Chapter 24: You're Sick

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You're sick
Harry: (Harry POV)
       I hear a small sneeze and a sniffle as I feel sympathy for Y/n. I'm not gonna let my girlfriend dye while I'm still alive. I look into her e/c eyes and notice that they are glossier than usual. Her red nose looks so cute but, I know she feels like a werewolf right after a full moon. She's sitting wrapped in a blanket by the huge fireplace of 12 Grimmuald Place. Kreacher looks at her then at me and offers her a bowl of soup. She thanks him, accepts it, and sneezes into the fire and away from the rest of us. I sit next to her and just as I started to ask if she was okay, Mrs. Weasley comes running in. She looks at the soup and immediately takes it away from her, saying something about nutrition. Once she leaves, I wrap my arms around her. I see her smile. I know that with my love she'll feel better in no time.
Ron: (Ron POV)
         Y/n, Harry, Hermione and I are all having a snowball fight. It's boys versus girls and I'm sorry to say that Harry and I are being bombarded with wave after wave of snowballs. Eventually the girls win, which is no surprise. We then go to the Gryffindor common room to warm up. We had already got some butter beer before and were enjoying it by the big fireplace huddled in blankets. Suddenly, I see Y/n fall to the floor after trying to get up. Horror fills her eyes as we both realize she's not feeling well. She laughs it off but, deep down I know she's not okay. I force her to sit down as I grab every blanket I can find and a pillow too. She falls asleep as soon her head hits the pillow. We don't have the guts to wake her up so, we promise ourselves that we will bring her back something. Dinner was very boring and quite without Y/n. I grab a bowl of Chicken noodle soup and head back the common room early. I calmly wake her up and she sneezes once again. She thanks me for the soup but, won't eat it. I smile at her a feed her myself. She kisses my cheek causing me to go as red as my hair. She can always make me smile and blush for that matter. Suddenly, we both sneeze. Y/n looks at me as she realizes what she's done. Well, let me just say, it was best cold ever!
Fred: (Fred POV) 
        I can't find Y/n anywhere! And it's really freaking me out. Then it hits me, literally. George drops a water ballon on my head. I'm going to kill him. I immediately run after him and we end up in the Hospital wing. Suddenly, we see Y/n. She coughing like crazy, has an IV in her arm, and looks so weak. I promptly sprint over to her side. She raises her hand to my face and strokes my cheek. Tears stream from her beautiful eyes. The nurse rushes over to us as she pushes us apart and explains," Fred, I'm sorry to say this but, she was struck by the Dolohov curse. With loss of blood and a nasty cold, she will be in here for a few days."
      With that, I immediately pull up a chair as stay with her for the rest of the day. I feel my eyes close shut as I drift off to sleep. Some time later, I feel that same hand hold my cheek. Y/n looks at me and says," Fred..."
      " Yes," I quickly reply.
      " I love you so much. Don't leave me please, not at a time like this."
      " Don't worry love. I ain't going anywhere."
George: (George POV)
       Y/n and I are happily playing in the snow. We have snowball fights, build a snow-family, and make many, and I mean many, snow angels. We both love snow and winter for that matter.  I look at her and I hear her sneeze. I, on instinct, wrap my soft and warm scarf around her small neck. She looks up at me and smiles. We continue on our way to Hogsmeade. We stop at the Three Broomsticks for some good food, flavorful butter beer, and to see some amazing friends.
      As soon as we get there, we are greeted by our friends and we all sit at a huge table in the back. Y/n keeps sneezing as we all converse and talk about what we are doing for Christmas break. We eventually say goodbye to our friends and head back to Hogwarts. As soon as we get to the Gryffindor common room, I take her wet coat and wrap her in a thick blanket. I sit down next to her. She offers a corner of the blanket and we cuddle under the blanket, with both of us smiling and coughing.
Neville: (Neville POV)
Y/n and I are in the green house helping Professor Sprout. We both love it in there. It brings back a few memories. I see a green spiked plant wrap around Y/n. She shrieks as it bite her waist. Professor Sprout and I both rush over to her and I plant uncoils itself from her waist. She falls into my arms as she becomes unconscious. Professor Sprout places a white mixture in her wound and we immediately rush her to Hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey instantly understands what happened. We are shooed out of the Hospital wing and tears stream down Professor Sprout's face. Between sobs she says," Y/n was bitten by a Venomous Tentacula. She could be dying as we speak. I don't know if she'll live. It's very unlikely."
With that she walks into the girls bathroom and I can hear her cry even more. Godric, I didn't think it was this bad. Now the love of my life could be dead. I'm going to wait by the doors of the Hospital wing until I am let in. Once I am let in, Madame Pomfrey smiles at me as I see Y/n alive and well. I run into her open arms and know that we'll be together through thick and thin.
Draco: (Draco POV)
Y/n and I are on our favorite spot in the whole school, the attic. No one but, us and the night sky. We meet up here all the time since it's our only chance to see each other. We are both wrapped in cozy blankets and are sipping some hot cocoa. Suddenly, I feel Y/n slip away from my tight grip. I feel her head as she burns up. I have to get her to the Hospital wing right now. I wrap her shivering body in a blanket and run out of the attic and to the Hospital wing. As soon as I get there, Y/n is taken from my arms and put on a hospital bed and is immediately looked at. She it given a purple pill that knocks her out. I wait by the door until Madam Pomfrey comes over and explains to me," Her appendix exploded. She'll be alright after a few days but, for now she'll be in here."
I immediately kneel down next to her bed and move her hair away from her forehead. A smile creeps onto her lips as I realize that I can't be without her.
Oliver: (Oliver POV)
I didn't see Y/n at Quidditch practice or at class today and it's not like her to miss it. I search the whole school for her until I see her in the Gryffindor common room. She's wrapped in thick and woolen blanket. I sit down next to her as she says," I'm so sorry that I couldn't come practice today. I feel like a werewolf after a full moon."
" It's totally okay. I was just worried about you. Ya know that I love you, right?" I reply.
" Ahh, I love you too. Will you stay with me?"
" Sure. I'll stay for forever."

Hi there. It's been a while. This story has reach -50k- views! Yay!!! I will be making a new cover to celebrate. I am on Christmas vacation and I want to give you guys a special chapter to celebrate Christmas and -50k- views. Please comment below any ideas or requests. I will do my best to fulfill all of your guys' wishes. As always, new chapter soon. Bye.

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