The Body Swap

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Takeo exhaled deeply as he sat up on his bed, eyes still closed. From habit, his hand went to his hair and he would check for any tangles, and today was the same.

Or at least he thought so…

Takeo reached for his hair, only to find it much, much, more shorter that it should be— his hair only reached till the base of his neck.

His eyes flashed open, only for him to immediately close his right eye because of the strands of hair poking his eye. Shifting the hair away from his eye, Takeo paused. Why was his hair grey— how had his skin colour gone from porcelain to peach overnight?

Something was wrong— terribly wrong— and it was obvious enough.

Takeo, at once, tossed his blanket aside and headed to the mirror hanging on the wall.
M-21— how is Takeo seeing M-21 instead of his own reflection?

Tao sneezed, something was tickling his face. He opened his eyes, quite grudgingly considering how he had been up until late.

The sunlight seemed to be much brighter, making Tao spring up. Supporting his weight on his elbows, he turned his attention towards the clock— an hour left till his alarm would ring. Tao then noticed something else: the disheveled purple hair that cupped his face.

Tao immediately jumped out of bed as sirens rang in his head. Throwing his bedroom door open, he took a hasted step only to hit his head against the door frame.

M-21 was standing at Takeo's door frame.
M had no reason to be Takeo’s room, and considering his current appearence, Tao reached a conclusion regarding the other's identity.

The door to the left of Tao's room— M-21's bedroom— swung open to reveal a panicking Tao.

The door to the lab opened and Tao— in Takeo's body— was quick to spring in.
"Boss!" Tao called out, hearing Takeo's voice instead of his own.
Frankenstein— who was bound to be found in the lab during the early hours of day— turned over his shoulder with a look of mild curiosity.

A silence engulfed the lab as Frankenstein eyed each of them with slightly widened eyes.
"What happened?" He asked.
"We woke up to this—" Tao answered— Takeo's voice echoed.
"The experiment went wrong," M-21 in Tao's body added.
"I see that," Frankenstein sighed. "Have a seat."

«The Previous Evening»

Frankenstein places his reading glasses onto his desk. The silence was calming and the coolness of the lab added to the feeling. It had been a while since he spent his hours continuously over research— the reason being Tao.

Ever since Frankenstein had mentioned the telepathic connection he had with his master, Tao had been curious. But the hacker only had gotten further invested into the idea of a telepathic bond over time and had badgered Frankenstein into researching a possible method to form a bond between the modified men of the house.

Frankenstein, at first, didn't give in to the hacker's flattery, but in the end agreed to Tao's want after being intrigued about whether or not such a bond could be possible.

Forming a bond with a Noble came with the blood bond between the Noble and their contractee— to form a telepathic bond without the blood pact and between modified humans, it required a while of research.

The door to the lab opened and the trio walked in— Tao was nearly skipping, his eyes gleaming with childlike excitement.

"It's a trial and error method," Frankenstein spoke with solemnity once the three stood in front of him. "It could go wrong, it might be a success. The decision to continue or not is fully in your hands."

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