Christmas Tree / Gifts

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There is a tree in the house. It was impossible to not notice it— it was the height of the French window beside it.

"Tao," M-21 called out, half in worry and half in surprise. How did Tao manage to set up a tree in the living room without Frankenstein knowing?
"What are you doing?" M-21 asked, feeling exasperated.
"Decorating the tree," Tao replied in his usual cheery tone.
"Frankenstein will kill you—" No, "—us!" He hissed.
M had witnessed Tao in the act and Franknstein wouldn’t oversee that.

"Nope," Tao answered indifferently. "He already knows."
"And he allowed it?"
M-21 stared at the tree. The leaves would fall and they would have to clean it everytime.

"It’s a fake tree," Tao added, and M-21 took his eyes off the tree to look at the hacker, who was standing on a small step ladder, attempting to set a decorative piece— a star— on the top of the tree.

M-21 then processed Tao’s sentence.
Tao nodded, gazing at the star he managed to place.

M-21 approached the tree; it looked nothing like the plastic trees he had seen in the stores for the Christmas decoration.
"Looks real, doesn’t it?" Tao chuckled once he got down and beside the other.

"Did you do this?" M asked, pointing at the tree. It was very much possible considering that one time Tao managed to save everyone from Frankenstein's wrath when Rael had called to reveal that the kitchen was, in fact, utterly destroyed. The tree was definitely one of the store brought ones, but repainted and plaster— textured just like wood— for the trunk.
"Do you think it was me?" Tao asked instead, having a rather hopeful look.
Tao’s expectant look dissolved with a chuckle, "why not?"
"You would’ve made the tree play Christmass carols whenever someone entered the room."

Tao brightened up, eyes wide with realization at M's words.
"Good idea!"
"Tao, no."

Everyone was seated at the sofa, watching as Tao crouched down to view the gifts under the Christmas tree.

The gifts were of uniform sizes and were wrapped in the same red-green striped gift wrap. Tao selected two of the gifts at random, taking a bit longer to scan the names written on the tag. It was easy to notice the way Tao blinked a few times before attempting to read the names again. He pulled an all-nighter once again, everyone was used to the post-effects of it— Tao was slower, one could say he would lag.

The third attempt to read the name tag was a success and Tao smiled, "Takeo and Miss Seira."
He passed the gifts to them, before picking out another— Frankenstein's gift.

"It's Christmas Eve, we could've exchanged gifts tomorrow," Takeo commented despite opening the gift wrap carefully.
"I wanted to be the first to hand out everyone's gifts," Tao grinned, rubbing his eyes with one hand and the other holding a gift.

Seira undid the gift-wrap as she heard them speak before placing it on the center table. She glanced at the white box, about the size of a child's shoebox. Opening the lid, she blinked. There was a pistol in the box, a small note poking out from the silky cloth at the bottom. She took the note and read it.
'A new one which I modified ^-^'

Seira glanced towards Takeo, who was opening his box with a curious look. Once his ice-blue eyes viewed the contents, the only emotion he expressed was annoyance.

"Tao," he called out, his tone calm, but the glare was enough to say the hacker messed up.
"Yeah?" Tao handed Regis and Rai their gifts before turning to the purple-haired.
"Hair bows?" Takeo held up the box so the ribbon bows were visible but wouldn't fall out.

Tao paused for a moment before his eyes went to Seira, and then the box in her hands.
"Oh," he whispered before chuckling. "Mixed up the gifts."
Tao quickly took the box from Takeo and switched it with the one he had given Seira.

Frankenstein resisted shaking his head to Tao's mistake before continuing to open his box to find a book. It was a journal with a black hardcover. Frankenstein opened the book to the first page to find a handwritten— written by Tao— title. The title read: 'Reasons To Not Defenestrate Tao'.
Below it was written: 'A Guide For M-21'.
Frankenstein, despite not wanting to read the book meant for M, couldn't help but turn the page.
'Defenestrate, (verb): throw (someone) out of a window'.

Frankenstein shut the book close.
"M-21," he called out.
M, who was receiving the last gift— which would be Frankenstein's— turned to the blond, and so did Tao.

Frankenstein passed the book to M-21, who pursed his lips once he read the title.
Frankenstein saw M-21's eyes travel in the direction of the window before looking back at the book.

"M-21," Frankenstein called out once again.
The werewolf looked up.
"Open the window."
Tao's eyes widened, "Boss?"


M-21, once in his room, flipped through the pages of the book gifted to him. A long list of excuses until the second last page; the last page had two lines.
'Just kidding XD
Check your bedside drawer for the MP3 Player you wanted ^-^'.

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Merry Christmas everyone!!

It's a scenario which popped into my head. I quickly wrote it down and published it because it's Christmas and I can't miss writing a special fic for the occasion!😁😁

Tao was definitely not thrown out the window, Frankenstein and M-21 were just messing around😆

Also, I had caught a fever a few days after publishing the previous fic, and felt hazy to think so was unable to write, but I started feeling better and am continuing where I left of.

All those who has requested fics, sorry for the delay, and don't worry, I'm writing them so you'll be able to read them soon!

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