❤️Valentine's Special ❤️

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The first Request was from someone on my message board but I didn't get their username. Now, this first part will have this:

(Ink Sammy x Reader)

That day was coming, the day you hated the most before you turned into this inky abomination.

It was just five days away.

Valentine's day.

You tried your best to avoid that holiday and receive any kind of gifts but this time Sammy was acting differently.

He wasn't his usual possessive self anymore. He didn't make any more ridiculous rituals, didn't get angry at any of the soul-trapped ink people, and was acting way too nice.

And that Bendy cut-out mask he always wore, he wasn't wearing it anymore.

Something was fishy about this and you hoped it wasn't because of this holiday.

Whenever you're around him he acts like, well, a tsundere but more like a masculine one that can't take more than five minutes being in the same room with you without blushing and denying it saying, "It's just got in here that's all! Stop looking at me!"

To be honest, you found this side of him kind of cute, to be honest. You took this opportunity to tease him and that got him in a stuttering sweating mess.

You even decided to go into one of your comfort rooms, the kind of rooms that weren't occupied by ink and couldn't be reached by the ink demon.

You sat on your comfy soft chair and sat the basket of yarn in your lap, ready to get to work.

Whenever you have time to work on your gift for the composer, you wasted no time on taking your time to finish the gift.

During the past three days, you were in your comfort room knitting the cute gift but sometimes you catch yourself blushing or even thinking about what Sammy would do or say.

Now you were acting strange.

Whenever Sammy sat next to you or started talking to you, you became flustered.

So did he.

Both of you knew what was coming in two days and yet neither of you wanted to say anything about it or even let the other in the room and see what the other is doing or to even talk.

You never seen Sammy's eyes and yet from their angry red was now a mellow orange. You caught yourself gazing into those eyes as Sammy's words started to become tongue-tied the longer you made direct eye contact with him.

"A-a-as I w-w-was saying, the other soulless ink dwellers are....are...a-a-are...w-w-what are you...d-doing?!"

You found yourself inches away from his face as your lips hovered over his, his whole face erupted into a hot mess as his body trembled with anxious anxiety.

He never knew for you to be the one to take the lead.

Then you closed the gap between you two, let's just say the roles have switched.
It was finally that day.

You've finished your gift for the ink worshipper, you find yourself smiling as your undead heart started to beat with love.

You hid the plush in your basket as you went back to the second floor to where your Valentine resided. You saw Sammy in what you saw was him wearing a suit.

Where did he find one?

He was fixing up the instruments and was muttering to himself as he pushed the chairs to the opposite side of the wall.

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