Chapter 69: You Get Hurt

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You Get Hurt (Requested by @ILoveFandomGuys)
You aren't known to be the most graceful. You often trip over your own two feet, air, or anything else. However, every time you do trip,  Harry is by your side making sure your okay. You always assure him that you're fine, but he never buys it. Once—after tripping while you and Harry were walking to the Greenhouses, Harry picked you up and carried you bridal style. You couldn't stop laughing and neither could he! Another time, Harry spun you closer to him so you would fall flat on your face. Oh, and we can't forget the time, Harry saved you from falling down a flight of stairs! He carried the five books you were trying to balance in your arms, so you could hold onto the railing, while he playfully teased you about not being able to walk properly.
Ron is a known klutz, but let's talk about his other half for a minute. You are just as accident prone as Ron is. There was this one time you were at the Burrow, and helping Mrs. Weasley set the table. Since you weren't of age yet, you were doing it by hand. You were just about to set the last plate in its spot when you tripped over the rug. The plate went flying. Mrs. Weasley caught the plate. While you crashed onto your back and got the wind knocked out of you. As soon as Ron heard the loud thud, he rushed down the stairs to make sure you were okay. He offered you his hand as he helped you up. Then, Ron made a big fuss, constantly asking if you were okay. You always reassured him that you were perfectly fine. He let it go after about an hour when he kissed your forehead and told you that he hates to see you hurt.
    You, being the bookworm that you are, are always looking for the next best read. You were in the fiction section of the Hogwarts library, trying to find the book that you needed. When you had located the book, you realized that it was on the top shelf. You climb onto the step stool and attempted to reach it. The stool broke and you came crashing down, making the entire library look in your direction. Fred, knowing where you had gone off to, instantly appeared at you side. He was in a tizzy as he helped you up. He got you your book, and you two walked back to your table. Afterwards, he kept checking that you were okay. No matter how many times the librarian shushed him, he continued and only asked more.
    You were helping George restock the joke shop. Everything was going perfectly fine until one the boxes of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder exploded, completely blinding you and George. In the darkness, you bumped into one of the shelves and boxes fell down. George heard the noise, called out for you. Once the darkness passed, he found you brushing yourself off, with a half smile plaster on your face. George rushed over to you to make sure you were okay. You reassured him and teased him about how the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder had malfunctioned. However, George kept asking you if you were okay. To shut him up, you kissed him. He melted into the kiss, and knew that you were you perfect, confident, and healthy self.
    You were helping Neville water and re-organize the plants in the Greenhouses. You both loved each other's company, and helping Professor Sprout out. Anyway, you were carrying some Bouncing Bulbs. When you were just about to put them into their new spot, one of them smacked you across the face. You blinked in surprise, just before another one hit one. You did you best to maintain your composure as you continually got whacked in the face. As soon as Neville notice the commotion, he rushed to help you. He took the Bouncing Bulbs from your hands and place them in their spot as you rubbed your cheek. Neville then turned to you, with a concerned look on his face. When he saw your red cheek, his eyes went wide. Without a blink, he was rambling, making sure you were okay. As you attempted to reassure him, Neville got smacked by a Bouncing Bulb. He instantly stoped talking and stood still in shock. You kissed the stop where he got whacked, and Neville smiled. He kissed both of you cheeks, and you two went back to work.
On your way to the Great Hall, you were casually walking down the stairs, with your nose stuck in a book. You were behind on you Potions reading, and Snape was biting your head off for it. So, you decided to read your Potions book constantly, just to spite him. Anyway, since you were so involved in you reading, you didn't notice the stair cases shifting. Because you weren't holding on to the railing, you fell on your bum and started to bump down the stairs on it. You book had gone flying, and accidentally hit Draco in the head. As he rubbed the back of his head, he turned around to see what had hit him. He saw your Potions book and you making your way down the stairs. He immediately rushed to your side, and made a fuss to make sure you were okay. You took his outstretched hand, stood up, and rubbed your tailbone. You were going to have a nasty bruise. Draco notice you winch and stir himself into even more of a tizzy. He offered you his arm to help you down the next flight of stairs. You turned it down insisting you were fine. Draco pressed the issue of your imaginary injury further. To stop him from making a fool of himself, you pulled on his tie, brought his face inches from yours, and kissed him square on the lips. Draco instantly stopped, losing himself in your kiss.
You were watching the Gryffindors practice. Fred and George had a great idea of a prank they could pull on you and Oliver. They would hit a bludger towards you. Oliver would see it, leave his post as Keeper to stop it from hitting you, and the Chasers could make a goal. Their plan worked perfectly! However, Oliver didn't notice the bludger speeding towards you, because he was talking with the Chasers about a new formation. Instead, you got hit right in the eye by it. You screamed at the pain, and everyone looked at you. They instantly knew what had happened. Oliver immediately called for a five minute break and flew over to you to make sure you were okay. As soon as he arrived at your location, he removed your hand from your face. Seeing your eye turning black and blue, he was filled with anger towards Fred and George. His revenge would have to be enacted later. He had to make sure you were okay, and he did like a thousand times as he walked you to hospital wing. You reassured him that you were fine and that he should get back to practice. But, he insisted that he deliver you to Madame Pomfrey. Once he did, he stuck around for a bit longer to make sure you were taken care of. Madame Pomfrey fixed you up in a flash. Before you knew it, you were back to watching the Gryffindors practice, or rather watching Oliver yell at Fred and George for their recklessness.

Hello! I am so sorry this is late. However, I took the executive decision to work on this for another day to make the quality was better. You can't have quantity without quality. Also, I want to thank @ILoveFandomGuys for the request! Anyway, this is Day 1o of 12! Stay tune for another chapter that will posted later tonight!

P.S. REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! Feel free to leave one in the comments or DM me if you have one.

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