Chapter 90: Snowball Fight!

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Day 8 of 12

You were spending Christmas break at Hogwarts with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. You guys had already had a ton of fun together. However, you felt that something was missing. That something was a snowball fight! You somehow convinced everyone to put on their coats and head outside after a wonderful warm breakfast. Outside, you divided into two teams: Ron and Hermione and you and Harry. Then you prepared for battle. Harry was building a fort while you made snowball after snowball. That's when Ron and Hermione began an offensive attack. He smashed through the fort Harry had built and pelted you with snowballs. It seemed like it would never end. That's when it stopped. Harry had begun throwing snowballs at Ron, causing him to change victims of his snowy rage. Meanwhile, Hermione had finished their fort. You thought you would pay her a nice visit. After gathering a couple snowballs, you attacked, knocking down a good section of a wall. That's when Hermione starting throwing snowballs back at you.  Then it became every woman for themselves. You were throwing snowballs like there was no tomorrow. It was magical and so much fun! At the end, no one really won but you were all laughing and had had a great time. Then you all went inside to enjoy some hot chocolate and warm up.

Ron loved snowball fights! He had grown up battling against his older brothers, and had even won a couple times. Thus, as soon as Hogwarts had gotten its first snow, he started snowball fights with anyone and everyone around him. That's when he made the mistake of challenging you. You were known to be ruthless when it came to snowball fighting. You were always the victor and you were ready to give Ron a run for his money. Anyway, Ron threw a snowball that hit your back. With that, the war had begun. You dropped your books and bag into the snow, gathered some snow, and threw it back at him. He dodged it, but he wasn't ready for the next four. He got pelted. But Ron still had some fighting spirit left in him. He threw two more snowballs at you, that you gracefully dodged. You hit him a couple more times before he surrendered. You picked up your books and bag and walked away, leaving Ron in shock but with a smile on his face. 

Fred and you were going on a date to Hogsmeade on Saturday afternoon. You were so excited as was Fred. It had just snowed so everything was beautiful and sparkling. Fred and you were holding hands as you walked to Hogsmeade. Unbeknownst to you, with his free hand, Fred was enchanting snowballs to follow you. He was preparing to cheekily ambush you. However, you had seen them following you and were making some of your own snowballs. When Fred was just about ready to strike, he let go of your hand. With that, you pelted Fred with a flood of snowballs. He did the same to you. You guys were laughing and enjoying each other's playful attempts to win. In the end, neither of you won the fight, but you both had had the time of his life. You both acted as if nothing had happened and continued on your way to Hogsmeade, holding hands. 

Like always, George had some pranks up his sleeve. And just because it was winter didn't mean that he was out of ideas or scared of the cold. Instead, both him and Fred were on fire. They were pranking people left and right. Of course, you were at George's side, pranking right along with them. That's when you had the wonderfully brilliant idea to enchant some snowballs and attack some first years. They squealed in delight and fear as they ran away from you guys. In a few short days, you had begun to attack teachers too. One of your guys favorite teachers to torment was Professor Quirrell. You would bewitch snowballs that would keep hitting his turban. He would freak out every time, and it was hilarious!

Like always, Neville was at the Greenhouses. He had lost track of time, and was late for dinner. You being a great girlfriend went to go find him. Sure enough, you find him in the Greenhouses. When you walked in from the cold, he was overjoyed to see you. He wrapped you into a hug and warmed up. That's when you told him he was late for dinner. He felt terrible to have practically ghosted you, but you assured him that it was alright. He bundled up and you two rushed to the Great Hall. But, you had other plans. You stopped to "tie your shoe lace," but you were actually making a snowball. After standing up, you threw it at Neville's shoulder. He immediately smiled and threw one back at you. Thus, a small fight ensued with both of you smiling brightly and laughing. At the end, Neville won and you two rushed inside for a warm meal and some hot cocoa. 

Draco and you were walking around outside after lunch one day. You had finished early so that you could go out and enjoy the snow. Draco was right behind you, wanting to spend some quality time with you. After building a snowman, Draco started a snowball fight. You smiled as you pelted him with a couple snowballs. You began chasing each other around, having the time of your lives. That's when other students started coming out of lunch. They saw you guys and joined in. Everybody was smiling and laughing. It was great break before you had to return to your classes. 

After a quidditch practice, the Gryffindor team was heading in to get cleaned up and to warm up. That's when someone threw a snowball. It didn't matter who it was. And that's how you found Oliver. Like always, you waited for him after practice. When he didn't show up for quite some time, you decided to look for him. That's when you found the entire team in an intense snowball fight. You immediately joined in, and had the time of your life. In the end, the Weasley twins won and you and Oliver had shared a kiss before he went to change. 

Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are having some winter fun as well! As always, stay tuned for more!

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