Chapter 67: A Normal Evening

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A Normal Evening
Like every evening, Harry apparates at your front door at exactly 7:01 pm. Teddy is always playing on your plush carpet with his toy fire truck: You can see him from the kitchen as you prepare dinner. His blue hair bobs up and down as he jumps in excitement when he sees his father walk in. Harry sheds his umbrella, raincoat, and rain boots before he loosens his tie. He then squats down besides Teddy and picks him up. Teddy giggles with glee as Harry walks into the kitchen with him. Harry comes over to wherever you are, and wraps a arm around your waist before he passionately kisses you. His kisses always make you drop whatever you were holding, but you enjoy them nonetheless. At that point, Teddy has either squirmed out of Harry's arms, or is covering his eyes. You giggle at his reaction and give Teddy a big kiss on the cheek. Harry helps you bring everything to the table, and the three of you enjoy your dinner. Harry always clears and does the dishes while you play with Teddy. Teddy loves this time because as soon as Harry is done with dishes, he has both of his parents to play with. Around 8:00, Teddy starts to rub his eyes. He's getting tired. Harry immediately picks him up, and the three of you go upstairs to put Teddy to bed. Let's be honest putting a toddler to bed can be a challenge, but Teddy is an angel. He doesn't need much convincing, just a story or two and some lullabies.
Once you two have successfully put Teddy to bed, it's time for some alone time together. You often spend this time cuddling on the couch, talking about anything and everything. Harry loves spending this time with you. It's such a personal and comforting time. He loves hearing about yours and Teddy's day and you love hearing about his. He tells you all about the problems at the Ministry, and you often give him advice on how to solve them. Just because you stopped being an Auror to take care of Teddy, doesn't mean you've lost your touch: You were known to be one of the best Aurors. Harry listens to your advice and always appreciates you for it.
Around 10:30, you two go to bed yourself. You both change into your pjs, brush your teeth together, and climb into bed. On other nights, Harry stays up a bit later than you to finish work. You often attempt to stay up by reading, but every time Harry comes upstairs, he sees you peacefully sleep with the book face down on your stomach. He marks your page and places the book on your night stand, before he kisses your forehead and turns off your lamp. He gets ready for bed, and climbs in beside you, just before he turns off his own lamp. Whether Harry accidentally wakes you up or you woke up on your own, you always cuddle up to him. Harry wraps his arms around you, protecting you from the rest of the world.
As soon as you and Ron get off of work at 7 o'clock, you apparate home and immediately cook dinner. The clanking of pots fills your apartment as Ron starts to boil some water for pasta. You mince a garlic clove or tow, chop up half an onion, and sauté them in some olive oil. You then add a spoonful of tomato paste, a small can of halved tomatoes, and two cans of tomato puree. You're making your famous sauce. You don't understand why Ron loves it so much when it's so simple, but it makes you happy that he's happy. Meanwhile, Ron sets the table, boils the pasta, and burns his tongue as he tests the pasta. You giggle at his misfortune. He finds this irresistible, and kisses you almost as soon as you let out that first giggle. Ron then cuts up some fresh bread that you made over the weekend while you strain the pasta, add the sauce to it, and plate it in two low bowls before bringing it to the table. All the while, you tow are chattering away, teasing each other, and just having fun and relaxing after a hard day at work. This continues throughout dinner and when you wash the dishes. You always wash, and Ron always dries and puts them away. While doing the dishes can seem like a monotonous chore, you both enjoy it because it allows you to spend time together and procrastinate getting to your work.
Afterwards, you work to finish any work that you had to take home. This often includes next week's cases, organizing materials for tomorrow's meeting, and/or writing out reports on the previous mission. All the while, you and Ron work quietly, but are often caught staring at each other or helping each other with your work. Both of you usually finish your work by nine. Afterwards, you spend some alone time together. Sometimes you play board games or go out with Harry and Hermione. Other times you spend your time silently cuddling and enjoying each other's presence or turning in early for bed because being an Auror can be tiring. No matter what you two do, your focus is on Ron and his focus is on you.
Some time after eleven, you two go to bed. Ron and you brush your teeth together, competing to see who can get done the fastest. Then, you pull on your pjs. For you, its one of Ron's oversized t-shirts that you use as a nightgown. For Ron, it's a pair of shorts and an undershirt. You then set your alarm, and turn off the lights. As soon as the lights flicker off, Ron pulls you close to him and spoons you, wrapping his arm around you and rest his head right above yours. He falls asleep to your intoxicating scent and you fall asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
You and Fred close up Weasley's Wizard Wheezes everyday at 8 o'clock. However, you often let one last customer in after hours because they need to get a birthday gift or because their son wants Weather-In-A-Bottle and he did so well on his test or becasue there's a teenager who has saved her allowance to buy some WonderWitch products. Either way, you and Fred let them inside the store to purchase whatever their hearts desire, and they're always so thankful and courteous to you and Fred, often apologizing for keep you late. As soon as they leave, you restock the inventory one more time, and close the shop.
    While it would be simpler to just apparate home, you and Fred walk through Diagon Alley, holding hands and enjoying all the sights and sounds. You pass by Eeylops Owl Emporium and hear many of the owls joining together in what Fred calls a song as they hoot into the late hours of the night. You pass by Ollivanders, and remember getting your wand and the magical feeling holding it gave you, the feeling that it still gives you. While the shop is close, light peaks through the windows as Mr. Ollivander is working late creating a new wand. Lastly, you pass by Sugarplum's Sweets Shop. The smell of Madame Sugarplum concocting new recipes always surprises you as you and Fred walk past, but you both enjoy it nonetheless.
    At this point, Fred apparates you both home, where you enjoy your dinner. You—with the help of magic—planned dinner be ready as soon as you got home. This dishes wash themselves as you and Fred relax after a long day at work. Your feet ache, and you can't wait to change into your pajamas, which you immediately do so as soon as dinner is done. Fred does the same. You cuddle together in bed as you talk, tease, banter, and laugh into the late hours of the night. Just shy of midnight, Fred turns off the lights and you attempt to go to sleep. Oftentimes, you spend a few more minutes talking before you drift off to sleep, holding hands and facing each other.
    After you and George close the shop around 8 o'clock, you head upstairs to make dinner together. George and you work side by side, using magical and muggle means to get dinner on the table as fast as possible. You two are starving after a long, hard day at the store. No matter how fast you make dinner, it's always gone faster. However during this time, you and George catch up and talking nonstop. As soon as your finished, the dishes wash themselves as you and George work on new ideas for the shop. Sometimes you're testing ingredients for a potion you've been working on. Other times you're coming up with completely new ideas or you're fixing a problem with a current product. While those kinds of problems are far and few between, they still occur, and George bends over backwards to fix the problem and get the product back on the shelves as quickly as possible.
    You love seeing him bent over plans for his products, scratching his head with his pencil as he works on new designs, or hearing him passionately rant about a new idea he just had. He's a pure genius. His childlike wonder and curiosity mix with his fun-loving attitude and accomplished problem solving skills to create the most intriguing products. George loves how you stay by his side, keeping him grounded so he doesn't go off the rails with all of his new ideas. You do what Fred did for him: You are confident business person that he will never be. He'll come up with most of the ideas, but you'll put them into action, making them come to life.
    You often work into the late hours of the night, running on coffee, butterbeer, tea, hot chocolate, or any other hot liquid. Eventually, you convince George to come to bed. He tiredly changes into his pjs and bushes his teeth. He climbs into bed, and turns off the light. You two continue to talk as you play with his hair and he yours. Eventually, you both drift off to sleep, holding each other.
Neville: (y/h = your house)
    Every night, you head to the Great Hall for dinner just like you did all those years ago. You sit besides each other at the Professor Table. You hold hands underneath the table as you converse with the other teachers and each other and enjoy your meal. After the students clear out, you head to the kitchens to visit Dobby, Winky, and the other house-elves. They enjoy your company and often test new recipes on you two. You always thank them for such an amazing meal and often bring gifts for them, which consist of socks—their favorite item of clothing—that you knitted for them. They send you on your way with cookies and other goodies. Afterwards, you often separate to visit your houses, Neville to Gryffindor and you to y/h. You are their heads of houses after all. You spend time checking up on the students, taking care of any problems, and leaving behind cookies and other goodies for them.
    Afterwards, you and Neville meet up and take care of any other business, including but not limited to: visiting Hagrid, taking books out of the library for research, talking to other teachers, giving perfects their duties for the evening, and sometimes catching students out after curfew, but you always let them go with a warning about Filch. You two retire to your quarters, and stay up late grading papers, tests, or quizzes. You often ask each other for help to read some essays. It's hilarious to see you two try to decode a student's writing. Sometimes good penmanship really does give you that O. You love this quite time alone with Neville. While it is filled with work, you love just being with him. He's the love of your life after all. Neville loves this time with you as well. He loves seeing you bent over an essay, smiling at the intelligence of your students, or hearing you giggle at what one of them wrote on a test. He loves just being near you because he truly misses you throughout the day.
    Around eleven o'clock, you two get ready for bed. It's been a long day and all you want to do is cuddle Neville until you both fall asleep. You two brush your teeth together, smiling as you do so, and change into your pajamas. You climb into bed, and turn off the light as Neville sets the alarm. He pulls you close to him. You take in each other's warmth. You drift off to sleep, knowing at you feel completely safe in Neville's arms.
Everyday, you get home before Draco. It's not like he expects you to make him dinner, but you make it every night because you love to cook. You're always experimenting in the kitchen, whether it's with baking or any other type of cooking. Draco loves how you make the flavors dance in his mouth every time. He always compliments your cooking, and you know that he appreciates coming home to a hot meal every night. Tonight, you've decided to make ratatouille. You always feel like meals turn out better without the use of magic, but you do use it in a pinch. You thinly slice 2 eggplants, 6 tomatoes, 2 yellow squashes, and 2 zucchinis, before you make your famous tomato sauce in a large cast-iron pan. Then, you layer your cut vegetables in a repeating pattern over the sauce, before you season the top with some crushed garlic, thyme, olive oil, parsley, salt, and pepper. You throw that in the oven and work on dessert. You're making Draco's favorite: brownies. The recipe is so simple, yet so delicious that Draco is always begging you to make them. You mix the batter, pour it into a pan, and plop them in the oven besides the ratatouille. Then, you clean up the mess you've made of your kitchen.
Draco apparates into the living room, just your pulling out both the brownies and the ratatouille. He nose leads him to the kitchen where he finds you humming happily, as you plate the ratatouille and cut the brownies out of the pan. Draco hugs you from behind and kiss you neck, telling you how much he missed you today. He helps you bring everything to the table. As soon as he sits down, he wolfs down his meal because it is so good. (He even tells you that with his mouth full!) In his hurry, he had splatter some sauce on his face. You tenderly wipe it off of his face as Draco smiles at you. Draco clears and has the dishes clean themselves, so he can spend some time with you. You talk and laugh about everything that happened today. You rest your head on Draco's shoulder as he holds your hand. With your free hand, you trace his faded Dark Mark. He holds you closer as you remember everything you two have been throguh to stay together. But, enough of the sob story, Draco changes the topic and you two are laughing once again about something your co-worker Janice did today.
Around ten-thirty, you two head upstairs for bed. You two change into your pajamas, brush your teeth, set you alarms, and climb into bed. Draco immediately pulls you close, like he does every night. He needs to feel your presence—and you his—to sleep well. You are each other's comfort, each other's family, and each other's love.
While it seems unlikely, Oliver always makes dinner for you two. He's usually home before you, so he makes dinner. And believe it or not, he's a really good cook! He can make anything under the sun, and have it come out perfectly on the first try. While he does you a bit of magic every time he cooks, you are still impressed with how good his food is. He knows how tired you are after work, and he loves seeing your smile as you enjoy his cooking, so he really enjoys cooking. You clear the table, and have the dishes wash themselves so you can spend time together.
Just like your years at Hogwarts, you spend hours upon hours talking with Oliver about Quidditch, whether it's about something hilarious that happen at practice today, or a new play that the coach came up with. Oliver's eyes shine with joy as he acts out the amazing goal he blocked today. He's out of his seat, standing firm on the ground as excitement rattles through his body. You love every minute of it. You love seeing him so alive and happy. You even join in sometimes when Oliver need an opponent for a special scene. No matter story he tells, you always end up smiling for hours afterwards.
When it's not too cold out, you and Oliver head out—right before bed—for a broomstick ride underneath the stars. You often pack hot cocoa and some treats for you two to enjoy when you reach your destination. Oliver loves spending this time with you because he gets to see you under the light of the moon. And to him it's the most romantic thing ever! Nonetheless, you return home and warm up by the fire before you head up stairs to bed. You both brush your teeth, change into your pjs, and climb into bed. Oliver shuts off the light and you tow cuddle until you fall asleep.

Hello there! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I had so much fun writing it! This is Day 8 of 12. Just as a reminder, another chapter will be posted later this evening. So keep a lookout for it!

P.S. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Feel free to leave one in the comments or DM me if you have one.

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