Chapter 53: Song Preference X

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Song Preference X: "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers {Day 8 out of 12}
Harry: But I would walk 500 miles And I would walk 500 more Just to be the man who walks a thousand miles To fall down at your door
    This declaration of love perfectly works wonderfully for your relationship with Harry. Ever since you had started dating Harry, everything became harder. You were always feeling emotionally drained. You honestly were constantly worrying about Harry. I mean he came so close to death so many times that you could never be at rest until Voldemort was dead. However, you couldn't deny the way you felt about him. You knew loved him for who he was and not because of his fame. You saw the real Harry, the boy who was lost. He hadn't grown up in the wizarding world, and he never knew of how truly famous he was. He was left in the world without loving parents to guide him. There were very few people who loved Harry for he was. You knew all of this. You did your best to give him the love that he deserved without thinking about how famous he was.
    Harry knew your struggle. He had seen his friends struggle with it as well as the older people in his life. He knew that for all you were doing for him he could do something to make your toil easier. Thus, Harry always told you how thankful he was to be dating you. He was always completely open with you about all of his feelings, even the more embarrassing ones. As he opened up, you did the same. And your relationship flourished.
    When Harry left to go fight Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, he took a line out of his favorite Muggle song and said, "But I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to be the man who walks a thousand miles to fall down at your door."
    These words comforted you as you realized that Harry would do everything in his power to come back to you, no matter how exhausted, wounded, and how bad the situation looked.
Ron: When I come home (when I come home) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you
    After the War, Ron had gotten a job as an Auror beside Harry. He loved the work and the fact that he was still with Harry. Their friendship was unlike anything you had ever seen. Aristotle described three types of friendships: Friendships of Utility, Friendships of Pleasure, and Virtue Friendships. You truly believed that Ron and Harry had achieved that rare Virtue Friendship and therefore all of its benefits. You knew that no matter what, Ron was a lot safer with Harry by his side than anyone else. Nonetheless, you, along with Hermione and Ginny, worried about them as they continued to go on dangerous missions together. Every time they went away. it felt like an eternity before they returned. When their missions went on longer than expected, everything, once again, became surreal. However it was much worse when the Ministry lost contact with them. While this did not happen as often as one would think, any time it did your world came crashing down. It was just like when Ron left to go find and destroy the Horcurxes with Harry and Hermione. All those same emotions came flooding back as you recollected yourself once again, knowing that he could die.
    When these emotions came flooding back, so did the memories. And there were some bad ones that came back. Certain moments of the War would be forever engraved in your mind. While many of those were bad, there was one that came at end, almost like how hope came out of Pandora's box. It brought you peace and made you worry less. It was the night of the Battle. You had just arrived with the Weasleys to fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. As soon as you arrived, you and Ron had a happy reunion. While it did not last long, Ron promised that he was going to be the man who would come back to you after this madness was over. And he was right.
Fred: And if I grow-old (when I grow-old) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you
    Fred had always dreamed of growing old with someone. He knew how special a connection would have to be for that to happen. As he fell in love with you, he realized that you were that person. He and George always told each other everything. (They had sworn to.) He told George of his feelings for you as they were going to bed one night.
    "Georgie what am I going to do?" Fred lamented.
    "You know exactly what do. You found the right girl. So go get her tiger!" George replied with a smirk.
    "She's the person who I want to grow old with," I continued.
    "Good! That should be the person who want to marry," George agreed.
    "So George, do you have that person in your life?" Fred slyly asked.
    "Just shut it!" George answered as he hit Fred with a pillow.
    "Oh George! I just love you!" Fred teased as he pretended to be Angelina.
    "I said shut it!" George yelled as he hit Fred once again with the pillow.
    A full-blown pillow fight emerges between them. Then end up falling down on George's bed in exhaustion.
    "Alright, I'll shut it," Fred stated with a heavy breath.
    "Good. Now, if you ask Y/n to marry you, I'll get the nerve to ask Angie," George wagers as he looks at Fred.
    "You got yourself a deal brother!" Fred exclaims as he stands up on George's bed and jumps onto his own. George tuns off the light as Fred gets under the covers. They wish each other 'goodnight' and George quickly falls asleep. Fred stays up a bit longer. He thinks about what George said about marriage and growing old with someone. He came to the same conclusion he had known already: you were that girl and he was so happy that he had found you.
George: I'm gonna be the man who's coming home with you
     George and you fell in love over pranking. You were an expert, and George fell in love with how passionate you were about pranking. You exceptionally good at getting out of trouble which was very useful. George 'employed' you to work with him and Fred at Hogwarts. The three of you became the best known pranksters in the whole school. Therefore, it was only logical that you would immediately work with them as they started up their joke shop. You agreed but on one condition: you had to finish you seventh year. Your mom would wring your neck if you didn't. George and Fred agreed with your terms. As soon as you graduated, you joined George and Fred. You flourished with them as all three of you became more and more famous. Having a brilliant brain in that pretty head of yours, you helped turn the crazy ideas that the twins came up into safe products that still had a little fun in them.
    You felt right at home and so did George. You two eventually go married and you officially became a Weasley. You began everyday with each other and the joke shop and ended you day coming home with each other. It was great. And it was just what the two of you wanted.
Neville: When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next you
    For Neville, the small tings meant the world to him. He had always had an eye for detail. This attention to detail came into your relationship. With this ability, Neville was able to love everything about you, from the smallest quirk to the largest perfection. For one thing, Neville loved the way you would walk with him. He always slowed his pace to match yours. However, by the time he had done so, you had already matched his. He would quickly speed up as your interlocked hands pulled him into stride with you. But, that was not Neville's favorite thing about your relationship. For that matter, it wasn't how sparks always flew whenever you kissed nor how you could cheer him mud instantly. His favorite this thing was waking up next to you. No matter how bad you thought you looked Neville completely disagreed. He was the lucky man who got the honor to wake up next to you every morning. He loved seeing you sleeping peacefully. You looked so calm and beautiful. But, he loved the reassurance of your love even more. As you would always roll into him as you woke up. You always initiated an 'good morning kiss' and you always wished him good morning by saying, 'Good morning, love.' Thus, Neville loved waking up with you as it was the best way to start the day since it was with the person who he loved the most.
Draco: When I go out (when I go out) well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
    While your relationship with Draco started out as a secret, Draco had always wanted to go public with your relationship. You were the girl who 'set him straight.' The girl who made him rethink everything he had ever believed. In an non-religious way, you were ironically his savior. You had made him realize not judge a person by their actions not by their blood status. You had saved him from completely giving himself over to Voldemort. While all this seems impossible, love was the reason for Draco's change of heart.
    When Draco finally realized he had feelings for you even though he knew your blood was not pure, he was confused. How could he of all people fall in love with someone like you? He tried to suppress his feelings, but they were persistent. Since he could not get rid of these feelings, he was left more confused. How could something that felt so right be against everything that he had ever known? It was at that point that the wheels started to turn in Draco's mind. If true love is good, then the person who you must be good as well. While Draco could see obvious holes in this way of thinking, he knew you were a good person. He knew how you viewed others: by their actions not by their blood status. Thus, after a long thought process, Draco came to realize how horrid he had been, how bad he had treated Muggles and Half-bloods.
    Ever since then, Draco had loved you with every fiber of being. And in time, he learned to love this new version of himself. Thus, Draco went along with you and your way of thinking. But, not because you forced him, because he wanted to.
Oliver: And if I haver up, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you (Havering is Scottish slang for talking nonsense)
    Oliver had never had trouble to talking with girls. That was before he met you. He could always think of what was the smoothest thing to say next whether he was talking to his friends, teammates, or a girl he liked. However, when he realized his feelings for you, talking did not come as easily as it used to. He would often start rambling when he was with you. Frankly, you thought it was adorable. You loved to hear his thrilling stories about Quidditch as he tried to impress you. And it worked. You fell head over heels in love with him. You had had a passion for Quidditch ever since you were able to ride a broom. To see another person this passionate about Quidditch made your heart soar. Oliver felt the same way as he eventually began to get less nervous around you, and thus began to be able to listen more intently to your tales. They were as impressive as his. He too realized how passionate you were about Quidditch. With that, the two of you knew that you had found your perfect match.
    Hello there! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I just love this song so much right now that I had to turn it into a chapter. This song especially reminds me of Oliver as The Proclaimers sing in their Scottish accents and use some Scottish slang. As always, new chapter soon. Bye!

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Harry Potter PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora