See a police car drive into your yard 🍋

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Auuhh..." Asia wobbled on the spot as she sat on a chair. It seemed as if the girl would fall asleep at any second, but pained cries of a woman caused her to snap awake every time her eyes could droop.

The Peerage had, after gathering up and gawking a bit at the new service staff, used the teleporter circle in the estate's shed to transfer to the Underworld.

The teleporter had deposited the group to a heavily-guarded spot on what appeared to be well-prepared kill-zone but before anyone could take drastic or hasty actions, a group of devils had approached them and welcomed the group into Phenix family's grounds, and offered to escort them to the main manor.

It seemed that Serafall had managed to deliver the news before the group had arrived, since there seemed to be a localized lightning storm above the manor, but since there was no signs of violence, tsunamis on inland, or other signs of Serafall defending herself, it seemed that the pink terror had just dropped the news with her usual subtlety and gone back to doing whatever she'd do when not causing aneurysms for everyone around her.

Momonga had let the crow created by [Lead of Yatagarasu] fly around, ordering it to scout the area in an attempt to see how much the summons he created could deviate from their original 'purpose' and the constraints they provided.

Unfortunately, since Serafall was gone Momonga, under whose care Ravel had been when she got kidnapped, was left to console the woman. Luckily he had managed to bring the rest of his Peerage into the living room where the exchange was taking place, so if the worst came to worst, he'd have some emotional meatshields to throw between him and the grieving woman.

Indeed, while most of the Peerage were occupying couches or seats, Momonga was sitting on a couch beside the woman, trying desperately to offer her tissues or console her, both to not much effect.

"AAAAH!" Lady Phenix's pained cries caused Momonga's soul to flinch. Or rather, the part of his soul that was 'Suzuki Satoru' to flinch. "RAVEL... AAAH!"

"I'm truly sorry, I failed..." Momonga felt that straightforward approach would allow him to front-load the blame, and then twist it so that everything was Serafall's fault.

Fortunately, it looked like he didn't need to do much mental gymnastics to shift the blame.

"I LOST... I LOST HER! TO INCOMPETENT MAOUS! THIRD! THIRD! THIRD MEMBER OF MY FAMILY" Lady Phenix screeched, her sadness turning to rage upon hearing Momonga's words. Fortunately, her rage wasn't seemingly directed at him. "First Beelezbub's system fails Riser, and he dies or gets his soul torn apart! Then Sirzechs fails to rescue my husband despite him being in his reach! And now Serafall, that damnable airhead, decides to honor Sirzechs' orders over saving my daughter who was within her reach!"

"I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM!" Lady Phenix's screech was causing the entire Peerage to cover their ears, with the exception of Momonga who didn't register pain from his organic body to the extent it'd distract him. "THEY BETRAYED ME! MY TRUST! MY FAITH! OUR ALLIANCE!"

"Ah... well, umu..." Momonga wasn't sure what he should comment, but it seemed that Yubelluna came to his aid. Or rather, to his detriment.

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