Chapter 38: What He Means to You

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What You Mean To Me {Part 2}
Harry: (Your POV)
    When I met Harry, I had no idea what I was in for. Have you ever met a person that changes your life as soon as they've stepped into it? Believe me its magical and scary at the same time. Ever since I let Harry into my life, I learned that he is my best friend. He's always been there for me and he always will be. And I love him more than anyone. Our love meant so much to us as it was the light in our world of darkness. But, I knew that I would have to fight for it. As we grew up, our world changed from peaceful to chaotic. Voldemort came back and haunted my dreams day and night. Everything I had known was torn away from me except for Harry. Harry became my rock, my foundation. And after everything changed, we still loved each other and that's what kept me going. Our love has only grown and become stronger since the end of the War. And I know that it will continue to grow until the end of time.
Ron: (Your POV)
    In the world that I grew up in, life was rough. If I was to attend Hogwarts, I had to erase all memories of me from my parents minds as they couldn't keep the secret. I went to live with my grandma, who was a witch. During the War, I went to Hogwarts and with some help from Neville, I reformed the DA. But, Headmaster Snape turned Hogwarts into nightmare. Ron had gone to help Harry and Hermione so, I didn't see him for almost a whole year. I missed him terribly. Every night my dreams were haunted by Voldemort. And then the Battle of Hogwarts came crashing in. My grandma died but, I lived. It was devastating. I felt like I had no one after that but, I was wrong. I had Ron. Our love is what kept me going. Sure, I worried about him while he was with Harry and Hermione. But, I had faith that they would come back all in one piece. I'm also very lucky as I know of couples that were ripped apart by death in the War. The point is that even in the darkest of time there is always a light. And my light is and always will be Ron.
Fred: (Your POV)
True love can't be superficial. It can't only be attraction. It's not possessive, judgmental, degrading, or full of blame. True love is unconditional, forgiving, patient, and faithful. It's with you in the good times and the bad. It makes life worth living even though you need it to survive. True love for me comes in the form of Fred Weasley. He's the one that made me feel like belonged somewhere. He's the one that can make me laugh no matter how broken I am. And he's the one who has always given me his time. And after everything that we had been through, our love has remained strong. As time never stops ticking away, I know that I will do my best to love Fred with all my heart and soul. And when my time is up, I know that I will have used it well as I have given all of myself to my family and especially Fred.
George: (Your POV)
Many languages have many words that mean love. In the English, there is only one word for love. And that's a shame. Because the love I feel towards George needs more than one word to describe it. And just love isn't it. We encourage each other. We always have each other's backs. We are attentive and are passionately curious towards each other. And those are just a few things that we do for each other. Our friendship, that was the foundation for our love, has only grown. Growing up with George and seeing everything that he has gone through really makes me think about if he had died during the war. Those thoughts are always terrible and then nightmares they give me would come rapidly each night. And every night, George is always there to comfort me. Every night, I am reminded of reality and how good it actually is. No matter what, I know George is always there for me and I hope he knows that I am always there for because I am. And I would never change our love story in a million years because it's perfect.
Neville: (Your POV)
    When I met Neville all those years ago, I had no idea what our future held. But, I am so happy the Neville let me into his life. I know that he used to be very insecure and I took pride in him before he came out of his shell. He has always been good enough and he always will be. The best thing is that my love is returned. It's the best feeling in the world. Our love is has been though thick and thin and has come out even stronger. It comforts, strengthens, encourages, and understands all at the same time. I once heard that love is just evolution's way of allowing our species to progress but, I disagree with that statement. Love does not trick people and uses them for its own good. It brings people together and not for selfish reasons. And I found this type of love in Neville. His smile, his personality, and his courage are what makes me love him not evolution. I know that when I have breathed my last breath I will have loved Neville and he will have loved me like no one else has ever loved before.
Draco: (Your POV)
    When I met Draco, I knew he was hiding behind walls he was forced to put up. I knew that I would have to break down his walls. It would not be easy but, I had to show him what love really looked like. I battled his demons and have beat them. I gained his trust. I taught him that no matter how far gone he thought he had gone there is always a light side and a chance to turn to goodness. I helped him because I saw him struggling. Because I helped him, he loved me even more than he had already. I loved him since the day I met him. And our love has only grown since the war. I have never made a better decision than to become Draco's friend. Our love changed from friendship to romance during our time at Hogwarts and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I love Draco and I know that he loves me.
Oliver: (Your POV)
    People are very funny. Some stay. Some leave. Some hurt you. Some heal you. And some love you. All of this revolves around the choices that the people around you make. Many people have left me, broken my heart, and drove my confidence to the ground. But, then Oliver came into my life and by total accident. My life was changed for forever. Every time a new person came into my life, I would slowly open up myself and show unique, special and crazy sides of who I am. And almost every time, people left or they distanced themselves from me. But, Oliver stayed. And because he stayed, I stayed too. Throughout our time together, love has blossomed and bloomed. It has kept us together through the good and bad. And there is nothing in the world that could have done that but, love. Love keeps people close together and those people that love has chosen to be in your life really make life worthwhile.

Hello! This story is officially 2 YEARS old! Thank you all for -104k- views, -2k- stars, and -227- comments! I want to thank all of my readers, especially the ones that don't comment or star the chapter but, only that read. I hope that you have enjoyed this story and I have many more ideas/ chapters planned out for the near future. Thank you for your support! Bye!

P.S. This is the last call for requests for the special -100k- chapter. Please comment below if you have any requests. Thanks!

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