Chapter - 32

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Recap: Raghav and Malini spend weekend together.


The weekend was blissful for Raghav and Malini. Both were now waiting for their 100th day of wedding to propose each other. Each day their equation was growing enormously and were on cloud nine. Raghav happily left to office after instructing Malini to be safe when she is out for shopping and to call him once she is back.  He was too energetic after the weekend. He was thinking deeply to plan his proposal. He made a list of ideas and shotlisted a few. Before he could finalize the perfect one his MD called him to his cabin.

Raghav: good morning sir.

MD: Good morning Raghav. I called you to invite you for the party this friday. Very imprtant party Raghav. Special guest will be there and special anoucement personally and offically will be made that day so please make sure you attend that party and without fail take your wife.

Raghav got disappointed as friday was their 100th wedding day and he wanted propose her but now his MD has called him for an important party and wanted his presence without fail. He couldn't show his disappointment so he gave a smile to him.

Raghav: Sure sir. I will make for it.

MD: I will mail you the invitation. We are getting new collaboration to take our company to new heights and our new partner will also be joining this party. I have recommended few of our employees to them and you are in the top list.

Raghav: Thank you sir.

Raghav Mv: Leave potu day time propose pannitu evening party ku polama ( shall I apply leave and spend day with Malini and then join the party in the evening ?)

MD: I will be busy with the guest through out the day on official meet so please make your presence in office early incase I need some information you may have to help me. You can leave early and join the party.

Raghav Mv: Vechutanya aappu...seri yosippom. ( damn he spoiled ... fine let me think)

Raghav: My pleasure sir. I will do.

He came back to his cabin and plopped on his chair running his finger through his hair in frustration.

Raghav: what will I do now ?. Whatever, I must make the day special and I will surely do it.

He checked his list but none now suited for the time he has got on that day. Frustrated on his plans getting spoiled he went to have coffee and he saw Thendral there in the cafeteria.

Thendral: Hello Raghav how are you ?

Raghav: fine... what are you doing here?

Thendral: I m here for the meeting on new collaboration and for the party too.

Raghav: hmm ok.

Thendral: I will be here for some days. Can you help me I m new to this place?

Raghav: I m myself new Ms. Thendral. Please check with some one else.

Thendral: hmm. How is your wife?

Raghav: she is fine. thank you. Excuse me I m returning to my work.

He was now even more agitated and left without even getting coffee. He returned to his cabin and opened Malini's photo in his laptop and kept staring at her, his only solace who could give him peace just looking at her face.

Raghav: Malu, love u so much. Can't wait to come back to you. 

His notification popped with a new mail from his MD. He opened and saw the invitation and the timing of the party. He called the surprise event planners to help him . He gave him his address and asked their ideas and shared his too with them. Finally he decided on decorating their terrace to make the day special with their help.

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