Chapter 35: Song Preference VII

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Song Preference VII: 'Your Love' by Little Mix
Harry: Your love make me feel like...
Once you two had gotten married, you both became the official parents to Teddy Lupin. You loved the little kid so much that you both thought of him as your own already. When you had adopted him, he was just about three years of age. He had been shuffled around between Harry, Mrs. Weasley, and basically any other Weasley who wanted to spend time with the cutest child alive. You had watched him a few times with Harry and when you had asked him if it was alright if you and Harry became his new mommy and daddy, he responded with an excited yes as you scooped him up into your arms. Harry smiled at you and you can't even remember a day that you were happier. The first night you had given him his own bedroom in your small house. The cottage was small and cozy and perfect for Teddy. He immediately loved it and you guys. But, somehow he found a way into your bed in the midnight as he snuggled up to you. His blue hair tickled your face as you wrapped your arms around him and placed a small kiss on the top of his head. Harry wrapped his arms around you and Teddy and all of you finally had a night without any nightmares.  Your love made each other feel safe and protected. You had become a very loving family and in part because of Teddy and in part of your own guys' love. Life was finally perfect with your son and your husband.
Ron: Deeper than oceans, as sweet as devotion, it's all I need
    Your love was deeper than the oceans. With everything you guys had gone through, it was finally time for the two be happy. After you had gotten married, Ron and you had moved in together. Mrs. Weasley was a frequent visitor to help her son and her daughter get settled in their own home. She was proud of the both of you and knew that you would take care of each other. Deep down she knew that all you guys need was each other's love. The first night you two were alone, Ron had gotten off of work early to make you guys dinner. You had done the same thing and you both apparate to the house at the same time. You actually landed on top of him this caused the two of you to fall onto the floor. Ron smiled up at you and commented," You're home early."
    " I could say the same about you," you replied with sass. His smile widened onto a laugh as yours did as well. Leave it to Ron to get both laughing. You cooked dinner together and ate a wonderful meal. Once you both had finished, Ron offered to help you with the dishes. You gladly accepted as he put the radio on. As soon as you finished, he grabbed you into his arms and danced with you. You both smiled happily but, little did you know, Mrs. Weasley had watched the entire thing and was now sure that you would be fine. With a small crack, she was gone before you guys even noticed her. You both had a great night with your partner. 
Fred: There's no way I can describe what your love make me feel like
    After you had gotten married, Fred and you shared your apartment as George had 'called' the loft over Wesaleys' Wizard Wheezes. But, Fred was planning a surprise for you. He was going to move you guys to a small cottage in a meadow in a forest of white birch trees. It had a beautiful front porch and a cozy interior. It was perfect in Fred's eyes and he hoped that you would love it. He took a day off of work even though he appeared to be going to work. He than took the entire day moving everything you two had. He then waited patiently for you to come home. And when you did, you were surprised to say the least. You looked a Fred as held out a hand with a rose. He smiled at you as he pull you close and apparated to the cottage. Once he removed his hand from you eyes, you understood everything. Right in front of you was the house that you had wanted ever since you were a little girl. It had belonged to your grandmother but once she passed, the house was sold to a buyer. He saw you smile as he knew that you are very happy.
" Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You exclaim punctuating each sentence with a kiss. He looked at you with a smile as he lead you inside. It was just as you remembered. It still had all of its furniture and it still smelled like pumpkin. Fred had given the best gift anyone had ever given you. And he did it purely out of love, which is the best part.
George: Like woah, you're the one that I need. Take my hand baby, please
Once you two had gotten married, it was clear that you only needed each other. Everyday you two got up together, ate breakfast and went to work at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. You would walk in everyday holding hands and laughing. The day would fly by. And soon it would only be the two of you left to clean and get ready for the next day. This was the best part of the day. You would stay for hours sometimes just enjoying each other's company. You were truly happy together. This one time you, being height challenged, had decided to climb the shelf to get something from the very tippy top. You felt the shelfs tip as you braced yourself for impact. But, nothing happened. You had landed safely in George's arms. He smiled at you and returned the smile right back. He took your hand as he place you gently back on the ground before he grabbed the exact box you need. Leave it George Weasley to save you and make you smile like there's no tomorrow.
Neville: Like woah, if you know you're in love and it feel like the one
    You and Neville took marriage to the next level.  And that was only true because you knew that you had both found the one. It might seem impossible, but your love grew everyday . Life was perfect. It was the first morning since you and Neville had gotten  back form your honeymoon when both of you were startled by a loud crack. Neville had spilled his entire mug of coffee and you had almost choked on your toast. Nan was suddenly standing in your kitchen. Nan never ever apparates. Its bad for her health. But, here she was standing right in front of the two of you in disarray. You both immediately got up as she breathed heavily just before she wrapped you guys in a tight hug. She smiled at you and began to ask question after question on how everything went. It was a shock but, you enjoyed it. Once she had left, Neville turned to you and took your hands in his as he said," Thank you."
"For what?" You asked with kindness and curiosity.
"for being there as she interrogated me. She still scares me and I'm a grown man!" Neville states with a chuckle at the end. That's when you knew that this was going to bring happiness forevermore.
Draco: Boy, there ain't no heart ache you can't undo
As your relationship with Draco blossomed, you realized that together you would fight every prejudice. Sure, it was hard but, there was nothing that could tear you two apart. Your hearts ached to be with each other and, in a sense, flaunt your relationship. You wanted the world to know that Draco was yours and the you were Draco's. But, that would have to wait for a bit. Even at your marriage, Pansy still tried to break you guys up but, nevertheless Draco and you were married an happier than every. What the two of you had lost in the war and in your entire lives, you had found with each other. Draco could remember a time when everything wasn't in bliss. He remember starring into the green walls of his room wondering what you were doing. He could remember the feeling of loss as well as glee as he knew that you and him were "long distance pen pals assigned by school as a way to get to know more of the students at Hogwarts." He wanted to hold and kiss your soft lips like nothing else in the world mattered. He got his wish when two were married and life had found bliss. Together you had battled everything and came out alive and stronger.
Oliver: Come and kiss me like the first time
    You and Oliver were one of those lucky couples to have every single kiss feel like the first. Butterflies always flew around your stomachs and you guys couldn't be happier. But, there was a kiss that felt different form the innocent teenage kisses. Once the two of you were married, your kisses held something else besides the innocent and lust. They had feeling that you had found your soulmate. As ironic and cliché as it sounds, it was true. You and Oliver were meant to be. Your hands and lips fit perfectly in each other's. Your shared the same birthday, down to the second. Your minds were always in sync, even when you two would come up with new Quidditch plays. You knew exactly what moves Oliver needed and wanted. And last but not least, Oliver and you had a level of respect for each other that no other couple had for their partner. You took the vows very seriously and would be there for each other until you both peacefully died in your sleep, holding each other just like when you were young.

Hello! I am sorry that this update in later than 3 weeks. As many of you know, I am still in the hell of school and work is piling up. Anyway, thank you so much for -94k- views. It means so much to me. As always, new chapter sooner. Bye!

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