Chapter 18: Song Preference IV

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Song Preference:
Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
Harry: We found love right where we are
By the time you had finally become an Auror, Harry and you went on tons of searches, adventures, and missions together. You were his little "apprentice" and basically his only joy. Harry still felt like everyone's death was his fault. But, on the next mission Harry was assigned  Ron to be his partner while you were commanded to stay at the office and basically do paper work.
As the weeks rolled by, many other Aurors were sent to find Harry and Ron but, none of them returned. It had been 8 months and you were about to plead your case. Eventually, the head of the department let you go and search for them.
        When you left England, you traveled to Azkaban and searched through the halls until you found Lucas Malfoy putting Harry and Ron into a new cage with the other Aurors. You walked down the hallway, wand raised, and dueled her. Eventually you stunned Lucas. You released the Aurors and flew back to the Ministry of Magic.
     When you got there, you ran over to Harry only to realize that he was abnormally pale and that his eyes had a far away look. As he swayed and lost his balance, you lifted him and sat him down in a chair. He looked into your eyes as you healed him. Soon you were in each other's arms knowing that you had found love right you are.
Ron: Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
As you and Ron were walking through Hogwarts looking for your family, you came across your grandmother. She was the only other person in your family to know what it was like to be a wizard or witch but, the bad thing was that she was NOT doing well. And as you tried to heal, she cupped your face as she said," Y/n, please stop crying. I'm going to a better place now. "
        With that, she kissed your cheek one last time and died smiling. You, on the other hand, felt like you would never smile again. Tears were streaming down your face as Ron pulled you close. You listened to his beating heart as you snuggled into his arms. You finally smiled as you wiped your tears and knew that even though you lost a very special witch you had found an even more special wizard.
Fred: And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
It was completely obvious that Fred loved you and maybe a little too much. You always caught him staring at you and when he got the nerve to ask you, you said yes immediately. But, the thing is that you never knew why Fred had singled you out from all the girls at Hogwarts. One night though, you heard Fred and George taking alone in the common room. You were going to get your Herbology book but, you decided to listen in because the book could wait.
You soon heard Fred say," George, I don't know why I love her. But everything is just perfect about her. Like the way she laughs at my jokes, and her smile. Oh that smile. It's so beautiful that it could lift me up higher than a billion stars. She just..."
As he continued to ramble on and on, you sneaked up behind him grabbed you text book, and stood there waiting for Fred to realize that you were right behind. Eventually, he stood up,turned around, and saw you. You ran into his arms finally knowing why he loved you so much.
George: Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
When George was healing from the loss of Fred, he would see no one. Because you left with your family, George became even more distant. After about 4 weeks of this nonsense, Mrs. Weasley ask your parents if you could stay at the Burrow for the summer. She eventually got your parents to let you come because she said that the Harry Potter would be there incase of any Death Eaters.
You immediately pack your things, said farewell to your parents, and apparated to the Burrow. As soon as you got there, all the Weasleys greeted you except for George. You asked Mrs. Weasley," It's wonderful to see you all but, where is George?" 
          " He's upstairs sulking in his room," she continues in a hushed whisper," He has not come down in 4 weeks. I only see him when he comes to grab some food in the morning. Then he retreats to his room for the whole day. Only Godric knows what he does up there. He lets no one in and he always keeps the door locked. If he would let anybody in, it would be you."
         As you climb upstairs to his room,  Mrs. Weasley finishes and clutches Mr. Weasley's arm as you knock on his door. Surprisingly, it's open. You enter and see the George is starring out the window with his back facing you.  You creep over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He shrugs it off. When You finally speak in a whisper, you say," George..."
       Your voice trails off as George looks into your bright eyes. He immediately crashes his lips into yours as grasps you into a huge hug As he cries into your shoulder, he knows that he is safe in your loving arms.
Neville: And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways,
maybe  just the touch of a hand
         Before you and Neville were a couple, you were already falling in love with each other ever since the both of you meet in the hallway of St. Margo's. But, the weird thing was how you guys feel in love. The day, right after you two had become a couple, was very eventful. Both of you were still in the shock that you had become a couple with the best person on earth. That morning, you two sat next to each other in Professor Snape's class.  As you both reached for an ingredient for your potion, you hands touch, sending sparks through each of your hands and making both of your hearts flutter. You guys smiled at each other completely ignoring Snape's demand that you return to your work. At that moment both of you knew that you had found the perfect girl/boyfriend.
Draco: I know you will still love me the same
      Because you and Draco were on the opposing sides on the fight to defeat Voldemort, your love was the only brightness in those dreary and dark days. But, when the Battle of Hogwarts started, you fought on the opposing side. About halfway through the battle, you were fighting Bellatrix with Mrs. Weasley. You eventually got slammed into a wall as Ginny joined your fight. You felt like every bone in your body broke. You stayed there until you felt a familiar set of hands lift you up as tears fell onto your face. You opened your eyes to be met by Draco's dark green eyes. He kissed your cracked lips as he helped you to stand and help you walk to the open where Voldemort and the other Death Eaters were waiting. When they saw you and Draco, you knew they were snickering. As Voldemort called Draco to come over, Draco walked to the barren center between the two sides, the two parts of him. Draco stayed between the lines until his mind unwillingly pulled him  to the dark side. You stood there in horror as the Malfoy family ran from the battle.
        As soon as you saw them leave, you heard a crack and weakly turned around, only to be met by Draco's caring arms. He assumed you would never forgive him from choosing the dark side but, to make up for it, he would always stand by you. He finally knew that you would always love him as you kissed his lips.
Oliver: I fall in love with you every single day
When you guys finally started to date, Oliver fell more and more in love with you every day. He loved your quirky attitude, generosity, and being able to talk about Quidditch with you. One your cutest quirks was how you always tilted your head to the right whenever you scored a goal. He also loved how after a Quidditch gane how you two were always the last ones in the room and how you guys walked out hand in hand. And he especially loved, when you would kiss his lips every time you won or lost a game

     Hi there. Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Anyway, thanks so much for -8k- views. As always, new chapter soon. Bye.

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