Chapter 14: When He Meets Your Family

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When he meets your family:
When Harry found you just after the Battle of Hogwarts, you immediately ran into his arms pulling him closer and closer. As you finally loosened your grip on each other, your younger brother came running over to you. He at you then at Harry and realizing what was going on he coughed, awkwardly. Your head immediately look at him while he pulled your sleeve and said," Y/n, come on. Mom's not doing well."
       You instantly looked into Harry's eyes as he gesture you to go and followed you. When all of you reached your parents, your Dad looked at Harry as if he was sizing him up. He knew you had been dating someone but, he never could've guessed it was the Harry Potter. As your boyfriend and your father looked at each other, you crouched down next to your mother and while you tightly held her hand, you said," Mom, you'll be okay. I promise. Hold still. This might hurt."
        You then took out your wand and said Ferula, which caused your mother's chest to become wrapped in bandages. Blood stopped seeping through until your Dad used Vulnera Sanentur to stop the blood. You hugged her as she said," Well, I'll be darned. Hello Harry it's a pleasure to meet you."
         He stumbled over his reply but, eventually managed a thank you and started a simple conversation. Your parents immediately loved him and while your brother hugged him, he knew had finally found his family even though they weren't related by blood. And he would always love the girl who had brought him out of his lonely world.
You had obviously met Ron's family more than a million times but, Ron had never met yours. So, during summer break, he wanted to see you as often as possible. Your parents being the niggles they are always forced you to go to summer camp where your older brother worked. It was completely the opposite of Hogwarts. To you, it was torture.
The night before you were about to go to Camp Torture, you convinced your parents to allow Ron to come over to met the family. They had all heard about him and were dying to met him so to speak.
As 5:00 came around, your doorbell rang and Ron had finally entered the picture of your family. As he met your mother and father, all of them quickly realized that this was the perfect guy for you. He was funny, caring, and cute all at the same time. Meanwhile your brother had doubts. He knew you guys loved each other but, he wanted to make sure that this wizard was trustworthy.
So just after dinner, he pulled Ron to the side as you watched nervously. His interrogation didn't last long and soon they both knew that your brother would never ever discriminate another wizard. Ron was exactly like him. Maybe that's why you love him so much. The evening went by quickly and soon Ron was picked up by Mr. Weasley in his flying car. Since your patents realized that magic was helping your situation, they decided to cut the camp and let you go with Ron to pick up Harry and have the best summer ever. Oh, and it was. Ron and you just got even closer than ever before and he couldn't wait for you to be his one and only.
Since you and Fred were starting to get serious for a boyfriend and girlfriend, you finally decided to let him met your loud and big family. You had five siblings, two older brothers, one older sister, and a younger brother and sister. As you and Fred waited at platform 9 and 3/4, Fred continued to grow nervous. His breathing was shaky and his palms were sweaty. You could tell and you took his hand, kissed his cheek, and said," Fred honey don't worry. They'll love you."
" I hope that they do," was all he could mange as your older brother came over and ruffled your hair while your other siblings hugged you. They had all graduated from Hogwarts already and couldn't wait for you to fill them in on everything. As your youngest brother came over and welcomed Fred to the party, you knew that Fred would enjoy the rest of a well spent summer with your crazy wizard family. He did and couldn't wait to spend the rest of the year to be just as eventful.
George: ( George POV )
As Y/n pulls me over to her family, I realize that I'm beyond nervous. I know she comes from a pure-blood wizard family. I really would hate it if I messed this up. My mother always said make good impressions. That's what's worrying me. What if I just completely fail? What if Y/n decides that I'm not good enough?
As more negative questions fill my brain, her father says," Well my boy, it looks like someone has tamed my wild little girl."
         I chuckle and reply," Actually sir, she tamed me."
         Her mother laughs as she joins the conversation with," Really, I honestly thought it was the other way around."
         As Y/n takes my hand and as she kisses my cheek, I knows that I am welcome and that I can't wait for the rest of a well spent summer with her and her family.
Neville: ( Neville POV )
          As Y/n wakes up in St. Margo's, I realize that she's okay, that we'll be okay. We share our first kiss as I hear a loud cough. I turn around to see a tall man, his wife and short little boy. I look over at Y/n as she says," Neville, this is my mom, my dad, and my little brother."
           I feel myself stumble over my introduction as I feel a small hand grasp mine. I crouch down to meet the boy's eye level as he says," Thank you for watching over my big sister."
         " You're welcome. It was no trouble," I reply as I ruffle his hair and stand up.  I look over at Y/n and realize that I've found a new family. That I've found home.
       Now we all know that because you are muggle that Draco's parents already hate you and won't even give you a chance. But, with your family Draco was always welcomed even though the first time was really awkward because the Battle of Hogwarts had recently ended. Your family picked you guys at Platform 9 and 3/4 just in time for Christmas and were just bursting with questions for Draco. Your parents seamed to fall in love with Draco just as fast as you had. You were still limping from a wound in your left knee and were very dependent on Draco to do simple things like walking.
As you, Draco, and your parents opened the door of your house, your little sister and your Grandma instantly gave everyone hugs. But, when they came to Draco, your sister took his hand and Grandma's and lead them to a tea party in her room. As Draco abruptly left your side, you lost your balance and held onto the couch for dear life just before everyone heard a loud thud. You eventually made it to the kitchen table where you stayed seated for the rest of afternoon helping your mother with dinner.
After dinner, you and Draco were sitting by the fire alone. Draco looked into your eyes and said," Merry Christmas, sweetheart."
You soon felt his lips collide with yours as your grip on his hands tighten. When you parted, Draco pulled you close and whispered promises of your future together. You eventually fell asleep in his arms. He smiled at you as he picked to up and felt you snuggle closer to him.
Suddenly a voice said," Cherish the people you love, they won't be here for forever."
A female came from the shadows. Draco soon realized it was his mother. She looked at him and with tears in her eyes, she said," I know you love her but, you know that your father will never accept the fact that she's not a pure-blood. His anger will cost my son his happiness. Me on the other hand, am willing to give her a chance even though she is a mudblood; just know that we will all be in deep water even though the Dark Lord is dead. Son, do whatever you think is best."
With that she left and you knew that somehow your and Draco's love would show them that we're all people who love one another and people who need and give second chances.
The first time Oliver meet your family was right after the Battle of Hogwarts. You had taken him to St. Margo's, where your father was one of the surgeons that took care of him. Once when you were visiting Oliver, your father came in with your mother as well. She was his therapist for rehabilitation. As introductions got around, Oliver soon realized he was in good hands. And you knew that you would all be one family sooner than later.

Hi there. I'm very sorry for not publishing sooner. Anyway, this story just got -2k-. Thanks so so much. To celebrate and to show my gratitude, the next chapter will be a song preference. Bye.

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