Meeting JiYong [Chapter 1]

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It all started when I got offered a whole lot of money to be a backup dancer for someone in South Korea. I always liked the country, so I willingly moved there.

I was on a 20 hour flight to Korea, about to take off. Suddenly, there was a huge noise on the plane, and a girl stumbled down one of the aisles. She stopped next to me.
"Is that seat taken?" She pointed to the one beside me.
"No," I smiled. Unfortunatley not.
She plopped down beside me and wiggled around in her seat. As I was putting my earphones in, she squealed, making me jump.
"Sorry," she giggled,"I'm just excited. I got this job as a backup dancer," I nodded.
"Wait, you don't mean for G Dragon, do you?"
"I do!"
"I'm one of his backups too!" I yelled. And that's how I met my first friend in Korea, and also how I annoyed half of the plane's passengers.

When I arrived, I was brought to a small apartment, my new home. I soon adjusted to living in a smaller place, but I still feel a little weird when Koreans stare at me too long. I mean I am fluent in Korean, but I'm not Korean myself, so older people that don't know me tend to stay away. My long brown hair and green eyes sort of stand out. Anyway, when I auditioned for a role as a backup dancer, I had dyed my hair a bright pink (not too bright), so the judges would notice me even if I was closer to the back. And, well, I got the part.

My first day was pretty nerve-wracking. I still remember the first time I saw him clearly. There were 7 new dancers, including me. 5 boys and 2 girls. The manager called out his name and the man walked in casually. Tae, the girl I met on the plane, squealed quietly. He locked eyes with me first, and a chill ran down my spine. He was attractive, I had to say. Anyone could see that he was. He bowed to everyone, me last, and as he did he smiled in a charming way.

"I'm G-Dragon, but you can call me JiYong," he said.
"I'm, uhm, AC," I stuttered and gave him a shy smile. He nodded.
"Nice hair." He winked and then strolled over to his manager.
Mark, another dancer smirked and said,"I like your hat, JiYong."
JiYong turned to look at him.
"To you, it's G-Dragon. But thanks," he replyed with a wink.

Now this is where my nervousness began. His manger had informed us about JiYong's tour in China. We would be travelling in 1 week and we had to learn dances to "One of a Kind", "Crayon", "Go" and "Heartbreaker" before we got there. Easy. But that wasn't my problem. He said that since there were 8 of us in total, including GD, and each dorm room would only fit 2 people, someone had to share a dorm with G-Dragon. It could be a boy or girl. It was JiYong's choice and he had to choose then and there. He didn't even know us yet. But for some goddamned reason, without any hesitation, he said "AC". The only thing I could say was, "Huh?" I stared at him in bewilderment. JiYong smiled once again and he walked out the door. I almost melted, knees weak.
"You are SO lucky!" Tae jumped, taking hold of my arm.
"I guess.." I stared at the door. Why me?!

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