Chapter 55: It's Time for Quidditch!

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It's Time For Quidditch! [Part 2 (You are on the other team)] {Day 10 out of 12}
Harry: (Your POV)
Game: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff (Harry's Third Year)
(Your House is Hufflepuff)
    As I wake up to the heavy pitter-patter of the rain, I immediately think about how terrible conditions are going to be for today's Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. I hastily get dressed, and head to the Great Hall for some breakfast. The Gryffindor Team was just leaving to get ready for the game. I was lucky enough to spot Harry and pull him to the side to wish him good luck.
    "Harry! Harry!" I scream.
    "Yes, Y/n. Where are you?" Harry replies as he searches for me.
    "Right over here," I reply, waving him over.
    "Hello! What's up?" Harry greets.
    "I just wanted to wish you good luck," I blush.
    "That so sweet of you. Thanks! Good luck out there! It's going to be one heck of a game today," Harry beams.
    "Oh and give me your glasses. I know a spell that can make them repel water," After a moment, I whisper,"Impervius!"
    "What would I do without you? Thanks again. Stay safe out there!" Harry exclaims as he gives me a quick hug before rushing to catch up to his team mates. I grab a banana and also head to the changing rooms. That's right: I'm the star chaser for the Hufflepuffs. I'm small, fast, and I always score. I play fair and I am more than ready to play in today's game. I intend to win. The Gryffindors have a pretty sturdy team, especially with Oliver Wood as Keeper. However, Cedric has been preparing the team quite well. We have practiced every other day, in rain or shine. While Harry is known to never miss the snitch, Cedric will have the advantage because he is a lot bigger than Harry, meaning that he is less likely to blown off course. Even with my competitive nature, I would rather lose the game than have anyone get injured. I swiftly changed into my robes as I put my water repellent goggles on. I need to keep my eyes clear so that I am able to see the goal posts and properly aim for them. I have a strong right hook. I have changed into my canary-yellow robes. My number is embroidered into the back in black. I smile at my teammates as I take my Nimbus 2000 into my hand. We head out to meet the Gryffindors.
    As soon as we step foot outside, I am immediately soaked. It is at that point that I truly realize how terrible conditions are. The green grass is stained brown with mud that is at least calf deep. The sky is a darkest gray I have ever seen. The rain is heavy. The winds are extremely strong. These are the worst conditions I have ever seen! I vaguely see Oliver and Cedric shake hands. I know Cedric is smiling. He always smiles. Then, we mounted our brooms and as soon as Madame Hooch blew her whistle, the game begins.
    I start with the quaffle and swiftly make a goal. After that point, I can barely see which player has it or to see a player to whom I should pass to. I know that Gryffindor scores many more times than we do. I hate our luck. I can't hear the announcer over the thunder, but I have seen Harry. My heart races as I see him almost get hit twice by bludgers and nearly collide with another player. After about fifteen minutes of thus torture, Oliver called for a time-out. I joined the other Hufflepuffs and was given the news that Gryffindor was winning by fifty points. While that is not the best odds, i know that we can still beat them.
    When the time-out ends, I see Cedric immediately locate the snitch and Harry rush towards him. Then something terrible happens. Through the rain, and the thunder everything becomes eerily silent as dementors walk onto the pitch. Their presence made me sick. They are the most disgusting, heart-wrenching things I have ever seen. Before I can look away, Harry starts to fall from his broom. His body cuts through the icy rain like a knife cutting through soft butter. My heart races as I try to get near to him to do something to help. What is happening? Everything and everyone has been thrown into chaos. However, I am able to see Harry on a stretcher, headed for the hospital wing.
    I push my way through the crowds to get inside and get to the Hospital Wing as soon as possible. I see Harry already lying in a hospital bed. I rush to his side. Ever since he was lead away on the stretcher, I have been sobbing. The tears keep coming as I sit down next to him. I see him begin to stir as his eyes shot open.
    "What happened?" Harry immediately asks.
    "Oh thank Godric!" I exclaim as I gingerly hug Harry.
    Harry hugs me back, hard. I tighten my squeeze as Ron, Fred, George, and Hermione answer Harry's questions. We stay embrace for the whole time.
    "I can't believe Gryffindor lost. It's all my fault," Harry sighs as the rest of your friends leave and as he losses his hold on you a bit.
    "Harry, you couldn't have controlled what happened. There's still a chance for Gryffindor to win the Cup, just like Fred and George said," I console Harry.
    "I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you. Now go ahead and get dry. You must be freezing," Harry states with a small smile.
    "Alright. Feel better," I answer as I give him one last hug before I head out of the Hospital Wing.
Ron: (Your POV)
Game: Gryffindor versus Slytherin (Ron's Sixth Year)
(Your House is Slytherin)
    As I arrive at breakfast, I rush over to join Hermione, Ron, and Harry. At breakfast, we are allowed to sit with whomever we want. I always sit with them. I sit down next to Ron and across from Harry as I wish them a good morning. Then, I fill my plate. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I intend to have a good one. Harry gives Ron a cup of pumpkin juice as Hermione passes. I thought I saw him put something in there, but it probably was just a trick of the light. Then, Hermione yells at Ron to not drink the pumpkin juice. She must have saw it too! Before I can defuse the tension between Ron and Hermione and side with Hermione, Ron has chugged his glass. I just hope that whatever Harry put in there will not get him or Ron in trouble.
    "It's almost time," Harry states as he gets up.
    Ron gets up as well as he adds, "Indeed it is."
    "Good luck to the both of you! I know you'll both do exceptionally!" I cheer.
    Ron smiles at me as he pulls me close and kisses me square on the lips before he and Harry rush off. I find Hermione sitting with Luna and Neville. I join them and am able to calm down Hermione a bit. She explains to me that Harry put Felix Felicis in Ron's drink. I gasp in response. I am shocked! How could Harry do that! Now they both could be expelled! Once Hermione notices my reaction, she nods in approval. I hurriedly get up and head to get changed. I play the position of chaser. While I have pride for my house, I do not always like the way that my housemates treat others, especially you boyfriend Ron. While it is certainly brisk outside, the skies are clear. That makes the weather basically perfect for a Quidditch game; it could always be a bit warmer, but I am not complaining. We could be having a game in a cold thunder storm, like we did in my third year. That was a terrible game! Anyway, Madame Hooch begins the game and Zacharias Smith begins announcing. He says a few things that make my anger boil, but I keep it under control for Ron's sake. Coote, one of Gryffindor's beaters, hits a bludger at Zacharis. I smile. As I turn my attention back to Ron, I notice a huge smile on his face. He is doing great after all. He's blocked every goal that they've thrown at him. I see Harper, the Slytherin seeker, dive. Harry's hot on his tale. In just a matter of seconds, Harry has caught the snitch and the game is over. I am happy that Gryffindor won, especially since Ron did so well. I rush to meet Ron and congratulate him.
    "Ron! You were absolutely amazing!" I exclaim as I run into his awaiting arms.
    "Why thank you! You were amazing as well. I had to concentrate really hard to not get distracted by your beauty," Ron states just before we share a passionate kiss.
Fred: (Your POV)
Game: Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw (Fred's Fifth Year)
(Your House is Ravenclaw)
As I join Fred, George, and a few of our other friends for breakfast, with most of them being Gryffindors, they comment on how important a win is. They need to win by a long shot to be able to be even have a hope for the House Cup. Oliver is still pretty disappointed from last game. While he is the captain, he appears to be more of a military general, training his troops for battle. In addition, Fred admits he is thankful for the wonderful weather. It was the perfect conditions. There was not a cloud in the sky. The temperature was the warmest it had been all week. And, there was only a slight breeze.
"It's perfect weather if I have saw one," Fred concludes.
"We best be off. Wood wants us early," George groans.
"He must have an extended pep talk for you then," I tease, knowing very well that it is the truth.
"That's probably more true than any of us want to believe," Fred states as he and George get up to head to the changing rooms.
"You go head George. I'll catch up," Fred continues as he turns to me; I have risen to wish him good luck.
"Alright," George yells over his shoulder as he heads out.
"Good luck today. I know you'll do great!" I exclaim as I hug him.
"I'll see you on the field. However, I can not promise that I won't hit you with a bludger," He teases.
"Play as though I'm just a person on the other team," I add.
"As if I could do that! We best be going. I'll see you afterwards," Fred states just before we share a quick kiss and just before we runs out of the Great Hall.
I change into my dark blues robes. I am the Ravenclaw keeper. I don't mean to brag, but I am almost as good as Oliver. After a short pep talk from our captain, we head out to meet the Gryffindors. Fred winks at me as he mounts his broom. I smile as we all take off and as the game begins. Lee Jordan begins his announcing with basically an advertisement for Firebolts. I quite enjoy his little tangent, but Professor McGonagall does not. So, he gets his act together and starts the commentary, much to Professor McGonagall's approval. The game goes by so quickly. Lee is speaking as fast as lighting. I have only let in three goals. Oliver has only let in two. But, Ravenclaw has the quaffle. Our star chaser is heading towards the goal posts. I watch her as Harry dives. Before she can make a goal, Harry has caught the snitch! Fred as well as the rest of the team rush to congratulate him. Fred gives Harry the tightest hug ever. Harry looks like he's going to lose his head because of Fred's grip. I giggle at the scene as I rush to congratulate Fred.
     "Did you see me block all those goals?" I ask,excitedly.
     "I saw you clear as a day my dear. However, Gryffindor won," Fred answers as he hugs me as tightly, if not tighter than he did Harry.
     "Uh, Fred. I-I can't breathe," I gasp.
     "Sorry! I'm just so exited we won!" Fred apologizes as he loosens his grip a bit.
     "It's alright. You will admit we gave you guys a run for your money right?" I tease.
     "Of course!" Fred exclaims as he steals a kiss from you.
George: (Your POV)
Game: Gryffindor versus Slytherin (George's Seventh Year)
(Your House is Slytherin)
    It was first Quidditch game of the season. Gryffindor and Slytherin were both in fighting spirits. With the Slytherins chanting 'Weasley is Our King,' this day has been dreaded. Everyone's nerves are fried. At any moment, either side is going to attack. And that's just what happened.
    After a brilliant game, the Gryffindor Team won. I had played my best a keeper. However, it wasn't enough as Harry caught the snitch and won the game for the Gryffindors. I hated the song that Malfoy and the other Slytherins sang. They insulted Ron, and his family and therefore my boyfriend George. One of the Slytherin beaters hit Harry with a bludger as soon as the game was over. He appeared to be alright. i must teach them some better manners. I know that we played dirty, so I must apologize and congratulate George on Gryffindor's win. The Slytherins had played a dirty game. However, Gryffindor's good had overcome their evil. I should have learned a long time ago that Slytherins never lose easily. And that brings us to the present. I am currently helping Harry hold George back from pulverizing Draco Malfoy. Fred is being held back by the three Gryffindor chasers. Malfoy is completely evil. He has insulted George's family with his song 'Weasley is Our King' and with his current hurtful words. George is fuming with anger. Then Draco takes a hit at Harry, mentioning his own mother. With that Harry is running towards Draco faster than a cheetah chasing its prey. With Harry gone, George is only slowed done from attacking Draco. He pulls free and pulverizes Draco. While I have no sympathy for Draco, George and Harry are going to be in a ton of trouble for beating up the kid.
    In a flash, the fighting is stopped and the boys are whisked away. Later I find out Umbridge has banned the two of them as well as Fred for ever playing Quidditch again! I had despised that woman before but now I down right hate her with every fiber of my being. She lets Crabbe off with lines, but gives George this madness. I do my best to calm down so that I could console George. Even thought I know it's our last year here, and that he is not able to play Quidditch, my anger still get a hold of me.
    "George, I can't believe what that woman did. I'm going to march right down to her office and talk some sense into her," I fume.
    "Sweetie. Let's calm down now. I don't need you to get expelled," George states as I calm down.
    "I guess you're right. I am so sorry about them. Trust me: I would never take any part of their hurtful songs.
    "I know that you would never even think about it," George sadly smiles.
    "Oh! And George, promise me you'll come with something good to prank her with," I scheme.
    "I promise," George promises as he crosses his heart.
Neville: (Your POV)
Game: Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff (Neville's Fifth Year)
(Your House is Hufflepuff)
    Neville and I rush into the Great Hall to hurriedly eat our breakfast. He wants to get a good seat to see this game, and I need to get to changing rooms as soon as possible. Neville has high hopes for the Gryffindor team even if Harry, and Fred, and George are off it. He knows that they are not going to be the best, but he still has faith in them. The team has had a ton of practices and Ginny makes a great seeker. However, I know that Hufflepuff will give them a good fight. We have been practicing as boarder if not harder than they have. I head to the changing rooms after Neville wishes me good luck. He's promised to cheer for both me and the Gryffindors. I hastily get dresses in my canary-yellow robes as I grab my Nimbus 2000. This broom has served me well, and I know it will continue to until I graduate. I am Hufflepuff's keeper and Captain, and I know that I am better than Ron. Unless by some miracle Ron was become the next Oliver Wood, I know this to be true. I give an inspiring pep talk to my teammates before I lead them onto the field.
    We meet the Gryffindors in the middle of the field. I shake hands with their captain Angelina Johnson, and the game begins. Ron is still as bad as ever. He has missed goal after goal. While I had anticipated that, I was not prepared for Angelina get whacked in the mouth by her own beater! Sloper, the substitute for Fred, had missed the bludger by a long shot. In his error, he promptly hit poor Angelina in the mouth. On top of that, Kirke, George's substitute, shrieked when Zacharias came flying towards him. He shrieked so high that I thought all the windows of Hogwarts would turn to dust. And that not the worst part. He then fell backwards off of his broom. The game is almost a joke to them. Well, it is not to us. We are one hundred sixty points ahead of them. Even if Ginny catches the snitch, we will still win. As soon as I think that, Ginny has located the snitch and has caught it. The game only lasted twenty two minutes. I am tankful that Ginny ended my torture. We beat them by only ten points.
    Neville laments to me the failure of the game just after he congratulates me on Hufflepuff's win.
    "I could have done a better job than Kirke and that's saying something. I'm terrible at Quidditch," Neville adds.
    "We were right about Ginny. She was great. We must congratulate her," I state.
    "We must. Anyway, I think my hearing is gone. I cheered way too loudly for you," Neville teases as he drapes his arm over my shoulders.
    "You were loud enough so that even I could hear you. You know I have terrible hearing," I remind him.
    Neville smiles at me before he steals a kiss and teases," What am I going to do with you?"
Draco: (Your POV)
Game: Slytherin versus Gryffindor (Draco's Sixth Year)
(Your House is Gryffindor)
    "Alright Draco. I'm coming. Are you sure about this? People might suspect something," I worry. I am currently wearing his Slytherin scarf and he is wearing my Gryffindor one.
    "If they do, I can use the excuse that I had to convince you that why Slytherins and pure bloods are superior," Draco curtly responds.
    "Are they?" You question.
    "Of course not!" Draco answers, reassuring you.
    You continue to walk towards the Quidditch pitch as you talk more on the subject of getting found it. Still no one knows about your relationship and no one can until this silly war is over. Draco sits in the stands with the Slytherins, but I know he's cheering for me. I do enjoy spending time with Draco, even if we have to keep our actual relationship under wraps. People do crazy things when they're in love.
    I remind myself of this as I change into my scarlet robes. I am the newest chaser on the Gryffindor team, but I do a pretty good job. I join the rest of my team to listen to a short pep talk from Harry. Then we head onto the pitch to meet the Slytherins. We mount our brooms and as soon as Madame Hooch blows her whistle we are off. The game is especially tight. When one team pulls ahead, the other quickly ties. Its like a game of cat and mouse. However, Gryffindor succeeds, We beat the Slytherins by one hundred thirty points.
    After the game, Draco congratulates me as we talk about our teammates.
    "You see that one right there. My friend say he's the best beater Slytherin has ever had," Draco comments.
    "Well, you see the red-haired chaser. She's the newest addition and she's lighting fast. She's the best chaser of the century," I comment.
    "Number fourteen is the best keeper of the century,"
    "I can't argue with that. Ron is not the best Keeper there is, but he is doing splendid this year.
    "I know. I wish that I had never written that song about him," Draco wishes
    "That song was terrible. It got Fred, George, and Harry all suspended," I remind.
    "Yes, I know. I wish I could take it back. I was so terrible to them. How did you agree to go on a date with me?" Draco asks.
    "When I had worked with you in potions, I saw you struggle with your views. One day you were as nice as can be. The other you were as mean as ever. I knew that you wanted to be good, and I just wanted to help you along. I did help that I had had a big crush on you by that point," I answer.
    "Well, I'm glad you agreed. I feel so much happier and kinder since I've meet you," Draco smiles.
Oliver: (Your POV)
Game: Gryffindor versus Slytherin (Championship Game)(Oliver's Seventh Year)
(Your House is Slytherin)
    This is it. This is my boyfriend's last chance to win the House Cup. I know how much he wants to. But, Gryffindor has to be beating the Slytherins by at least fifty points before Harry can get the snitch and win the Cup. I would also like to win the House Cup with my team, but we win it last year, I know how much this means to Oliver. I arrive earlier than ever to breakfast to wish Oliver good luck. I know he's always up early on game day. Therefore, I force myself out of bed to meet him. He's always going over the plays once more as well as trying to think of new ones on the spot. Every time he has barely touched his food. I often times have to yank his papers away so that he eats. While he is angry for the moment, he simmers down as his hunger is satisfied. And today is no different.
    I join Oliver. He sits alone the middle of the Gryffindor table. There are only ten other people in the Great Hall right not and four of them are teachers.
    "Good morning Oliver!" I exclaim as I sit down next to him. I plant a kiss on his cheek, which makes him reply, "'Morning."
    "Have you eaten?"
    "Have you been up all night?"
    "Have you cheated on me?"
    "Yes—wait what! Oh no! I haven't! I promise that I haven't! I'm so sorry I wasn't listening!" Oliver worries as he drops his papers. I grab them and fold them so that they fit in my pocket.
    "It's alright. Now, eat. You need a good, hearty breakfast for today's match,"
    "Fine. You won't give me back my papers until I eat right?"
    "Yep! Let's eat. I'm staving!"
    With that Oliver and I eat a good, but quick breakfast before we head up to the library. It is always so much quieter in there, allowing Oliver to really focus. At a quarter to ten, he stands up just as always and stretches. Oliver has put his game face on. He is ready.
    "Good luck!" I whisper.
    "Thanks! Good luck to you as well!" He whispers back.
    "Thanks! I'll see you on the pitch" I whisper as he heads out of the library.
    As soon as he is out of sight, I take a quick nap before I head down to the Pitch. When I awake, I realize that the game is almost starting! I rush off to the Pitch. I hastily change into my robes as I listen in on my captain's pep talk. He really wants to win the Cup again. As soon as he finishes, I grab my broom and head out to meet the Gryffindors with the rest of my team. I just hope that they don't play dirty this time around. I mean our last game against Hufflepuff didn't go to well. While I'll not resort to that, my teammates will. Anyway, I clear my head as I mount my broom. I push off from the ground as the game begins. As the game progress, the Slytherins are playing dirtier and dirtier. It's making me quite angry. They even hit Oliver in the stomach with two bludgers at the same time. Since no chaser was in the goal line, it was considered a foul. I am torn from my anger as Harry catches the snitch. Gryffindor has won the House Cup! I see Oliver rush over to Harry, crying tears of joy. The team rushes to each other and embraces, slowly lowering to the ground. I rush to meet them. I quickly find Oliver and kiss him real hard and good.
    "Woah!!! I'm the luckiest man alive! I've just won the Cup and I have the best girlfriend in the entire world!"

Hello! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will not be able to publish another one tonight, so I will publish two tomorrow and end my 12 days of Christmas. Thank you all for being so understanding! Bye!

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