Chapter 51: Amortentia

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Amortentia (Part 2: What You Smells) {Day 6 out of 12}
    You smelled vanilla, the scent of silver birch trees, and lemon, with vanilla being the most prominent of the scents. To you, Harry smelled like vanilla. Therefore, the scent reminded you of him and all of the good times the two of you had together. However, one memory came flashing by whenever you smelled vanilla: It was the day of the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. After Hermione and you had trained Harry in the Summing charm, Harry was nervous, but ready. He gave you both a hug in gratitude. As yours lasted a bit longer, you were able to take in Harry's smell: He smelled like vanilla.
    You had grown up in a house in the woods, specifically a wood of silver birch trees. Thus, when you whiffed any Amortentia, you were instantly reminded of summer days spent hiking in the forest, swimming in its river, and collecting wood for bonfires. In addition, your first broom was made of silver birch. Therefore, this smell was the smell of your childhood.
    Lastly, you smelled lemon. Ironically, lemon flavored desserts are your favorite, especially Treacle Tart, a dessert which both you and Harry love. Lemons also remind you of your family, since there was never a get-together without some sort of lemon-flavored dessert.
    You smelled your grandmother's peppermint hand oil, chocolate frogs, and Ron's hair. Your grandmother was the only person in your family who was magical. She had married a Muggle, so she left all of the magic behind for him. Ever since her husband had died, she had slowly returned to magic as a way to cope with his loss. So, when you were accepted into Hogwarts, she was the one who took you to Diagon Ally to get your supplies every year. When you started dating Ron, she immediately approved. She was the only family member you had left because the two of you erased yourselves from your family's memory. You loved her dearly, and even after her death, your Amortentia still smelled of the peppermint hand oil she used.
    Similarly to Ron, you loved chocolate frogs. Ever since you had been little, your grandmother would bring them to enjoy. At that time, you did not know that they were wizarding candy, but when you did, you felt that it suited you. They also reminded you of Ron as the two of you would always get a chocolate frog every time you went to Hogsmeade. It was the candy you enjoyed on your first date. So this scent reminded you of the love to the two most important people in your life: your grandmother and Ron.
    Honestly, you loved the way Ron's hair smelled. So when it was the last scent that filled your nose, you felt your heart beat faster. It was finally made clear to you your incredible fondness of Ron. He was your boyfriend after all. You knew that you had loved Ron, but this potion confirmed it for you, allowing you completely open yourself to him so that your relationship could grow.
    You smelled apple pie, the smell of old books, and the lingering scent of pumpkin. Classic apple pie has always been your favorite dessert. Your mother always made this pie for the holidays. Many of your childhood memories revolve around this smell. You also just adore the holidays as everyone appears to be more thankful, joyous, and considerate. It's that magical time of the year that brings families closer together, lovers to be a bit more romantic, and peace around the world.
    Your favorite pass time was reading. The best things about reading is snuggle up with a blanket, some sort of warm drink (whether it be tea, hot chocolate, cider, or coffee), and an old book. To you, old books are one of the best smells in the world, right behind apple pie and pumpkin. They remind you of late nights reading in which you devour book after book and feel ever emotion possible.
    Lastly, you smell a lingering scent of pumpkin. To you, Fred smells just like pumpkins do. Maybe you think it because his hair reminds you of them or maybe he just smells like pumpkin. Either way the scent reminds you of Fred, especially of late nights cuddling by the fireplace and warm hugs in the cold winter air. Nevertheless, the scent of pumpkin makes you feel all warm inside with your love for Fred.
    You smelled blackberries, the scent of rain, hot chocolate. Blackberries are your favorite fruit. You love the way their flavor explodes in your mouth as soon as you bite into them. They are also the main ingredient for your favorite dessert: blackberry cobbler. Therefore they remind you of baking with your mother and grandmother, and of the enjoyment of eating your favorite fruit.
    You love the smell of rain, especially the smell that it leaves. Since you have lived all your life in London, the smoke and pollution always pollute the air. But, every time it rains, the air smells fresher, cleaner, and crisper. Thus, to you, it reminds you a fresh starts as the air gets a fresh start every time it rains.
    Lastly, you love the smell of hot chocolate. Beside rose tea, hot chocolate is your favorite drink. It also reminds you George. Every morning, George would pretend to drink coffee and enjoy it. He actually hates the way it tastes. Therefore, he would drink hot chocolate and instead of using caffeine to wake himself up, he used the sugar in the hot chocolate to give him a sugar high. This scent reminded you of George, especially of why you love him. You just loved the fact that he drank hot chocolate instead of coffee, and sooner than later you got into the habit of doing the same thing.
    Your Amortentia contains smells of butterscotch, oak, and vanilla. Butterscotch is your favorite candy in existence. You love the way its flavor remains long after the candy has completely dissolved in your mouth. Your mother always had the candy around as it was her favorite as well. Thus, this candy reminds you of her and the simple pleasures of life.
    You smell vanilla and oak as those are the scents that Nevill radiates. The memory that recounts the time that you met Neville at St. Mungo's persists in your mind only because of his distinctive smell. You love the smell of vanilla mixed with oak because of him. Also, your grandmother's house always carried those same scents. Her house had oak furniture as well as oak floors. And her kitchen radiated with the scent of vanilla as she was always baking with it. Thus, theses two scent remind you of your childhood spent playing on those oak floors, smelling grandma's newest dessert, and of Neville, the most considerate, engaging and gentle person in creation.
    You smelled licorice, s'mores, and some sort of musky, woody scent. Licorice was your favorite candy. You had brought five huge bags of Twizzlers with you back from your trip in America over the summer. You brought them with you to Hogwarts, and shared them with everyone and everybody who asked you for one. However, you saved a few for Draco. The next time the two of you were able to meet, you gave them to him. He instantly loved them!
    S'mores reminded you of summer. You were always less stress and more carefree whenever summer break occurred. You loved spending long days out with friends, hiking, swimming, and doing other summer activities. But, summer nights were the best parts of the entire summer. You and some friends would spend nights sitting around campfires, singing and eating s'mores. The chocolate, graham cracker, marshmallow mixture was the best thing on earth. It's scent reminded you of all those summer nights, having the time of your life.
    To you, Draco smelled like nothing you had ever smelled. And you loved that you could never place your finger on what he exactly smelled like. But, every time you smelled his scent, you were reminded of your love for him. You were reminded of every kiss, hug, and cuddle that you two ever shared. His scent was intoxicating, and it made your Amortentia more so.
    You smell broomstick wood, freshly-cut grass, and Oliver's personal scent. You obviously love Quidditch. I mean it is the best sport in creation. Anyway, you can't have Quidditch without a trusty broomstick. Thus, the first scent of your Amortentia is the smell fo your broomstick. You have only ever used one, and have taken great care of it throughout all the years. Thus, when you smell broomstick wood, you are reminded of your first flight, game, and kiss.
    You smell freshly-cut grass as it reminds you of every Quidditch pitch you have ever played on. The many times you have walked onto to a pitch, and have taken off on your broom are always filled with the scent of the freshly-cut grass. This scent reminds you of every game you have ever played, from the fun one-on-ones to the championship games. This scent, as well as the scent of your broom, remind you of Oliver and your shared love of Quidditch.
    Lastly, your Amortentia smells like Oliver's personal scent. While his scent varies from time to time, you especially love the scent after he's played a good game of Quidditch. This scent reminds you of his passion for Quidditch, all the hard work he puts into every practice, and how he gives everything when he's playing a game. Thus, you are reminded of why you love Oliver.

    Hello there! I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for Day 7!

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