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"Okay, hands on the wheel, at 10:00 and 2:00." Kira instructed, both of us by killing up our seatbelts. Us girls we're gonna try and teach Malia how to drive. The girl did as instructed.

"Actually the recommended position is now 9:00 and 3:00." Lydia stated. "At 10:00 and 2:00, a deployed airbag could break your thumbs."

"Mine would heal." Malia shrugged.

"Save your strength." Lydia reasoned. "And try not to destroy your beautiful new car. 9:00 and 3:00." Lydia moved to position the girl's hands. She squeezed the wheel hard as she stared ahead before she started the car up. She gently removed her foot from the break and pressed on the gas.

"All right, just ease into it." I said. "Good, good, okay. There you go." Kira said with a slightly relieved smile, hopeful we weren't going to die tonight.

"Please shut up." Malia said, staring straight ahead.

"No problem. Shutting up." Kira closed her mouth as Malia kept driving. It didn't last very long though. "Uh.. other way. Other way. Malia. Uh, other way."

"We are now off the road, this is not the road." I said as Malia started driving on the actual side of road.

"Other way. Malia, please go the other way."

The pre-collision system alert started beeping as we were headed straight for a tree. "What is that? What is beeping?" Malia asked.

"The car's telling you not to run into the tree." Lydia said hurriedly. "Turn the wheel. Malia!" The girl narrowly avoided the tree as turned us back towards the road. "And try to stay on the actual road." Kira added as we drove on the pavement but Malia just kept the wheel turned, driving us around in circles.

"Okay, sure." Kira said awkwardly. "Uh, this is called a U-turn."

"You said, 'turn the wheel'." Malia stated confusedly as we Malia started straighten out.

"Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas..." Lydia said. Suddenly we were jerked backwards as her foot slammed on the gas. "Okay, just turn up here." Malia turned, the tires screeching from the speed. "No, no, slowly, slowly." Malia pressed on the break. "No, go." Malia pressed on the gas again, driving us towards downtown.

"Anyone wanna tell me where we're going?" She asked.

"The school. We can finish with parking practice in the lot." Lydia answered. I looked ahead confusedly.

"Lydia, we're actually heading downtown." I stated.


"If we want to go to the school we should do a U-turn . Shouldn't we?" Kira asked her.

"No." She said, her voice void of emotion. It gave me an idea of what was going on here. "Keep going." She sighed.

"You sure?"

"Yes." She paused. "We're almost there." We drove through town and finally stopped, almost at the prison. We climbed out of the car and slowly walked up to the Prison Transport Van that was definitely attacked or something happened. We saw the blood hand reach up, shaking.

Lydia inhaled sharply, "Call 9-1-1."


Police had crowded the scene, their flashing lights starting to really become annoying. Once we finished explaining what happened to one of the officers, we walked over to Stiles and Stilinski.

Stiles wrapped his arms around me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, besides those stupid lights." I muttered in annoyance. The radio stactic came through and Stilinski brought it up to his mouth as Stiles let go of me, all of us listening.

Teen Wolf (LegaciesxTeenwolf)Where stories live. Discover now