Chapter 71: Christmas Eve

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Harry: As the snow falls down in soft waves, you are helping Teddy tie his tie as Harry grabs Teddy's coat. Once you finish, you give Teddy a kiss on his cheek causing him to giggle. Harry squats down beside you two and smiles as he bundles Teddy up. Since Teddy is too young to apparate, Harry, Teddy, and you will be taking the train to visit your family. Heading out of your house, Harry locks the door before you all begin the short walk to the train. In the faint light of the street lights, Teddy holds both of your hands, knowing better than to run off. As the Christmas lights and decorations of your neighbors flicker on, Teddy oohs and ahs at each new display. Sooner than later, you arrive at the train station. The station is decorated beautifully. It's full of Christmas cheer and of people trying to get home to their loved ones. You see a couple reuniting with a hug and a kiss as well as a grandmother greeting her grandchildren as they hop off of the train and run into her awaiting arms. Knowing how easily Teddy could get lost in the crowd, you pick Teddy up and rest him on your hip. Harry leads you to the platform and helps you and Teddy onto the train. Finally arriving at your compartment, you let Teddy down, and he immediately takes the window seat. By the time you sit next to him, he already has his face pressed onto the glass and is watching the snow fall. Harry sits next to you and drapes his arm around you. Suddenly the whistle blows and the train spurs into motion. 

Arriving at your destination, your brothers are waiting for you on the platform. As soon as they see Teddy's bright green and red hair (he wanted to look extra special and festive for Christmas), they rush over to you, excited to see their favorite little boy. Teddy loves all of the attention and is having a blast with his uncles. After a quick reunion, you all pile into your brother's car and drive to your parents' house. On the way there, Harry points out all of the amazing decoration and lights to Teddy, who is giggling with glee, as Christmas music plays in the background. 

As soon as you arrive at your parents' house, Teddy is ecstatic. Your family goes all out for Christmas, and it shows! A beautiful display of Santa and his reindeers greets you as rows of candy canes light your path. Meanwhile, lights hang outline your parents house. You hurry inside to get out of the cold, and your parents greet you warmly. Inside is even better than outside. Your mum has been baking all day, and the house smells like warm cookies. Your whole family is there, even your grandfather, who Teddy just adores. As soon as Teddy see him, he's running into his awaiting arms. Your grandfather smiles, and tells you to enjoy yourself since he's more than happy to watch over Teddy. You take Harry's hand as you greet the rest of your family members. Sooner than later, you're all sitting around your parents' large dinning room table, talking, laughing, and enjoying the feast that your mum has prepared. Teddy is sitting next to your grandfather and is enjoying his dinosaur chicken nuggets that your mother made just for him. You all sit around the table for a long time since the dishes can magically wash themselves. You enjoy some homemade Christmas cookies as you all file into the living room to sit around the tree and enjoy some hot chocolate with your cookies. After a while, Teddy starts to rub his eyes. You give Harry a nod and begin to say your goodbyes. Even though Teddy is tired, he doesn't want to leave. However, you coerce him into his coat with promises of cookies, presents, and Santa Claus. You say your final goodbyes, and your brother drives you back to the train station. Saying one last goodbye, you board the train and head home. 

Once at home, Teddy picks out the cookies for Santa Claus. He insists that only the best cookies must be left out for Santa. Placing them on a plate and pouring a glass of milk, you set out the cookies and milk for Santa as Harry brings Teddy upstairs. You two easily put Teddy to bed, and head back downstairs for some alone time. Sitting in front of the fireplace wrapped in blankets with hot cocoa, you enjoy each other's company. You rest your head on Harry's shoulder as he wraps you in his arms. He places as kiss on your forehead as he wishes you a "Happy Christmas." 

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