Find candy under the mat

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"Urgh..." Rias groaned as she slowly came back to consciousness. She somehow remembered a pink-clad two-legged unnatural disaster-waiting-to-happen being pat by the 'polite'-acting, cunning and outright insane boy she called her husband.

Then she realized that her memories weren't just a delusion born from being nagged at by Sona for too long and passing out, but rather reality that had happened.

Rias sat up with speed that would put springboards to shame.

She looked around, noticed that she was in the Student Council room, and that Akeno was also groggily waking up beside her. She also noticed that Sona was lying on a couch nearby, holding to her head while her Peerage were milling about in the room, half with weapons drawn, and rest busy preparing refreshments or fanning Sona.

"Wha-what happened?" Rias asked no-one in particular.

"Rias-sama, we found you, Akeno-sama and Sona-sama lying on the floor after that pervert, Hyuoudou, had... done something to you. We didn't find sleeping drops in the tea, but he might have slipped them in some other way. The... state of the room suggested struggle and the couch... " A tall and athletic boy answered before going quiet with rage clear in his face, and Rias recalled that the boy's name was Saji-something. "We tried to capture that leech for questioning and retribution, but he escaped through the window after muttering something. Afterwards we attempted to wake you up, but with the exception of Sona we couldn't get to you."

Rias raised her eyebrow and Saji took a long baguette from the table and tried to poke Rias with it, 'trying' being the keyword as the baguette seemed to disintegrate when it came within a feet or so of her.

Rias's eyes bulged. 'Issei- erm, Momon knows how to cast wards?'

She reached her hand numbly towards the ward before she thought about what she was doing, and pulled her hand back as if stung when it passed through something like a thin film of gel. Oddly enough though, it seemed that the invisible ward didn't hurt her, and when her hand had touched the boundary, a green dome came into being around her and Akeno and then the dome shattered like glass.

'Did the ward break when I left its radius?' Rias shook her head. She'd have some questions for Momon when he next met him, as well as a tongue-lashing for seducing Serafall Leviathan of all people.

The thought still caused her to shake and her face to pale.

It looked like Saji took her physical reaction the wrong way as the boy's face hardened. "I see. Please don't worry, Rias-sama. Hyoudou-sama will face retribution for... doing what he did to you."

Rias's face turned even more pale. "Wait, wait, I think you have the wrong impression. Momo- er, Issei just told us some things that caused us to pass out, they were quite shocking. Nothing bad happened."

"...Akeno-sama's face has bruising." Saji noted quietly while Akeno lifted herself to a sitting position and rubbed her face, which had a bruise after she had fallen flat on her face. "Listen, it's alright, we'll help. We won't blame you for what Hyoudou did to you, and neither will anyone, and neither does the information of this 'incident' need to spread to the rest of the student populace. You don't have to defend Hyoudou, specifically when he did something so horrible to the three of you. The first thing is to report this to our respective families, and they can decide if they want to report this to this world's police or if they want to take care of Hyoudou their way, and string him up on the gates by his entrails and have ravens eat his eyes and flesh while he still lives..."

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