His Doll (Button/Other Bendy x Reader)

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That big pink house that had nothing but forests...

Weird Neighbors...

Busy Boyfriend...


Buttons...buttons for eyes...

The Beldam wants to eat her...

He wants to devour her soul...

The first time she stepped foot inside the home...

The doll he made...the door she discovered...

Made her greatest Dream become her worst Nightmare...

(Y/n) sighed when she came back
inside the house, she was just taking a walk when she scraped her hand on a rock while she was running.

But her 'stalker' appeared to be an awkward wolf, which had upset her and wanted to pummel him.

She found the deep, dark well thanks to the musical wolf, and then the rain started to pour.

(Y/n) took off her (Sf/c) raincoat and kicked off her (f/c) rain boots, revealing her (third favorite color) (Tank top, Tee shirt, sweater), a pair of (s/fc) (Jeans, shorts, skirt), and her (f/c) socks.

She wrung her (h/l) (h/c) hair out from the water, "This day has been...eventful..." She grumbled.

(E/c) eyes went to stare at a slightly furry demon writing away on some scrolls, with some papers scattered here and there, and two sets of heavy thick books sitting there.

Bendy had his onyx eyes trained on his work and never acknowledged his girlfriend just coming in the kitchen, "Hey honey, How's the work coming?" She asked.

"Very tiring and very busy." He replied without looking at her.

The (S/c) woman loved her boyfriend dearly but she wished he didn't have to work so hard. She wanted to go back to the times where they went out on small dates.

Walks in the park...

Walks on the beach...


Eating out...

She missed the sound of his laughter whenever she makes a joke or he tells a funny story. The sweet kisses they shared, the loving embraces, and the passionate nights when they watch Bob's Burgers in the bed or on the couch cuddling and snuggling.

That was when they were in college, they have been dating for four years and she was hoping to hear him pop the question after graduation.

But all he was excited about for them was this nice house he found for them to go live in, she was excited too as well.

The Devil was kind of hard on Bendy to make deals with low, pathetic mortals and that kept Bendy busy. Since the devil moved his business here, so did Bendy.

The work he was doing was scrolls of deals the Devil has made to unexpected patrons at his Casino and once Bendy finishes that last scroll he would be done.

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