Chapter - 34

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Recap: Raghav and Malini arrive for the party and it turns to be party for Tara and Vineet


Malini walked out of the washroom but a strong hand suddenly pulled holding her wrist. Malini winced in pain and turned to see Vineet holding her hands. she tried to yank but his grip was too tight.

Malini: How dare you hold my hand. Leave me or you will face your death today.

Vineeth: Malini looks like you were really enjoying life with your so called friend isn't it?

Malini: Yes and how does that bother you and congrats soon to be father.

Vineet: Yes, what did you think, I will pace around like devdass after you married him and cheated me?

Malini: Cheated you? Oh my god Mr. How do you even say I cheated you ? 

Vineeth: You loved me and ditched me you slut

Malini: That's a joke you know. When did I love you? Did I ever go on date with you, did I ever accepted your gifts, did I ever let you pay for the snacks I ate along with you, did I ever had long night talks, did I ever let you lay your nail on me,did I ever introduce you to my friends or Raghav because you know I never fail to introduce the important person of my life to Raghav even if it is a dog which I get attracted.

You were fool that you believed I was in love with you. What did you think that I never knew your bet with your friends to trap me in your poisonous love web and loose myself to you? You are fool Mr. Vineet and I just played the game back to you. 

Vineet's face fell on hearing her confession but he didn't want give his pride and stood as if not bothered.

Vineeth: If you didn't love me why did you message me to meet on the night before your marraige and why did your so called friend told me wait for you to convince your parents?

Malini: I didn't want my parents to suffer for any of your foolishness or gossips in the wedding hall so Raghav spoke to you and I knew you were a fool but you were the king for the kingdom of fools. How didn't you get the clue when I never made any call to you after marriage. You are a jerk and now leave me else you will pay high for it.

Vineeth: You were right. I never loved you and that was all just acting for the bet with my friends. You are a cunning bitch married to that b*******d

Malini forcefully removed her hands and slapped him hard on his cheeks.

Malini: Tholachiduven I I will kill you ). Whom do you call b******d, I will kill you. 

Vineeth: Ennaye adikuriya? ( Dare you to slap me ?)

He gritted his teeth and strangled her neck with his hand. Raghav who waited for Malini came in search of her and saw Vineet hurting Malini he rushed over and kicked him and vineet fell on the floor. Raghav punched him non-stop. Malini watched Raghav punching him.

Malini: Raghav avana vidu come lets go. 

Malini pulled Raghav back and he turned to her and checked her neck which had bruises which raised his anger again. He turned and kicked him again.

Vineeth: Hey you touched the wrong know I m your boss remember I will make your life hell and make you beg to me and you Mrs.Bitch who will love you ? Yedho he married you so nee thapichita

Raghav gave a slap immediately to him.

Raghav: Another word about her then I wil make sure you walk without your legs intact. Just for the sake of your unborn child I m leaving you. Don't mess with us again and I don't want a job with you.I quit and you will receive my resignation letter by mail.

Married to my best Friend (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ