Chapter 65: Cute Things You Do That He Loves

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Cute Things You Do That He Loves
    Let's be honest with each other: Harry is not always the easiest person to be in love with. I mean with him constantly getting into danger, being crushed by mountains of stress, and just struggling to survive it's enough to drive any girlfriend crazy. However, he couldn't drive you away. You stood by his side and was as supportive as could be. You were always there, and Harry loved you for it. In addition, you knew how scared he was of losing those he loved. So, when you would hold his hand, you occasionally squeeze it to say 'I'm still here.'
    Ron can often be too hard on himself. He compares himself way too much to other people. He really needs some to be there for him and shine a light in all of his darkness. That's exactly what you are: a light in his darkness. You always know how to cheer him up, and the best part is you're not afraid to embarrass yourself to do so. Another thing Ron loves is how you cuddle with him. He loves it when you place your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat or how you rest your hand on his heart. Heartbeats symbolize life, and after everything you two have been through, it's reassuring to feel each other's heartbeats.
    Fred things your at your most adorable when you try to reach something on the top shelf. He loves seeing you stand on your tiptoes with your tongue sticking out a bit in frustration as you try to stretch and reach the top shelf. No one can lie: Fred's tall. Because of that, he loves being your knight in shining armor when you ask him for help. And, he is always rewarded with a kiss from his princess. But the best thing you do is play with his hair. He knows you love running for fingers through it. However, he loves feeling your fingertips more than you could possible know.
    It's true that the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. George loves it how you always make him breakfast. He's always running late in the morning, and he more often than not forgets to eat breakfast. You making breakfast for him truly makes him start day of happy. George by nature is funny. He's probably the one of the funniest people you know—with Fred being the only real competition. Therefore, you laugh at all his jokes. George knows he's funny, but he loves seeing you laugh while knowing that he was the reason behind it.
    Neville can get insecure at times. He often shies away a bit and gets embarrassed easily. Because of that, he never feels like he is truly listened to and understood. However, after he met you, everything changed. You gave him your time and always listened to him without interjecting. You understood him, and that was the best gift anyone could've given him. On another note, you love it kiss his nose. It's such an uncommon stop to kiss, but Neville loves it. It makes him feel all warm and safe inside.
    Draco, of course, loves your voice. He loves hearing you call his name. He loves hearing you sing. He loves just listening to you talk. You have the voice of an angel, and you're his angel. Draco is also smitten with your confidence. You don't give a hoot about what anyone else thinks about you. You are truly yourself, and no one could take that away from you. Draco loves how sure of yourself you are, and how you helped him become the same way.
    Like many sports stars, Oliver is constantly pulling muscles. He's always very tense. So, when you give his massages, he's in heaven. He's like putty in your hands. You legit melt away his pain, and relieve him of so much stress. However, Oliver finds you the cutest when you just look at him and smile. Through your smile he knows that you are proud of him, that you love him, and that you always be there for him.

Hey y'all! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This is Day 6 of 12. Thank you for all of your reads and stars! They mean the world to me. New chapter soon. Bye!
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