Chapter 77: Breakfast In Bed

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Harry: Harry wanted to do something special for you. You had had a hard week at your job, and could really use some cheering up. What could be more special than breakfast in bed? Harry got up early for once in his life and rushed to make you the perfect  breakfast. He scrambled your eggs just the way you like them, buttered your toast to perfection, and fried your bacon until it was perfect. He poured you a glass of orange juice and mug of steaming coffee. He placed everything on a tray and carried it upstairs.  

Meanwhile, you had woken up and turned over to wish Harry a "good morning," but realized that he wasn't there. You decided that he had gone to the bathroom or something and would be back soon. Thus, you rolled over and fell asleep without a second thought. You awoke by Harry gently shaking you awake. He smiled at you and presented your breakfast. As soon as he put the tray down, you hugged him so hard that you squeezed all the air out of him and thanked. Meanwhile, Harry loved how excited you were and was so happy to have brought a smile to your beautiful lips. 

Ron: Ron loves food, so you thought it would be a great treat to give him breakfast in bed. Thus, you quietly snuck out of your room, and tiptoed to the kitchen to begin cooking. You were going to make him his favorite: a full English Breakfast. You fried the sausage, black pudding, and back bacon together in one pan while you sliced your tomatoes and mushrooms and seared them a bit. Then, you fried you eggs sunny-side-up along with your bread in butter and cooked some beans in a pan. You plated everything on two huge plates, poured two cups of hot tea, and headed upstairs. You placed the plates and mugs on your nightstand and woke Ron up. 

As soon as Ron woke up, he sniffed the air. It smelled like an English Breakfast. He even told you so before he realized the plate and mug beside him. Ron practically squealed in delight when he saw the plate. He instantly sat up, pulled the plate on his lap, and dug in. You smiled at him as you sat beside him and did the same. It was the perfect breakfast in bed!

Fred: Fred had decided to make you breakfast in bed for your anniversary. He thought he start the day off properly and what better way than with breakfast in bed. Fred like he always does got up before you, but this time he got up earlier than normal. Quite some time after Fred had gotten up, you noticed this and felt lonely and cold without. Thus, you wrapped a blanket around your shoulders and went to find Fred. 

You found Fred struggled to squeeze oranges into orange juice. He knew how much you loved this stuff so he knew it was essential to the prefect breakfast in bed experience. Behind him stood two plates with French toast on them, dripping in syrup and powder sugar. Just as you were about to enter the kitchen, an half of an orange flew at you. You shrieked in surprise. That's when Fred noticed you and smiled before he realized that the surprise was ruined. He frowned and started apologizing. You just hugged him and said thank you before you took the plates and headed upstairs. Fred closely followed behind. You tucked yourselves back into bed and dug into the delicious French toast. So what if you didn't have freshly squeezed orange juice. This was plenty, and it had been made by your favorite Weasley. 

George: George knew how much you loved food, especially breakfast and dessert. Thus, he decided to make you breakfast in bed, but with a twist. He would make your favorite breakfast items into desserts. He woke up before the crack of dawn and began baking. First, he made red velvet cinnamon rolls.  Then he fried up some beignets. And to top it off he baked a Chocolate Chip Dutch Baby. In less than an hour, George had turned your kitchen into a nightmare, but had made you the delicious, sugary breakfast of your dreams. 

Upstairs, you were happily dreaming. George gently woke you with a kiss, but hid your breakfast. You noticed that he was hiding something and demanded to see what it was. He played a little game with you, but eventually he presented your breakfast. As soon as you the plate and all the delicious goodies on it, you still thought you were dreaming and and gave your arm a good pinch. Once you realized that this was not a dream, that George had made this for you, and that it was everything you ever wanted, you giggled in delight and thanked George a million times as you gobbled down the breakfast. You couldn't be happier and neither could George as he made the most special person in his life happy. 

Neville: Neville was always doing sweet things for you, so you thought you'd turn the tables and do something sweet for him. And what would be sweeter than breakfast in bed? You made him his favorite: crêpes. You got up extra early and quickly, but quietly go to work. After making the batter, you butter your pans and got to work spread the batter really thin and cooking each and every crêpe to perfection. Once you had finished cooking them, you spread jam in some, nutella in others, and left a few plain before you rolled them all up into little cylinders of perfection. You made Neville his favorite and head upstairs, balancing two plates and tow mugs. 

Neville was thankfully still sleeping. You put down the plates and gently wake him up. Instead of waking up, he just pulled you back under the cover and into his arms. You snuggled up to him, completely forgetting about the crêpes for a second. But, Neville smelled something delicious. He loosened his hold on you, and looked over his shoulder, only to see crêpes and tea resting beside him. He kissed you instantly, and thanked you profusely. You just smiled, happy that you had the opportunity to do something for the man who always gave you his all. 

Draco: You wanted to do something special for Draco, just to show him how much you loved and appreciated him. Draco would die for your cooking, so you thought that it would be perfect to make him breakfast in bed. And you planned to not only impress him, but also delight. Draco has always loved chicken pot pies so why not make a breakfast version? And that's exactly what you did. You made an amazing sausage graving filling, and added in some potatoes, onions, and sweet peppers to the mixture. You filled you prepared skillets with the filling and topped the pie with some puff pastry. You also cut a whole in the center and added in an uncooked egg before you shoved the whole thing into the oven to bake to perfection. As soon as they were ready and had cooled you bit, you poured two mugs of tea and headed upstairs to wake up Draco.

Meanwhile, Draco was beginning to stir. He slowly opened his eyes and notice that you weren't there. This made Draco a bit sad since one of the things that Draco loved the most was waking up beside you every morning. Just as he was getting up to go look for you, you opened the door and came walking in with breakfast. He smiled and sat up in bed. You noticed that he was awake and smiled right back, before you handed him the skillet, his mug, and a big spoon. As soon as he saw what you had created, he eyes widened in delight. This breakfast was almost worth not waking up beside you. It was the best breakfast in bed ever!

Oliver: Similarly to Draco, Oliver loved waking up next to you every morning. However, when Quidditch season came around, he would often have early morning practice and would be out the door before the sun even rose. He hated the thought of you waking up all by yourself, and he felt terrible that you had to do so. So, he decided to make both you and him feel better, he would leave breakfast on your night stand with a little note. Thus, Oliver got up early than he had to and made you breakfast. 

This time he decided to make you pancakes. Within a few minutes, he had a nice stack and drowned the stack in syrup. He poured you a cup of coffee and headed upstairs. He left them both on your nightstand and cast a warming charm over them. He gave you a light peck on your forehead, and head to practice. A little while later, you woke up and enjoyed the breakfast that Oliver left for you, knowing that even though he wasn't there beside you, he was still thinking of you and loved you more than you could ever imagine. 

Hello y'all! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. As always, requests are open! Feel free to leave one in the comments below or DM me. Thank you for your continued support! Happy Holidays! (Day 7 of 13)

P.S. I have added in an extra day since last year I only did 11 chapters instead of 12. I just realized this. I am so sorry! I hope that this can make up for it! 

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