Ch148 - Adorable

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Watching Liz with the kids was fun. I could see that they made her uncomfortable but she tried her best nonetheless. Alex and Allison had dozed off somewhere halfway during the movie but Liz was still watching in awe. It was as if she'd never seen a Disney movie before.

Her focused gaze brought a small grin to my lips which quickly disappeared after thinking back. The kids obviously didn't know what they were asking but it still stung.

I hated myself for such a long time after I'd put Paige into the danger that ended up killing her. And now Liz does the same to herself. I know that I can't keep her from doing dangerous things, she's too stubborn for that, but I can't help but worrying that she'll end up the same as my other girlfriends; dead.

Liz is strong. And yes she's been through a lot, it's just that some times that isn't enough. No one is immortal. No one can escape death.

Maybe I just attract danger. Maybe it's just my fault that they all end up dead. It had to be. And judging by Liz's choices so far, she'll end up the same way.

She can't! Maybe I should tell her. I trust her enough to tell her about them. I know she won't freak out when she'd hear about my exes, she never freaks out.

My eyes were glued on her as she continued to watch Lilo and Stitch.

I decided to be useful and stood up. As soon as I'd moved, Liz's eyes were on me. Watching but staying silent, like she always does.

"I'm just gonna take the kids to bed." I whispered knowing that she could hear me. She nodded and jumped to her feet as well. I should've known that Liz would want to help. "I've got it. You watch the end of Lilo and Stitch."

she smiled appreciatively and sat back down while I made my way over to Alex and lifted him up. I tried my best not to wake them up as I brought them to their room but Allison was harder to manage. As soon as I'd put her in bed, she opened her eyes and yawned.

"Where's mommy?" she asked with sleepy eyes.

"She's not back yet."

"Oh... Where's Lwiz?"

"She's still in the living room." I answered while I sat next to her.

"Oh..." she replied with a new yawn. "I can't sweep."

"You just woke up and you're still tired. I'm sure you can sleep." But Allison disagreed and shook her head profusely. "Okay. How do you go to sleep?" I sighed.


Derek had been gone for longer than I'd thought he would be. The movie, that had already been nearing the end when he left, was rolling the credits.

I got up and grabbed the remote off the table. There were loads of buttons on it. The one I knew how to use was, as with most remotes, positioned on the top; the power button. I'd never been a big fan of TV anyway. All I really knew of the remote was how to turn it off to clean up after a certain someone's ass.

I sighed in frustration and decided just to push the off button. Someone would eventually find it anyway if I'd done something wrong. The screen dimmed until it was fully black and stopped buzzing.

Now where the fuck did you go, Derek?

I hadn't even realized that I'd sniffed the air until the thought 'Too many scents' crossed my mind. No, stop it. I'm normal now. I'm not hunting Derek down. I don't need to depend on my werewolf side so much anymore.

The next few days I should focus on being human. And just that, human.

I took a deep breath and wandered around. Derek had left to put Alex and Allison to sleep so I should check on them first.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now