Chapter 11: Your First 'I Love You'

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Your first ' I love you '
      Your first ' I love you ' was when you and Harry were sitting in your escape tent while Ron was skipping stones with Herimone. Harry had you securely in his arms as you snuggled up to his chest. He couldn't wait for this to be over so, that you guys could be safe. You felt the exact same way. As you heard Herimone and Ron start to come back, you heard Harry whisper into your ear," I love you."
       You instantly stopped in your tracks because you had gotten up to prepare dinner. As you looked into his tired eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck, you said," I love you too, Potter."
As Bill and Fleur got married both you and Ron instantly looked at each other, wondering if one day that would be you someday. When the party finally started, you were asked to dance by his two meddling brothers, Fred and George. Ron had finally had enough even though you kept saying no, he made his way over to you and them and said," Hey, she's my girl. I love her. Go dance with some other one. I heard Ms. Hag is waiting for you."
With that being said, you grabbed Ron's hands and pulled on to the dance area, where you said," I knew the one that I love could take those bullies."
Ron looked at you and replied," I really do love you. I hope one day will be just as lucky as Bill and Fleur."
         When you and Fred got detention together because you nastily pranked Oliver. You and Fred had to write ' I will not prank ' in your own blood because of Umbridge new system of punishment. You both preferred re-shelving all the books in the library even if it was very time consuming without a wand.
As you both sat down next to each other, Professor Umbridge magically pulled the desks apart, causing Fred to be on one side of the room with you on the other. When you began to write, you felt your skin tear as you wrote those horrible words. You nor Fred would give Professor Umbridge the knowledge that this was really painful. Eventually after writing for what felt like an eternity, you and Fred were finally sent back to the Gryffindor common to do your homework. But, as you guys were walking back, Fred kissed your lips and said," I love you."
To you that proved, that Fred would always be there even in the worst of times. You pulled Fred closer as you replied," Weasley, I love you too."
        One day while the Magical World had literally gone insane, you and George were listening to a muggle radio station, trying to lift the mood a bit. Suddenly your favorite song came on and you pull George causing him and you to start to dance. He eventually had you in his arms as a slow song started to play. As it ended and a commercial came on, it lost its signal and turned off. He still had you in his grasp as he said," I love you."
        You looked at his tomato red face and replied," I love more."
        " I love you most," George instantly said. Those words were like a promise that he you always love the girl he pranked on that fateful day.
As your breathing finally becomes stable, you recollect the past day. You clearly remember Neville standing up to Draco for you and how he now was fixing you bleeding cut. When you finally open your eyes, Neville grabbed you into a bone crushing hug. You looked into his smiling brown eyes as you thought about how good it felt to be back into his arms. When you looked into his eyes, he said," Y/n, what Draco said isn't true, I love you."
       You instantly smiled and replied," I love you too."
Your first ' I love you ' was right after the Battle of Hogwarts. You were sadly fighting Bellatrix , in which you were terribly losing. Eventually you levanted her into a wall causing the wall to break which sent her all the way across the Great Hall. The battle ended soon after Mrs. Weasley killed her. As you started to fall out of exhaustion to the ground, you felt two arms catch you and hold you with all their might. When you looked up, you were met by Draco's dark green eyes. As soon as you were safe in his arms he said," I love. I love you. I'm never letting you go."
You smiled at his words and replied," I love you, Malfoy."
          As the Battle of Hogwarts was about to start, Oliver grabs your sleeve and says," I've never told you this but, I love you. I love ..."
       You interrupt his little speech with a small kiss while you lead him to the Great Hall and fought side by side for as long as you could together before you were separated. When the battle was over, you were reunited and were together forever.

Hi there. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter. As always, new chapter soon. Bye.

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