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(This chapter is all Rue which will be explained ofc following Rue's narration, ps ily all.)

She wont remember any of this, but Laurie got Maya hooked on Heroin. Along with loads of other bullshit, not like regular addiction. She made Maya's body become solely reliant on these drugs. These dangerous drugs that weren't far from killing her.

Maya wasn't even a person anymore. She was a shell. She barely knew what the fuck was going on around her. Laurie did this to get me back. She did it to show me I'd fucked up. I fucked up and my best friend had to pay the price. For the time I wasn't aware, I had managed to convince myself she was okay and she was just visiting some family or something on a fucking vacation.

Anyway, before we get emotional...
After the play a load of shit went down and when I say loads I mean Maddie V Cassie and a whole bunch of shit with Ash and Fez which I wasn't even fucking aware of. But that night I went home and lay with Gia. And we spoke and I felt so fucking happy. I felt peace.

Elliot was quicker than me with realising something wasn't quite right. He had texted Maya a bunch of times and she hadn't responded. He didn't care what the reason was he just knew he had to see her even if she was mad at him (which she wasn't)

So he did the only logical thing.

He went to her house. He knocked on the door and Maya's mom's boyfriend answered.

"Oh my god.. you must be Bundy. Hi, I'm Elliot." He introduced himself like an absolute fucking idiot.

"Hi, well you already know who I am I'm guessing." Ted joked. It was shitty attempt at acting like Maya's bundy joke wasn't getting to him.

"Im here for Maya." He smiled. Not aware of what he was about to be confronted with.

"Oh she's not here. I think she's staying at her friends house. HONEY WHAT'S MAYA'S FRIENDS NAME AGAIN?"

"RUE" maya's mom shouted back.

Elliot furrowed his eyebrows but nodded before pulling out his phone and then texting me.

Snake - Maya at ur place?

I ignored it.

Snake - ik u hate me but it's important.

Fuck you read receipts.

Rue - she's not.

That's when Elliot became even more suspicious.

Snake - call me.
Snake - it's about Maya.

I didn't hesitate to answer his call when I knew it was regarding my best friend. He told me the situation and confusion flooded me too because Maya was not the type to run away. And me and Elliot had kind of fixed things. Kind of.

"What do we do?" I asked, ignoring the pit in my stomach. We had asked everyone at this point, Maddie, Kat, Lexi. Everyone.

"We need to tell her mom."

And when we did, all hell broke loose.

So now here we were, me and Elliot sat with Maya's mom, Ted and 2 police officers. At the time we didn't bother telling anyone else that Maya was missing, knowing it wouldn't help anyone if everyone was here panicking.

"You mean to tell me you aren't going to go find her? Right fucking now?" Maya's mom spoke with a dangerous clipped tone, like she was about to blow. The tall, chubby officer named ... Alec what kind of fucking name- anyway, Alec squirmed in his seat on the couch before leaning forward and saying,

"It hasn't even been 10 hours yet. She may have ran away and if that's the case she's more than likely going to come back when she realises what she's doing."

Wow. That was the most ignorant fucking thing I'd heard all day. I sighed, pushing my hair out of my face before turning to Elliot to see him lost in thought. His eyes blank and cloudy as if he wasn't even in the room.

"I don't give a damn how long it has or hasn't been. I'll be at the station from now until fucking dusk if it means you get off your ass and look for my child."

Honestly, I was really proud. I know Maya would've loved this, that's when it hit me. Maya was missing... maya was .. gone.

"Sir if you can help your wife keep some composure I understand this is a difficult time-" Ted cut Alec in as the other lousy officer leaned back watching.

"With all due respect [he squinted his eyes to make out the name] Alex [mispronounced on purpose]  you will not come in here and ask me to help a concerned, scared to death mother stay composed. We'll be at the station within the next hour. You should leave."

I didn't know this at the time but Fez and Ash's house had been raided. Not like last time though, actual fucking gun shots involved. Turns out Cluster was a big ass fucking snake.

Elliot ran his fingers through his hair before getting up and walking out so I followed him. "Rue please I need a little fucking space." he mumbled. He was scared.

"I'm scared too Elliot but you can't go off smoking the worlds supply of weed right now." I stated. His eyes pleaded with mine. I could see it clear as day on his face.
let me do drugs. please rue. don't tell anyone.

I sighed before walking over to him as he slid his arms around me, shaking.

"I've got a really bad fucking feeling." he whispered. Me too, I thought. But I kept that to myself knowing it would only install more fear in him.

I sent out a few prayers for Maya that day, Ali prayed, Lexi prayed, we all did. I slept listening to the playlist she sent me, trying my best to think positive. She was going to be okay.

But I was so wrong. And before I knew it, it had been weeks, everything passed in a blur. Her name became taboo in school, Elliot spent those few weeks out of school, probably getting high off his face trying to figure out what to do and the rest of us just continued like soulless shells.



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