Chapter 70: He Gets Hurt

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He Gets Hurt (Requested by @ILoveFandomGuys)
Picutre this: it's just before curfew. Harry and you are relaxing in the library. It's pretty much empty, except for Hermione of course. You and Harry are enjoying a quite moment, catching up and just talking. It's quite nice and very adorable. Anyway, Harry's eyebrows furrow together as his clenches his teeth adn squeezes his eyes shut. You instantly know that his scar is hurting him. It's been like this all year. You run your hand through his hair to soothe him and to let him know that you are here. It passes, and you inquire about how he's doing. He tells you that he's okay, but you insist that he's not. He insists that he is. You two are soon in a bit of an argument. At the peak of the argument, Harry kisses you, making you instantly forget your anger. He smiles at you and reassures you that he's okay. You let it go as Harry continues where he left off. He doesn't want to worry you because he knows that every time his scar hurts the closer Voldemort is to finding him.
Ron is known to be a bit clumsy, and that's putting it lightly. He's accidentally hurt himself more times than you can count! The famous of these times is when he was cutting is chicken at dinner on night. You were over at the Burrow to celebrate his birthday, when he accidentally cut his finger with the knife. You weren't sure how he did it, but he did. And you instantly made sure that he was okay. He decided to play with you a bit, and over-exaggerate his pain. You fell for it and made a fuss about it. Ron smiled to himself as he asked to you to kiss his booboo. You laughed knowing he was fine. You instead gave him a quick peck on the lips and went back to eating.
Fred and you were Potions partners. Fred was surprisingly really good at potions. You loved working with him because he was so good at it and because he didn't make you do all the work. Anyway, you were reading Fred the directions as he added the ingredients. You read something incorrectly, and Fred followed exactly what you he said. You potion bubbled and explode in his face. Fred laughed as you worked yourself into a tizzy, making sure he was okay. Professor Snape wasn't too happy, but that didn't matter to you. All you cared about was Fred, who was laughing hysterically. You kept asking if he was okay, but you couldn't hold back your laughter. Soon, you and Fred were laugh so hard your sides were hurting.
George and you were teaching Teddy and Victoire to play Quidditch. They were riding along with you two on your brooms, and laughing away. Teddy, who was riding with George, wiggled out of his grasp and fell off the broom. George dived after him. He caught him just before he reached the ground, but he didn't pull up in time and crashed into the ground, shielding Teddy. You flew over to him with Victoire, demounted your broom, balance Victoire on your hip, and rushed over to where him and Teddy were. Teddy was thankfully giggling and cheering. George was rubbing his shoulder. You picked up Teddy, balanced him on you other hip, and made sure George was okay. when you squatted down beside him, he insisted that he was, but you didn't believe him. As you continued to press the issue, George tickled you! You instantly began laughing, and fell to the ground next to him. You knew George was okay because he was his usual hilarious self.
Neville had met you the library after checking on the plants in the Greenhouses. When he sat down next to you, you saw bite marks on his forearm. You almost shrieked in surprise. As you asked him if he was okay, he reassured you that he was okay: He had only gotten bit by some Fanged Geraniums after all. Even thought he tried to reassure you, you felt even worse. Maybe if you had helped him he wouldn't have gotten bitten? You had not helped today because you had gotten detention for slapping Draco when he called Hermione a Mudblood. He took your hands in his and squeezed them to get your attention as you continued to work yourself into a tizzy about his wounds. He kissed you knuckles as he reassured you that it wasn't your fault. You smiled at his kindness, and wrapped your arms around his neck, knowing that he perfectly fine.
As per usual, Draco and Harry had gotten into another fight. This one had ended up giving Draco a bloody nose and Harry a black eye. As Harry was escorted to the hospital wing, you ran after Draco to make sure he was okay. He had run into the boys' bathroom to clean up his face. You followed him inside without another thought. You grabbed some paper towels on your way over to him. You helped stop the blood, and clean up his face. All the while, you constantly asked Draco if he was okay. All Draco could do was smile. He loved how much you cared about him. You see his glassy eyes and his smile made you smile. Sooner that later Draco has his arms around you, and he whispered into your ear, "I'm perfectly fine now that you're here."
Right after Gryffindor beat Slytherin at the first Quidditch game of the season, the Slytherins decided to take revenge on the Gryffindor team. They followed them into the changing rooms and started a massive fight. You were waiting right outside the changing rooms for Oliver, when you heard the commotion. Professor McGongall heard it too, and rushed inside to see what it wa all about. She prevent you and any other student for that matter form following her inside. In less than a minute, she was leading the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams to the hospital wings. Many had black eyes and broken arms our wrists. However, Oliver was not following her. You took matters into your own hands and dashed inside the changing rooms. You found Oliver sitting on a bench, with his hands interlocked. You went over to him and instantly examined him for injuries while constantly asking if he was okay. He insisted that he was. You didn't believe him. He turned around to face you, and kissed you square on the lips. just before he said, "I'm fine. Well, better than fine. I'm great! I have the best girlfriend in the world, and I just crushed the Slytherins!"

Hello! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. A big thanks to @ILoveFandomGuys for the request. This is Day 11 of 12! Stay tuned for an IMPORTANT Author's Note regarding updates and other things for this new year.

P.S. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Feel free to leave one in the comments or DM me if you have one.

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