Chapter 75: A Classic Kiss In The Rain

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Harry: During the time that Harry, Ron, Hermione, and you had gone to find the Horcruxes, you spent a lot of time in remote places with only each other for company. To get away from Ron and Hermione to get some alone time with you, Harry and you would take long walks together. During these walks, you would pretend that everything was okay and spend the entire time talking about your future together. It was really sweet and the only thing that kept you sane during that time. Once, it began to rain. You two just continued on as normal and let yourselves become soaked. As you started to head back, Harry pulled you close. He brushed a wet strand of hair away from your face and passionately kissed you. You smiled into the kiss, feeling the sparks of love that flew all around you. It was a classic kiss in the rain. 

Ron: When you spent the summer at the Burrow, there were many sunny days full of fun. However, the most fun day occurred when it was raining. Spontaneous as always, Fred and George challenged everyone to a game of Quidditch in the rain. It was exhilarating! And, of course, you and Ginny dominated over the boys. However, you and Ron stayed outside afterwards and played in the mud. He convinced you to take off your shoes. Once you did, he led you by the hand to the grass and you two squished the mud between your toes. You giggled in delight. At the sound of your melodic laugh, Ron couldn't resist kissing you, so he did. And you loved it.

Fred: It was hot July day, and you and Fred would have given anything to cool down. Just then it began to rain. Instantly, Fred dragged you outside. Smiling from ear to ear, he took your hand and spun you around. Thus, in the blink of an eye, you were dancing in the rain. It didn't matter to you that you sundress got soaked or that your hair would be frizzy when it finally dried. What matter was the man in front of you who you were having the time of your life with. When Fred spun you into him, you ran your hand through his wet hair and kissed him. Fred melted into the kiss. After all, what could be more perfect than dancing in the rain, cooling off in the process, and getting a kiss out of it? 

George: Of course, George loved jumping in puddles almost as much as he loved you. Thus, he would drag you outside anytime it rained to jump in puddles. As much as you rambled on and on about how much you hated it, deep down both you and George knew that you loved it as much as he did. Thus, you slipped on your yellow rainboots and matching coat while he slipped on his red rain boots and his matching coat and prepared to head outside in the pouring rain. He smiled at you as he took your hand and lead you outside. He practically dragged you along and he ran to the first puddle he saw. As soon as he reached it, he jumped excitedly into it. You giggled as the water droplets splashed all around you. After many more puddles, George couldn't help but look at your smiling face and feel the urge to kiss you. Thus, you and George shared a classic kiss in the rain alongside a classic game of jumping in puddles. 

Neville: Like Neville always is, he's prepared for any situation. Thus, he always carries an umbrella on him whenever there's even the slightest chance of rain, and it always comes in handy. You and Neville were walking back home after a short visit with his Gran and got caught in the rain. Instantly, Neville opened up his umbrella and rushed to pull you close so that you wouldn't get wet. In the rush, you faces were inches apart from each other. You closed the gap, and planted you lips on his. You both melted into the kiss like you always do. You could say that it was the most classic of all classic kisses in the rain.

Draco: It was a hot summer day in London, and you and Draco were enjoying a day out with friends. However, like the weather always does, it changed in a heartbeat. Suddenly, it began to pour. Caught without an umbrella, you and Draco fled to an near by awning as it began to thunder. You knew that the storm would be over soon, even if it was a bad one. Anyway, Draco pulled you close and kissed your wet forehead. In return, you shocked him a bit by kissing him square on the lips. Nonetheless, it was a perfect kiss in the rain. 

Oliver: On one of your trips to Hogsmeade, you and Oliver were walking back and got caught in the pouring rain. You hurried back to Hogwarts as fast as you could. However, Oliver wanted to have some fun in the rain. Thus, he convinced you to cut through a field as a "short cut." Along the way, you were met with some hills. In the slippery mud, Oliver slipped and rolled down one of the hills. You laughed so hard you could barely stand, and ended up rolling down right behind him. He chuckled as you landed right beside him. After he helped you stand up, he brushed away some mud from your face before he softly kissed you. Even though you were full of mud and had just rolled down a hill, you two shared a classic kiss in the rain. 

Hello y'all! I hoped you enjoyed your classic kisses in the rain. Thank you for all your support and for getting this story #3 under Harry Potter Preferences!!! This means so much to me! Thank you once again! As always, requests are open! Feel free to leave one in the comments below or DM me. Happy Holidays! (Day 5 of 12)

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