The Stalker

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My daily routine goes as shows, Wake up, get ready for the night shift at work, and don't be late. Sometimes I really hate my manager, he's always pressuring me to be to work on time because he is always tired of waiting for a few minutes for me to get there. No one asked him to keep the store open at night but apparently, he cares more about the profits and the store's reputation than his employees.

There used to be two of us working on the night shift but the other employee quit as soon as our manager came in that 5 'o'clock in the morning night. They looked terrified and were yelling out about something or someone was watching them from out of the store, they felt they were going to die that night if it wasn't for the police that came in to check up on them.

And all they could ever go on about was ███ ████.

The whole thing was on camera but my manager just erased the footage telling me not to tell a single soul about what happened that night, he hates bringing it out to corporate and the court.  

My manager is a real pain sometimes.

I tied my (h/l) (h/c) in a ponytail and looked over my uniform which consisted of the store's shirt logo, blue jeans, and comfortable sneakers that were easy to walk around in and won't hurt my feet from standing too much.

I grabbed my keys that had my house and car connected to the same key chain, my phone,  and my small backpack that had my Linner (Lunch and dinner) and other things. Sometimes if I'm lucky, I can listen to music on the job. 

That's only if my manager is in a good mood.

I left my apartment and walked downstairs to my car and saw a hooded figure five feet away from the parking lot...

What should I do?

Ask if they're okay?

What are they doing here out in the cold night?

Demand to know why they are just standing there?

Or just ignore it?

I chose the latter and got into my car, turn the key in the ignition as BTS started to play through my radio, I passed the hooded figure and enjoyed a solo ride to the convenience store that was out in the middle of nowhere.

Why would he choose that spot of all places?

I mean there's nothing but forestation and long winding roads to whatever destination, anything could happen. But I don't consider the night shift to be dangerous, the only thing that is dangerous about the night shift is the Karens when they can't get another item for free.

Once I saw the store in sight, I parked my car in the back and opened the back door walking through the storage room and then to the employees' room on the left in the hall, "Where have you been!? I've been waiting for fifteen minutes! You're late! Why are you always late!?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and sighed, "I'm sorry, I overslept." I apologized but he only sneered at me.

"Don't tell me you're sorry unless you are paralyzed from the waist down or have a chronic illness that prevents you from coming to work on time! People have lives you know, do better at getting to work on time, (Y/n)!" he scolded me.

I clenched my fists at my sides before I had put away my small (Favorite anime) backpack in my locker, "I will do better sir."

"You better." He said coldly before slapping a piece of paper in my hands, "I want the front of the store swept, put the items that are behind the counter in the basket back in their proper places, trash the baked goods they've gone stale, and sweep out the parking lot while picking up any trash you see. I will check and see if you did them all. Don't half-ass it, (Surname)." he said while getting his coat and keys.

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