Cartoon Cat Short

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The young (s/c) girl was crouching down beside the tall handsome young man, his black silky hair almost covering his eyes as they spied on the violaters that cane inside the abandoned mall.

"Is that one of them disguised as Cartoon Cat?" The girl whispered.

The black-haired man looked over at her and then back at the group of rowdy teens, "Hm? No, I'm cartoon cat." He said bluntly.

The girl felt her heart skip a beat and her blood ran cold as her eyes widen in fear looking at the man's grin get wider, he looked at her with big cartoon pie-cut eyes, holding a fingered glove up to his lips, "Shhh..."

The realization came over her as she held in a scream of terror, anxiety filling her body as she watched him wander off towards a dark area of the mall.

These teens are not gonna see the light of day...

(Y/n) backed up on the stairs of the abandoned mall in fear holding an ax as tears ran down her face, "Don't come near me!"

The cruel evil monster was slowly, tauntingly walking up the stairs towards her, that same sick smile plastered on his face, "I'm not gonna hurt you, little mouse."

"Don't hurt me! Please!"

"DARLING! Put the ax down, I'm not gonna hurt ya..." He stretched his arms towards her as she screamed running away.

He grabbed her ankle but she slipped out of his grasp locking herself in a room.

The frightened girl placed her back against the wall holding the ax close to her body, enjoying the eerie silence.

A loud bang was heard at the door and she screamed in terror as the slamming continued.

Splintering wood flying everywhere, making a hole in the center of the door, "Here's CC!!!"

She screamed again clutching the ax tightly as her heart pounded in her chest watching the stretching hand come towards her.

The young girl was running through the woods finally escaping the hell hole that was her prison.

"Little mouse!~ Stop running, there's no use to run away from your savior."

He didn't sound too far away at all! It's like she barely moved at all! Her lungs burned and her legs were begging her to give them a break.

She was letting out tears of fear and freight.


The music got louder, he was getting closer!

She collapsed on the ground and crawled over behind a tree to catch her breath, mud and dirt covered her feet as she tried to stay quiet.

The music became louder and louder...then everything went quiet.

She silently let out a sigh of relief.

"THERE you are! See? I told ya wouldn't get far. Now, let's go home little mouse.~"

After a few hours of struggling, he ended up dragging her by her legs across the forest floor back to their home. She cried and screamed out for help, for anyone that could hear her.

CC became annoyed and angered by this and crushed her left leg in his hand. She let out an ear-piercing scream feeling intense pain.

She hopelessly cried and whimpered, "I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry......I'm sorry..."

He sighed heavily hearing her pathetic cries, the fearful entity picked her up bridal style and walked towards the mall, "Consider that as your punishment, but I forgive you. I could have done something much worse to're going back in the dog cage."

She hugged him whimpering and shivered from the pain coursing through her body.

He doesn't care about any of that she's doing, this is a lesson she needs to learn and he couldn't care less about how much she begs him to let her out of the room.

As he said, he could have done something much worse than just crushing her leg.

Maybe next time she'll think about running off when he's hunting for food.

I had to get this Cartoon Cat thing out of my system.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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