more distant after the Dumbledore's death. I knew what he had to do and that Snape did the deed. But, Draco still feels that everything is his fault. With the wacky schedules, Draco and I barely see each other. But, when we do, many tears are shed with arms and lips linked. Comforting words are shared but, within a short time I go back to the Gryffindor girls' dormitory and Draco goes to the Slytherin boys' dormitory to get some rest before we start another day. Sure times are hard but, I know that deep down someday Voldemort will be defeated. And that day came sooner than I even dared to hope.
      Dear Diary,
            It's me again. I'm so worried and it isn't about a good thing. Life's been good to me just after Oliver and I graduated but, it started to turn for the worst about 15 months later. Oliver and I were walking back from a romantic evening when suddenly a voice whispered that the ministry had fallen. Oliver wrapped his arm protectively over my shoulder as we rushed to our shared apartment. Anxiety ran through my blood and it still runs now. Tears pricked my eyes as we rushed though the poorly lit back streets of London. Those tears were released once the wooden back door was closed behind us. Oliver turned on all the lights. And we sat in silence holding each other knowing what was to come. Even though lights were everywhere, darkness filled us. Fear, anxiety, and despair were all I felt. I felt like I was going to lose all the people I love, including Oliver. But, I need to be strong. We need to all be strong. It's hard with the clouds of darkness reigning our us but, we need to stand up for what we believe in. All I know is that whatever I choose to do, Oliver will be by my side.

Hello there! Happy New Year! Thank you all so much for -55k-, 1.32 votes/ stars, and 143 comments. It's been a good year. Also a picture of the new cover is above. I drew/colored/created it with my own two hands. Oh, I have two question for you guys relating the cover. Why are there four golden foot prints and why is one separated from the others? Comment what you think. Thanks again. And as always, new chapter soon.

Harry Potter PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora