Chapter 37: What You Mean To Me

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What You Mean To Me {Part 1}
Harry: (Harry POV)
    Someone once asked me who was the person the changed my life the most. And although the most logical would be Voldemort, it's actually Y/n. I know you might be thinking but its true. From the moment she walked into my life, I automatically felt like we would be great friends. And so you could say, that I married my best friend. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. Soon into our friendship, I knew that I liked her. She's charismatic, outgoing, protective, and loving. As the years started to tick away, I learned that I loved her. And in a world that was a gloomy and dark as the one that I grew up in, love was rare. It needed to be carefully grown, taken care of, and protected. People say that people do curious things when they are in love. And that is true. If I didn't love, I'd be another Voldemort. I'd be an inhuman monster. But, I had someone that I loved and who loved me with all of her heart. That's what made me different from Voldemort. Love is what kept me going. Something that made me see the good and follow it instead of the bad. So the answer to that someone's question is Y/n changed my life with her love and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ron: (Ron POV)
"What Y/n means to me?" I stutter.
" Yes Ronikins," George replies with a smirk.
" Go on Ron," Bill states.
I have been currently bombarded by my brothers just after I told them I want to marry Y/n. They have asked me what she means to me and they have no idea how much she means to me. She's my everything, the reason I wake up in the morning, the only thing I need in my life. Her love is the best thing anyone could experience and makes wonder how I got to be so lucky. And in the world that we grew up in, it makes me so thankful that we are both here today, living, breathing, loving. I know of couples that were rip apart by death from the war. The war that changed everything. The war that is a memory that will never be washed from our brains. The war that caused so much damaged. I know of people that shiver every time the think about it. People that have nightmares every night. People who are alone in their sorrow because they have no one left, no friends and no family. It sends shivers down my spine to think that I was close to the fate that they endure everyday. But, I got lucky, very lucky. These thought run through my mind in a second. I have formatted my reply.
    " Y/n means the world to me. She's my everything. I mean my everything. I'm so lucky to have her in my life and I never want to lose that," I state with confidence.
    " Well, it looks like Ron finally found someone," Charlie says with a smirk on his face as he ruffles my hair.
    " I couldn't agree more," Percy adds.
Fred: (Fred POV)
    Once someone told me that life is a beautiful lie and death is a painful truth. And they spoke the truth. Well, to some extent. I know that life is full of ups and downs, of great and painful experiences. And that makes life seem like a lie when others say that life is the best gift that they ever got. But, the thing that makes life a beautiful truth, is love. Yes, I said love. And I know that it might sound a bit cliché, but it's true. Love that makes you think that how did you live before. Love that's not superficial. Love that's true as a beating heart. I, like many others, have found it. And in my case, it comes in the beautiful form of Y/n, the most tenderhearted yet courageous person alive. Tenderhearted as she cares for everyone and courageous as she has been through so much. We all have. But, that never stops time from ticking away. And when my time is up, I will know that I used it well because I spent as much time loving Y/n and my family.
George: ( George POV)
    Love. It's a funny thing. Some describe as lie while others swear it's a truth. And still others fall in between. As for me, I fall into the category in saying that it's true. Love to me is the thing that makes life worthwhile. The thing that makes you get up in the morning and know that today is going to better than yesterday without having much of reason. It's also the only thing that you can count on that will outlast everything else, even death itself. But, the most important part of love, is finding people who love you. I know that might sound a little selfish, but it's beyond true. The point that I am trying to make is that to have someone love you as much as you love them is truly magical. It's something that makes you smile without knowing why. I have found that with Y/n. Her heart is the biggest in the world. She loves everyone. But, I know that I have a special place in her heart just as she has in mine. And that is why, she means the world to me. And why, I will protect her no matter what it costs me. After being so lucky to live through the war, I appreciate our love even more and wouldn't giver anything to change it. So, that's why I say Y/n is what makes my life worthwhile.
Neville: (Neville POV)
All my life I have dealt with not being good enough, not being person everyone excepts me to be. But, to Y/n, I'm good enough. I perfect just the way I am. And for her to able to make me feel that way, I just feel like I belong. And to me, it means that someone in this world loves me. I love her back more than she knows. So, I have found the best kind of love. The type of love that is always there, through thick and thin. The type of love that comforts. And the type of love that strengthens because it is real. And I know that many people out there think that love is just some lie made up so that we can evolve as a race. But, I disagree. Love is not something that tricks and uses people for its own good. It's what brings people together. And I have found all of this in Y/n. Just being with her makes my love grow. I know that when I have breathed my last breath we will have loved each other like no one has ever loved before.
Draco: (Draco POV)
    My mother asked me, a few months ago, if I was happy. I said that I was. And I still am. I have never been this happy in my life. The reason for this happiness is Y/n. Her love has changed me to be better than I was. I know how much pain I have caused her and how much I have put her through. But, she still loves me. And just that thought makes me smile because I love her more than she could even fathom. Our love has battled the demons inside of me and have made me a better person because of it. You may ask what the point of all of this is. The point is that love the best thing in the world and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If I'm being honest with you, sometimes love hurts. Sometimes it can feel like its tearing you apart. Other times its comforting. Other times it can feel like it's sewing you back together. All in all the roller coaster that we call love has ups and downs but, the ups defiantly outweigh the downs. Speaking of ups, her love has changed me for the better. I wouldn't have it any other way because if I didn't have Y/n in my life I'd be completely and utterly lost in an unforgiving world where Voldemort still has power over me. She has loved me when I haven't loved myself.
Oliver: (Oliver POV)
You know that feeling when you know that you found the right person, right? That feeling that makes you smile? That feeling that lets you know that your life is complete? If you said yes, then you have a little inclination of what Y/n's and my love is like. Once I realized how much I loved her and needed her, I was changed. Before we fell in love, I had no idea it could be this magical. Y/n has come into my life by accident but, she chose to stay unlike many others. And because she stayed, it makes me love her even more. Our love has moved mountains, calmed stormy seas, and help create a better world. Throughout our time at Hogwarts, the war, and after the war, we have been there for each other and we will always because that what love is. Love is the only thing that keeps people together through the good and the bad.

Happy New Years!!! Thank you so much for -100k- views! This means the world to me. I want to thank all of my readers, the ones that star every chapter, the ones that leave comments, the silent readers, and the ones that do all three. And I want to give back to all of you. If any of you would like anything special for the extra-special surprise 100k chapter, please let me know. Part 2 with Y/n POV and then the 100k chapter will be out soon. Bye!

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