Chapter 85: Revisited: How You Two Meet

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Day 3 of 12

Info: Y/ln = your last name; Y/pn = your parent's name

Harry: You were running down the stairs to the Dungeons, taking them two-by-two being very careful not to trip. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you skip the last five and hurry into the potions classroom where a disappointed Snape greets you. 

"It's nice of you to finally join us Y/ln," Snape snarls. 

You quietly sit down in the only empty seat, next to Harry Potter. Of course, you knew who he was. I mean who doesn't? He is the Chosen One after all. Let's be honest with ourselves: you didn't really care that much that he was the Chosen One. Being in the same grade as him and all, you were bound to meet him at some point. You wanted to get to know the boy behind all of the rumors. What you were wondering is why he didn't have a partner. Just then you see Ron and Hermione sitting with each other. Snape must have finally split Ron and Harry up. Seems like he's in a horrible mood as per usual.

Settling into your new seat, you begin to unload your equipment. As you know, today you're making the Forgetfulness Potion. It's quite simple, but easy to mess up. It seems that all potions are easy to mess up. Once Snape finishes his usual spiel, you begin to prep your ingredients. 

"Hi," Harry whispers. 

"Hi. The name's Y/n" You whisper back. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Harry."

You smile. "I know." 

Harry smiles. "I figured. You know what were supposed to be doing?" 

"You bet!" 

"Great! I'll let you take the lead on this one then." 

You scribble down a list of ingredients and hand the list to Harry. "Here's what we'll need. I'll get our station set up. Can you get the ingredients?" 

Harry hops off his stool. "Sure thing!"

Returning quickly, Harry spreads out the ingredients before you: a small vial Lethe river water, a bushel of Valerian sprigs, a handful of knotgrass, and some dried mistletoe berries. 

You hand Harry a small knife. "I hope you've got good knife skills cause we need both the knotgrass and the stems of the Valerian sprigs cut really finely." 

"My knife skills are impeccable. Does that mean you'll crush the berries and take care of the river water?" Harry asks. 

"And here I thought you had no idea what you're doing." 

Harry chuckles. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." 

With that, you both get to work. You add two drops of Lethe river water to the cauldron and gently heat it before Harry adds the chopped Valerian sprigs and couple of its flowers. You stir the mixture three time clockwise. Harry waves his wand over the mixture before you add in two measures of chopped knotgrass and the crushed mistletoe berries. Harry stirs the mixture five times counter clockwise, and you wave your wand over it to complete the potion. It puffs for a bit before it turns a light red color. With that, your potion is done, and Snape walks over to grade it. After giving you a short nod, he walks away. Harry looks at you in amazement. 

"You know that the first time he hasn't practically dumped my potion on me," Harry whispers.

You giggle. "That's cause your working with me. And my potions are the best. I like to give Hermione a run for her money." 

Harry chuckles. "You sure do!" 

After cleaning up, you and Harry head out to the Great Hall for dinner. 

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