Chapter 64: Cute Things He Does That You Love

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Cute Things He Does That You Love
    Just like any boyfriend, Harry did a few specific things that made your heart swell with love for him. Ever since you had begun dating, Harry constantly gave you hugs from behind. He would wrap his arms around either your waist or shoulders. If he hugged you around your waist, he would often pepper kisses down your neck or rest his head in the nap of your neck. You loved feeling his presence, and you just felt safer in his arms. The way he acted around Teddy was the sweetest and purest thing in existence. He was so good with him. This was one of the main reasons you felt like you and Harry could become Teddy's adoptive parents, and you loved Teddy with all your heart. So to see Harry act so wonderfully with him really made you love him even more.
    Ron was always there for you, and you were always there for him. One of the sweetest things Ron did for you occurred when Voldemort had returned to his old power. You, just like everyone else, was terrified of Voldemort. You knew the damage he could do, and you wanted him to be stopped at all costs. Ron knew how this fear often kept you awake at night. To ensure that you could peacefully sleep, Ron would let you fall asleep in his arms. No matter how uncomfortable it could be at times, Ron was always there to make sure you got your sleep. On a lighter note, Ron loved to kiss you at the most random times. He would often kiss you to get your attention or stop you from talking.
    Fred knew how to make you laugh: It was one of the main reasons you fell in love with him. But, that was not the cutest thing he did. Unknown to you, Fred was an excellent slow dancer. He could dance a mean waltz, a peppy jazz, and awesome free style. You loved how he could sweep you off of your feet. It always brought a smile to your face. While it might seem improbable, Fred let you always be the little spoon. He loved to hold you, to bury his head in your hair and enjoy its sweet smell, and to feel your presence. He just loved to be with you, and what better way to be with you than to cuddle you.
    George, like his brother, knew how get a laugh out of you. However, this was not the cutest thing he did. He also gave to many adorable nicknames, like espresso—because you always had a lot of energy, sweet tooth—because you are sweeter than any candy and you have a horrible sweet tooth, and love—because you are the love of his life. Another thing George did was that he knew when to be serious. He could hold deep, meaningful conversations with you, and he knew how to find his way out of any trouble. I guess that just comes with being a trickster.
    Neville was a true gentleman. Just like any good boyfriend, he loved you with all his heart. To prove this to you, he became the most chivalrous person you knew. He would hold the door for you. He would pull out your chair for you. And he always walks you to your next class. The two best things that Neville did was that he would always hold your hand when you walked together and that he could kiss your forehead. You know what they say: wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.
    Now, Draco had hard time letting go. He always felt like he was under a microscope, and that one wrong move would completely destroy him. However, he would sometimes dance ridiculously with you. It was the cutest thing, and it always brought the biggest smiles to yours and Draco's faces. Draco would also tuck your hair behind your way before he would kiss you. His hand would be in the perfect spot to cup your face when he kisses you. And you loved it when he did that.
    Oliver like many boyfriends can get a bit possessive. Because it is not extreme, it is really cute. He often has his arm around you, hugs you, or holds your hand. You love his public displays of affection because that remind you of his love for you, and love feeling his presence. Oliver also lets you wear his Quidditch jerseys. While it might seem disgusting, you love to wear them after his games when their all sweaty because they smell so much like him.

Hell0 y'all! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I really enjoyed writing this one. This is Day 5 of 12. Thank you for all of your reads and stars! They mean the world to me. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Feel free to leave one in the comments below. New chapter soon. Bye!
P.S. I would really like your opinions on the POVs. Do y'all like it when I write using them?

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