Chapter 48: When Someone Flirts With Him

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When Someone Flirts With Him {Day 3 out of 12}
Harry: (Harry POV)
Y/n, some friends, and I have planned to meet up at the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. This Hogsmeade trip is the last before Christmas Break, meaning that it is one of last times we will spend with most of our friends. With those thoughts in our minds, Y/n and I rush to the Three Broomsticks faster than two cheetahs racing each other. When we arrive, Y/n kisses my cheek before she goes off to find a table for all of us. I blush a bit as I go to stand in line to get butterbeer. People file in line behind me. I pay little attention to them. I hear whispers and giggles coming from behind me.  I turn around to see three girls about my age. They smile at me before I turn back around.
One of them taps my shoulder, before she says,"I'm positive that I'll have you falling for me before you order."
"I think not," I curtly reply as I turn away from her.
She grabs my shoulders and turns me around so that our faces are inches from each other. I cough and attempt to turn around. She digs her nails into my shoulders to prevent me.
I arch my body as far away from her as I say,"Let me go!"
"Nope!" She giggles.
"He said to let go of him," Y/n forcefully states as she approaches us.
"I don't think I will," the girl adds.
I wiggle myself free and take Y/n's hand. She leads me out of the line and to our table, where Hermione and Ron sit with four butterbeers.
"Sorry guys, some crazy girl wouldn't let Harry go from her grasp," Y/n states as she sits down.
"It looks like you need Y/n more than she needs you!" Ron laughs.
Ron: (Ron POV)
"Darn it! I'll be right back Ron. I forget my quill in our last class," You states as she rushes back to our classroom.
Meanwhile, I lean against one of the many columns and wait for her. Literally two seconds later, Lavender Brown comes walking my way. She is holding a candy box, and it appears that she is looking for me.
"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you," Lavender exclaims as she rushes over to me.
"Oh, hello Lavender. I didn't see you there," I dully reply.
"That's alright! I just wanted to give you these candies," Lavender adds as she presents the candy box that she is holding.
"I'm alright, but thank you anyway," I reply as I try to walk away from her.
"I think you really need to eat one!" Lavender yells as she stuffs one into my mouth. 
I instantly spit it out, recognizing its taste. It's chocolate laced with a love potion. Nevertheless, Lavender begins to flirt with me.
"So what do you think? Will you go on a date with me?" Lavender questions.
"I will not go on a date with you. I'm dating Y/n. Don't you know that?" I angrily  reply.
"Why not? You're so handsome and funny, and I'm the perfect girl for you!" Lavender exclaims.
"Didn't you hear him? Why don't you leave us alone!" Y/n states as she grabs my hand.
"Fine. I'll see you later Won-Won!" Lavender squeals as she slowly walks away.
I sigh before I state,"That was a close one! Thanks for rescuing me!"
"Don't worry about it! I know that you'd do the same for me!" Y/n adds before she gives me a quick kiss.
Fred: (Fred POV)
I can't believe we just lost to a couple of nerds. Yes, Gryffindor just lost to Ravenclaw, and only by ten points! However, it wasn't such a terrible game. Y/n cheered for me for the entire game. It was rather adorable. As I make a mental note to tease her about it later, Angelina comes up to me. Both of us have already changed and are walking out to meet our other friends.
"Ugh! I need something to cheer me up," I rant to her. Angelina and I are just friends, close friends but that's it. My heart has always belonged to Y/n.
"I know just the thing!" Angelina replies.
"And what would that be?" I question.
"A date with me," Angelina answers.
I burst out laughing before I reply, "Oi! You're really funny Angelina!"
"I'm serious. How about you forget about Y/n and go on a date with me," Angelina states as she inches closer to me.
"I don't know what to say, but I'm going to have to decline," I curtly state.
"Come on. I think it would be great," Angelina presses.
"Fred said no. Why would make a pass on him when he's already dating me?" Y/n questions with confidence.
"I just thought—"Angelina starts.
"Well, you thought wrong," Y/n interrupts as Angelina walks away.
"Thank Godric! I have never been more happy to see you!" I exclaim while I hug Y/n.
"No worries. I just wish Angelina would have not pressed so much," Y/n sighs.
"Don't worry about her! My heart already belongs to you!" I adds right before I kiss Y/n.
George: (George POV)
As soon as practice ends, I hurry to get changed. I promised to meet Y/n right after Quidditch practice was over, and I am not one to break my promises. As I rush out of the changing, I hear someone yell my name. I turn around to see Katie Bell running towards me. She's holding my backpack. In my haste, I must have left it behind.
"George! Wait up! You forgot your backpack!" Katie exclaims as she meets up with me.
"Thanks Katie! I didn't realize that I had left it behind," I say as Katie hands me my backpack.
"Your welcome! Where are you off to?" Katie questions as we walk into the Great Hall.
"I'm off to meet Y/n. I actually just see her over there," I answer as I begin to walk away from her.
"Before you go, can I ask you something?" Katie asks.
"I don't see why not. Fire away," I answer.
"Okay here goes: Will you go on a date with me?" Katie asks as she comes closer to me.
"I'm sorry Katie, but I'm going to have to decline," I answer as I walk away from her and sit down beside Y/n.
"Hey babe. How was your day?" I ask Y/n.
"Great! How was—" Y/n starts before Katie interrupts her.
"Seriously, George. You picked her over me," Katie interrupts.
Before I can reply, Y/n says," He sure did, and we are very happy together. So why don't you run along? I'm sure there's some other boy that wants your affection."
With that, Katie walks away, sulking. As soon as she leaves, I state," Wow! You really saved me back there. Thanks!"
"No problem! I know you would do the same for me!" Y/n replies before she pecks me cheek.
"Now where were we? Oh, yes! We were talking about your day," Y/n states as she smiles at me.
Neville: (Neville POV)
Herbology flew by too quickly today. I mean it always does, but today it just felt faster. Nevertheless, I am glad the school day is over. I'm ready to get some homework done and eat dinner. I promised to study with Y/n today, and I am very excited to say the least.
"Neville are you almost ready to go?" Y/n kindly asks.
"In a minute. Why don't you go ahead? I'll meet you up there," I answer.
"Alright. I just have to finish packing up some of my things," Y/n replies.
"Sure thing!" I add as a comfortable silence emerges between the two of us. Y/n finishes before me and starts to head up to the library.
"Hey Neville! Mind if we talk for a bit?" Hannah Abbott asks.
"Sure, but let's head towards the library. I promised to meet Y/n," I answer.
"That's fine with me! So how was your day?" Hannah replies.
"Tiring. How was yours?" I ask.
"It's going pretty good since I'm talking with you," Hannah replies.
"I don't know what to say," I add.
"Then don't say anything. I was hoping that you might go on a date with me sometime?" Hannah questions.
"I'm going to have to decline. You see I'm already dating Y/n," I state.
"She'll never find out! Please," Hannah adds.
"I always find out," Y/n states as she turns around. Thank Godric we caught up to her.
"I'm sorry. I'll be going now," Hannah apologizes as she runs down the stairs and away from us.
"Thank Godric she's gone. I mean she's nice and all but..." I begin ramble.
"Don't worry. I'll always be here," Y/n adds.
Draco: (Draco POV)
How many times is Pansy going to flirt with me before she gets the hint? I can't tell her I'm dating Y/n. Even if I don't mention Y/n's name, she'll somehow find out. And we don't need anyone else to know about us, especially her. She's the biggest gossiper Hogwarts has ever seen. Anyway back to the point, I've told her I'm not interest but she never listens.
"So I was thinking that you and me go one a date this weekend," Pansy rambles.
"I'm sorry Pansy, but I already have plans," I unenthusiastically reply. 
"Can't you just cancel them?" Pansy pleads
"I can't. Sorry," I add.
"Never mind that. We'll just go on a date next weekend on the next Hogsmeade trip," Pansy reiterates.  
"I think I'm booked for next weekend as well—" I start.
"How are we supposed to be a couple if we've never gone a date?"
"Then I guess we're not a couple,"
"Hey Draco! Ready to work on our project for potions?" Y/n ask as she walks up to us.
"Yep! Just give me a moment," I answer as I pack up my stuff.
"You're going to leave me to go and work with that scum bag!" Pansy retorts.
"I can't let my grades fall, especially in potions," I add as walk away with Y/n.
Once we are out of sight and ear shot, I whisper into Y/n's ear, "Thanks for coming!"
"No problem! I just hate seeing you with her," Y/n whispers back.
"I know. But, I promise you: there is going on between us. No matter what she says."
Oliver: (Oliver POV)
The Gryffindor Quidditch Team officially had its last practice of the year. Christmas break is just around the corner and the entire grounds are filled with snow. As soon as we get off of our brooms, Fred and George start a snowball fight. It's every man for himself. The snowball fight rages on until the sky becomes dark. Then we all head inside to warm up. There's really not need to change. We all just dressed as warmly as possible, and we are starving. So we all immediately head to the Great Hall for dinner. On our way there, Katie Bell and I strike up a conversation.
"That sure was fun, but now I'm frozen to the bone!" Katie exclaims as soon as we finally get inside.
"Me too! I wish there was some fast way I could get warm," I add.
"You know what always warms me up," Katie states as we enter the Great Hall.
"What?" I question as we near Y/n.
"A kiss. So how about we share one?" Katie flirts.
Before I can even reply, Y/n stands up and kisses me good and hard.
"There's no need for that. I already took care of Oliver. Would you like one too?" Y/n cunningly states.
"No thank you!" Katie retorts as she rushes away.
"That kiss really did warm me up!" I exclaim as we sit down next to each other.
"I'm glad it did!" Y/n replies.
"But, I think I need another one," I state just before I kiss Y/n.

Hello! I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! I want to give a shout out to @ILoveFandomGuys and @JessicaHilton7 for the wonderful comments they left on the previous chapter. As always, new chapter soon. Bye!

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