Chapter 9: Your First Kiss

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Your first kiss:
Your first kiss took place on a horrible day. Draco was being his bad self today. Some of the other girls had bullied you. And on top of that you were late for Potions, got detention, and tons of homework. It was truly a bad day.
That evening you were in the common room doing your homework as silent as a mouse. When you first looked at the lock it had said: 7:47, now hours had flown by and it was 11:38. You were honestly about to cry because you had just finished Snape's mountain of homework and you still had stuff to do from Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout.
       You suddenly heard a door creak open which caused you to wipe your eyes and stare back at your work. You soon realized it was Harry. As soon as he saw your tear streaked face he instantly knew what to do. He sat in the chair next to you, grabbed your hands, and kissed your rosy lips. He didn't know why he did it but, you both like it.
       Your first kiss was just as magical as magic. Both you and Ron were walking back from Hogsmede when it started to pour. It was raining angry cats, dogs, and grizzly bears. Ron instantly took of his coat and used it as an umbrella you smuggled up close to him.
       You both ran to a large willow tree with light green leaves. Under to the tree's gentle branches you were safe. You and Ron sat down on the dry grass. But, as you heard a clap of thunder, Ron wrapped his arms around you and kissed you lips, hoping to make you forget about the storm. It worked and it only made both of you fall in love more.
Your first kiss actually took place during detention. You both had gotten in trouble with Snape again. Snape had you go and re-shelf all the books in the Library. He also took away your wands to prevent you both from using magic.
Fred was obviously the taller one between to two of you. While he shelved the higher books, you shelved the lower ones. Once though he and you both shelved a book at the same causing your hands to touch and your faces to be inches. Fred leaned in a kissed your perfect lips. When you parted, both your faces were the color of his hair. He smiled at you and wrapped his arms around you causing this to be the best detention ever.
Your first kiss with George was at Bill and Fleur's wedding. Just after the last dance, death eaters filled the Burrow and attacked. You and George fought back to back, protecting each other. George felt you slip away from him as you fell to the ground with a horrible curse from a death eater. George guarded your body and eventually killed the death eater that had cursed you.
As multiple shrieks erupted as the death eaters left. George carried your unconscious body inside and laid you on his own bed. Mrs. Weasely then came in and took care of you.
         A few days later, you woke up and saw George listening to your heart. When he felt you sit up he instantly grabbed you into a bone crushing hug and kissed your rosy lips. When you looked at his face,  you notice that he was smiling his biggest smile. You wrapped your arms his neck and said," Morning, Weasley."
As Neville sees Bellatrix use the Cruciatus Curse against you, he hears your body thud to the ground. He runs over to you as Lucas Malfoy grabs him by the collar and says," Take my advice Longbottom leave her alone to dye and follow me to the better side."
       Neville spits in his face, picks up your bleeding body and carries your body through all the chaos. He protects you and eventually gets you to St. Margo's where you are immediately put in the immediate care.
        About a week after that, you finally woke up to meet a very worried Neville. He instantly kisses your full lips. When you part you and Neville are both as red as a rose.
Your first kiss took place when you were captured by Voldemort and was hanging from the ceiling of the Malfoy Manor as Voldemort was discussing his plans. As Vodemort said," So, since you won't answer any of my questions, you'll die," Draco cut you from the ceiling. Voldemort looked at him with hatred and said," Boy put her down right now."
        Draco replies while running out of the house," I'm never letting her go."
       Voldemort looks at Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and yells," Can't you control your soon?! Bellatrix find and kill them."
       Narcissa shrieks and fonts into her husband's arms while you and Draco apparate to Hogwarts. He instantly brings you to the hospital but, since no one is there he fixes you himself.
      When he is through, he kisses your tired lips which wakes you up and realize that Hogwarts is going to be under attack. You beg Draco to stay with you and fight against Voldemort but, as his dark mark becomes vivid and more painful, he says he can't. But, he does promise he will return for you no matter what. You kiss him one last time and you both go to fight against each other's family and side.
Your first kiss took place on the last game of the season. Oliver had block all of the goals and you had scored over ten while Harry caught the snitch. It was an amazing and you won the Inter-house Quidditch cup. Oliver kissed your perfect lips as soon as you both got off of your brooms. He knew that he would always love you.

Hi there so sorry this took so long. Anyways I want to thank Laura1D77,
SilentTreatment234, and dudefromband for favoriting my story. As always new chapter soon, I promise. Bye.

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