Chapter 39: 100k View Special Chapter (Part 1)

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    Imagine, for a quick second before we get on with the chapter, what this story does for you. Why do you continue to read it? What makes you enjoy it so much? I as the author sincerely hope that you have enjoyed what I have written and that you will enjoy what I am going to write. I know that I do not update as frequently as I should and that I am a ghost between updates. I apologize for this. I love this story and love all of you. I am continuing this story for a long time and will continue to write as it brings me joy.
    Thank you all for -100k- views! On with the chapter: Your Birthday!
Y/fc: Your favorite color
Harry: (Harry POV)
    Birthdays are a big thing for Y/n and I. We love the idea that a new year of one of our lives is beginning. It's the fresh start which brings hope for a better year than the last. Birthdays are extremely exciting but, the hardest part is finding a gift. You want something that is practical, fun, and memorable. And believe me when I tell you that I have finally found the perfect gift for Y/n. It's actually five gifts but, its downright flawless. I know that she'll love it. I wrap the five boxes in Y/fc wrapping paper, place it in one big bag, and head out to Y/n's office. I hurry through empty hallways and reach Y/n's office in only a matter of second. I take a deep breath before I knock on her door. I hear her get up and as soon as she opens the door, I plant a kiss on her lips.
    She smiles at me as I exclaim, "Happy Birthday Y/n!"
    "Thanks! I'm almost ready to go. Just let me grab my purse," she replies as her smile widens. She returns and states, "So, where are we off to? Mrs. Weasley is watching Teddy so we have the whole evening to ourselves."
    "It's a surprise."
    "Oooh, I love surprises!"
    With that, I wrap my arm around Y/n as I apparate us home. It's completely dark until all the lights flash on and we hear a huge 'Surprise' from all our family and friends. Teddy runs up to us and gives us a huge hug. Ron, Hermione, Neville, a few other friends, and the rest of the immediate Weasley family are all standing in our living room, smiling and talking with Y/n. After a quick birthday song and cake, I steal Y/n away for a quick moment to give her my gift. She excitedly opens it to see the five boxes, each marked with a different sense.
    "You know that I love you with all of my senses," I whisper in her ear.
    "And I you," Y/n replies and continues with, "Thank you Harry for the best birthday I've ever had."
    "You deserve it," I state just before I kiss her. I nailed it. I gave Y/n the best birthday and I can't wait to do it again next year.
Ron: (Ron POV)
    As you probably know, I as well as Y/n love food. I mean sweets are the best creation in the entire world. We also love a good play-on-words joke. That's why I've found the best gift for Y/n's birthday. I took four of her favorite sweets, wrote a few jokes, and wrapped them in Y/fc tissue paper and in a colorful box. I arrive at the party, gifts in hand, only to be met by Y/n. I peck her lips before heading inside to join the party. After some wonderful cake and conversations, it's time for gifts. I smile as Y/n happily opens each gift. She saves mine for last. I see her smile widen into a laugh as she opens my gift. She rushes over to me, still laughing, and gives me a bear hug.
"Thank you!" She exclaims through laughs.
"No problem. Happy Birthday!" I reply.
Y/n wraps her arms around my neck as I wrap mine around her waist. We share a passionate kiss. I can feel her smiling through the kiss. I succeeded! I gave Y/n the best gift and I made her laugh.
Fred: (Fred POV)
    I just love birthdays. They are by far the best holidays. But, the best part, is gift giving. The feeling that you get when you see your love ones smiling is so warm and precious. So, because of this, I love gift giving. This time though I am having a bit of a struggle. Y/n's birthday is in a few days and I'm scraping for the perfect gift. I lament to George about it.
    "George, I can't think of what to give her!" I state in frustration.
    "And here you thought mum was hard to buy for," he replies with a chuckle.
    "It's not that she has everything. It's that —well I'm not sure," I contemplate.
    "You just don't want to mess up. I mean she knows how great at gift giving you are. You wouldn't want your reputation ruined," George teases.
    "I guess your right brother," I reply
    "I'm always right," George boasts before he continues with,"Anyway, maybe you could make her something?"
    After a fewer seconds of thought,"Georgie, I think your right."
    With that, we return to our work as ideas fill my head about Y/n's gift.
    The day is finally here. It's Y/n's birthday and I have the best surprise for her. George is allowing me to leave work early to pick up Y/n and so that we can have nice dinner together. As the clock chimes 5 times, I know its time for me to head out and meet Y/n.
    "Hello Love!" I exclaim.
    "Fred, I didn't know you were meeting me," Y/n replies, clearly surprised, as I give her a hug and a quick kiss.
    "Well, it is your birthday. And we have big things to do Y/n. Big things," I trial off as I apparate us home.
    At our cottage, I have already prepared a nice dinner for us, which we enjoy while we talk and laugh. After dinner, I clean up and then present Y/n with her gift. As she pulls the large black picture frame, a smile appears on her face. All of our memories, like out first date, kiss, and prank, line its borders.
    "Fred, I love it!" Y/n shouts as she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.
    "Your welcome. I'm so glad you like it! It took me a while to come up with the idea," I reply, relieved.
    "I'm sure it didn't take you that long. You are the best gift giver alive," she teases.
    "Happy Birthday Y/n!" I exclaim as I kiss her. We both smile into the kiss and I know that I have nailed another birthday for Y/n.
George: (George POV)
    Y/n's birthday is coming up and I'm so excited. I've been planning for the last two and half weeks. I have every moment planned down to the second. And I found the perfect gift. Well, I actually made it myself. Before I head to meet Y/n, I grab the box and smile to myself, hoping that today will go as planned.
Once we reach our meeting place, Honeyduke's, we enjoy some quality time together. We laugh as we enjoy some of our favorite sweets. Butterbeers in hand, we leave Honeyduke's and head to meet our friends.
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Y/n! Happy Birthday to you!" I as well as our friends sing. We enjoy some wonderful cake and open presents. When Y/n reaches and opens mine, I see her lips form a smile. She loves what I have written, that I love her to the moon and back. The pictures, that I have stringed between the moon and the earth, show all of our happiest times.
"George get over here!" Y/n exclaims with a large smile planted on her lips.
"Yes, dear?" I reply, teasingly.
"Thank you! It's perfect!" Y/n excitedly states as she give me a huge hug.
"Your welcome. Happy birthday Y/n," I whisper into her ear, before I pull her close and kiss her rosy lips. I think to myself: Well George, you did it. I guess I did. I gave Y/n a great birthday.
Neville: (Neville POV)
There: it's finally done! I've finally created a new species of flowers. And just in time too. I mean Y/n's birthday is tomorrow and I have just finished her gift. I have been working on this project for over nine months and all my hard work has finally paid off. I just have to put it in it's greenhouse case and it's all ready for tomorrow. I succeed and head to bed.
I wake up to Y/n shaking me. I rub my eyes before I realize what day it is.
"Happy Birthday Y/n!" I exclaim as I hug her.
"Thank you!" She replies.
"Are you ready for the best birthday ever?" I ask, excitedly.
" You betcha. Let me just get dressed and we can begin," Y/n states as she hurries to get dressed. I do the same before rushing to get her present.  I place it in her spot at the breakfast table before I start making breakfast. Y/n arrives in the kitchen shortly after and we prepare breakfast together.
As we sit down, Y/n questions,"Neville, what is this?"
"Your birthday present of course," I reply with a smile.
"You shouldn't have," she states and she carefully tears the wrapping paper. As soon as she sees the flower, her eyes go wide in awe.
"I made you your own species of flower. And you get to name it," I boast with a smile.
"Neville, it's simply breathtaking. I love it!" Y/n exclaims as she rushes to give me hug.
"I'm glad you do," I reply just before we share a passionate kiss. Well, Neville you nailed it. I guess your Herbology skills have really paid off.
Draco: (Draco POV)
As I remember when I asked Y/n out and how my notes failed, I finally find the perfect gift for Y/n. I love writing love notes. I think that are perfectly passive way to show how much you love someone. I write some quotes, a few of our memories, and reasons why I love her down on brightly colored paper and place them in a mason jar. I seal it tight and ties bow on it. I smile to myself as I place the gift on Y/n's nightstand before I climb into bed with her. As I wrap my arms around her, I think about how great tomorrow is going to be.
    As I awake, I kiss Y/n to wake her up as well.
    "Good morning and Happy Birthday beautiful," I whisper into her ear.
    "Thank you!" She replies back as she rubs her eyes.
    "I'm going to get dress and you should too. I have big things planned for today," I states as I get up to brush my teeth.
    "Draco, did you make me this?" Y/n states after a few moments.
    "What do you think love?" I ask.
    "I love it!" she exclaims as she hugs be from behind.
    I turn around to face her as I state,"I'm glad you do."
    I pull her close as I close the gap between our lips with a passionate kiss. Well, Draco you did it. Your notes finally worked.
Oliver: (Oliver POV)
    As I struggle to come up with the perfect gift for Y/n, I think about all of our memories, like when I bought her her first broom or when we saw the Weird Sisters in concert or when we were cuddling by the fireplace during Christmas time. Just then an idea hits me. I will make a collage of all of our memories. Just like that, I am as busy as a bee. I happily finish her gift just in time. We have a date for her birthday and it's in ten minutes! I rush upstairs, hurriedly get dress, and wait for Y/n in the kitchen. I smile as she comes down the stairs. She is honestly breathtaking. My smile widens as she takes my hand in hers.
    "Happy birthday, Y/n!" I exclaim as I hand her my gift.
    A smile appears on her lips as she states,"Oh, Oliver. It's lovely!"
    "I'm glad you like it," I reply.
    "Like it? I love it!" Y/n exclaims as she kisses me square on the lips. Who knew homemade gifts could be the best gifts?

*Picture above is of the gifts*

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