Chapter 76: Song Preference XII

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Song Preference XII: "You and Me" by James TW

Harry: A library full of pages/ Remembering when we fell in love
Harry and you had plenty of memories together. You had so many that you could fill millions of pages and thousands of books. However, no memory was more special than the ones where you slowly began to fall in love with each other. While the process started slow, once you got the ball rolling, it rolled at the speed of lightening. You and Harry would often sit and just reminisce about old times. There was this one time when you and Harry were eating breakfast together in the Great Hall. You had only been dating for about a month, and Quidditch season had started up so you were seeing less and less of Harry. To spend more time together, Harry suggested grabbing breakfast together before class. You loved starting your day with Harry, and you began to fall more and more in love with him by the day. It was during those times where you really fell in love with each other.

Ron: I wish you could see yourself through my eyes/ I always forget that you can't read my mind
While Ron is definitely not an idiot or just comic relief, he can be quite forgetful at times and often has issues expressing his feelings towards you because he gets a bit nervous and gets into his head too much. However, this does not diminish the way Ron feels about you. He loves you more than you could ever know, admires your confidence, passion, and intelligence, and only wants the best for you. And he hates how you can't see that. If only you could see yourself through his eyes, then you might understand how much you mean to him. Or maybe if you could just read his mind, that would work too.

Fred: I know one day we'll look back/ Stories on the tip of our tonguesThe longer you and Fred dated the more crazy experiences you shared. These made for excellent stories and inside jokes. For starters, there was time you had your first kiss in detention. And the time where you got matching "tattoos" from detention with Umbridge. And who could forget the time when you saw the Extremely Goofy Movie and laughed until your sides hurt or the time when Fred got shaving cream all over you when he tried to kiss while he was shaving or even the time when Gryffindor and Ravenclaw played each other in Quidditch and Fred protected you from bludgers even though you were on the other team.

George: 'Cause I want you, you, you/ And me, me, me, together (You and me, you and me)/ Oh, I want you, you, you/ And me, me, me, forever (You and me, you and me)George always knew that you would be the one. You were everything he ever wanted and everything he ever needed. You were his forever girl, and he was your forever boy. George especially needed you when Fred died. While he loved you, he loved Fred just as much, but in a different way. Fred's death wrecked him, and he lost himself for a bit. All you could do was stay by his side and do your best to comfort him. That's exactly what George needed. He needed you.

Neville: No one could fall for you quite like me/ No one could get me so perfectly
Neville always struggled to fit in. He didn't have many friends, and he kind of went unnoticed unless Snape was yelling at him for messing up. Anyway, Neville was and always will be a sweetheart. There was no else like him in the entire world. And you knew that no one could love you like he could. He was so understanding and gentle, but also charming, confident (eventually, he had to grow into that), and intelligent in his own way. He was perfect in your eyes. Neville felt the same way about you. You just understood him in a way that nobody else ever had or ever could. Thus, you both got each other perfectly.

Draco: All of the broken hearts and the stupid mistakes/ Have got us to where we are, it was worth all the pain
Let's be honest here: Draco's made some stupid mistakes, like becoming a Death Eater. And it broke your heart when you found out. And let's not even mention the time when he accidentally called you a Mudblood. Let's just say you were thinking about breaking up with him after that. Even with that, you found it in your heart to forgive him and stand by his side. And thank Godric you did! Draco is love of your life, and you realized that all those mistakes helped Draco become the man that he is today, and the man that you love. You've also realized that all those mistakes were part of Draco's growth. It's almost like he needed to make those mistakes to understand just how wrong he, his ideals, and his allegiance to Voldemort were. Of course, Draco hated that he had ever hurt you. He made a promise make it up to you by loving you fully everyday for the rest of your lives. And that's exactly what he did.

Oliver: As long as I got you and me/ Moving through this world as a two-man team/ I'll always have everything I need
As the entire world knows, Quidditch has been one of Oliver's great loves, besides you obviously. The point is that Oliver was born thinking like a Quidditch player, and would continue to think that way until he died. Thus, he thought of you and him as the perfect two-man team. He knew that he could take on the world with only you at his side. You were everything he'd ever need. Of course, Oliver was everything you ever needed too! You honestly couldn't imagine living life without him. He was your everything, and you were his. 

Hello there! I hoped you all enjoy with song preference. I really love this song, and thought I'd share it with you all. As always, requests are open! Feel free to leave one in the comments below or DM me. Thank you for your continued support. Happy Holidays!

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