Red Tulips Pt-1

321 3 39

Pairings: Frankenstein x Lunark
Warnings: None

"Why are you stabbing the apple with a butter knife?"
Tao flinched, the butter knife dropping out of his grip.
Lunark was quick to catch it before it fell and alerted everyone in the house.

"Apparently," Tao sighed, "the last time I held a knife... it didn't end well."
Lunark was confused on what had happened, but chose to keep her curiosity to herself.
"Give that to me."
Tao obediently handed her the apple and washed the butter knife before placing it away.
Lunark grabbed a knife, slicing the scarred apple into perfect slices.
"Here," she handed him the plate, "next time you need something, ask."
Tao nodded, bitting into the apple slice as he watched her leave.

Lunark had been invited to the household when everyone discovered of the relationship between the house owner and the werewolf.

That's what Tao likes to say.

Reality was that Frankenstein had invited her to the house one day. No one understood why (or perhaps 'he' knew since he was the closest to Frankenstein).
But everyone was clear of one thing: Frankenstein and Lunark were close.

They would catch the two throwing glances over the dinning table, or just hanging out in the other's room.
Karias came up with the idea that the two had feelings for each other, and had gotten everyone to (try to) play cupid along with him (they weren't given an option and were told to follow his orders and so they did as told).

Over time, their attempts seem rather obvious, and Frankenstein had informed the 'cupid group' that he had been dating the werewolf for quite a while and had no intention of hiding it.
Quoting, as he said, "we had no intention of hiding our relationship. If you had your suspicions, you could have asked."

(What happened next was that Karias would receive glares from the others for their efforts which weren't needed. And he escaped the house for a while to return to Lukedonia. Whether or not it was an excuse, it remains unknown to the others.)

Back to reality, Lunark would often prevent Tao from harming either the kitchen or himself in attempts to get food if he had gotten hungry past midnight.
The werewolf would also have weekly spars with M-21 who reasoned with 'he didn't want to let his skills get rusty (God forbit) in case any situation arises in the future'. He wanted to protect the life he always dreamt of and so Lunark agreed to help him.
The others would sometimes find Lunark and Takeo discussing about hair related products, (a topic the werewolf became interested in after seeing Takeo searching for hair products in the mall one day).

Lunark was getting used to the house, which often filled with laughter of the students who visited daily. And she was quick to create bonds with the household members.
Whenever someone felt gloomy, she was the first to know.
As someone who was an ex Elder of the Union, also, her being the only werewolf besides Kentas who refused to receive enhancements was a contributing factor, one small sign of weakness could bring her into grave danger. As someone who conceals her emotions well, reading people was something that would come to her rather naturally.

"Why are you always awake at night?" Tao questioned as he watched the werewolf on the sofa.
"I don't always stay up at night," she quickly dismissed his words, returning her attention to the book she was reading.
Had Tao seen her read before? No, it wasn't a sight he had seen in the time she spent in the house. It was something that had started recently.

Judging by the attention she paid at the book, Tao came to one conclusion. "Like the stories from the human world?"

Lunark glanced up, looking at the hacker as various answers ran through her mind.
"They... the humans I mean, they have good creativity."

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